Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 429: Battle Water Demon (Part 1)

The sky is gloomy and heavy, without a trace of starlight or moonlight.

There was darkness all around.

In this dark environment, from time to time there are a few skewed strange trees.

There was not even a single leaf on these trees, and the bare branches stretched out in the dark, giving a twisted feeling.

Carter Shrei shook his head and said, "Three hundred years ago, this place is still the same as before. It has never changed."

Johnny glanced at Carter in the darkness in surprise, and said, "So, you have lived for three hundred years?"

"In theory, the evil spirit knight is immortal. As long as the **** fire in your body is not extinguished. It's just that I have been suppressing the **** fire in your body for so many years, and I have almost never transformed. So there is a large part of the **** fire. Has been expelled from my body. The remaining trace of hellfire is only enough for me to transform this time."

Carter Shrei said in a relieved tone.

Over the years, he has been waiting for such an opportunity to completely destroy the scroll while seeing other ghost knights grow up.

Today, it's finally time.

San Van Gonzal is very large, and they are still far from the center of San Van Gonzal.

This is a small forest on the edge of San Van Gonzal.

Since the fierce battle, this wood has been burned down.

But what is strange is that the remaining branches in the burned woods have not decayed during these three hundred years, but have remained the same as they were when they were just burned.

The three separated to find their way.

It took more than an hour to finally get out of this strange wood.

At this time, what appeared in front of them was a house destroyed by battle. Villages destroyed by battle.

It seems that in these three hundred years, almost no people or creatures have been here.

Everything here remains the same.

They walked through this ruined wall, and walked for more than four hours before they reached a place not far from the central temple of Saint Dan Gonzal.

At the same time, in that temple.

The Black Heart Demon was about to tie up Luo Shan when he suddenly heard footsteps coming from a short distance outside.

Although the footsteps are quiet, he is the black heart demon, the son of the great demon Mephisto, and his perception ability is far beyond the wind demon and other mobs.

He immediately stopped his movements and said to the water monster: "You go and stop them."

The water demon smiled awkwardly, and said, "Me? The wind demon and the earth demon were all planted into their hands. I'm afraid I can't?"

"What can't it? The wind demon and the earth demon do not understand their opponents at all. It is strange to attack and win. Look, there is a circle of artificial lakes around the temple. Isn't that your specialty? ?"

Hearing this, the water monster became slightly proud and said: "Maybe they are very strong, but in the water, no one is my opponent."

He walked slowly outside.

Although the three of Nakat Shlei and Lin Yiqiangni were looking for them separately, they all came to the artificial lake at almost the same moment.

Carter Shrei saw the artificial lake and exhaled for a long time, and said, "Found it."

Then he said to Lin Yi and Johnny: "In the middle of the artificial lake is the temple. The black heart will definitely wait for you in the statue. I will send you here. I am old and not their opponent. I will not give it. You are causing trouble."

Johnny looked at Carter Shrei and said sincerely, "Thank you."

Old Carter put on his cowboy hat again, waved to the two of them, then rode on his horse, did not transform into a ghost rider, and slowly disappeared into the darkness.

After the two people waited for Carter's figure to disappear, they turned their heads again and looked at the temple in the darkness.

It was already more than three o'clock at night.

At this time, San Van Gonzal was on the summer solstice, when the sun rose the earliest, and the sun would appear after five o'clock in the morning.

Johnny said, "We are running out of time."

After the sun rises, they will become normal humans.

At that time, it is impossible to deal with the black heart demon.

The two walked along a path in the center of the lake towards the temple.

There are still crooked branches on both sides of this path.

From time to time, their clothes would be caught by those branches. Lin also always felt that these branches were controlled by some kind of force, pulling their clothes all the time, preventing them from moving forward.

There was no leaf on the water, but the smell of rotting leaves came.

When Lin Yi looked down occasionally, he saw a human skull slowly dangling under the water.

He was startled, and when he took a closer look, he found that it was not a skull at all, but many.

It looks like thousands of skulls are slowly sinking and floating under the lake.

It turned out that thousands of people who died in the battle had their heads cut off. Their heads were thrown into the lake.

If those resentful souls were still here, it is estimated that this place would have become a **** on earth.

Fortunately, the Wraiths were collected and all sealed in the soul scroll.

They continued on along the path.

This path is not a straight line, but it goes around in the lake like a maze.

In such a water maze, they walked around for nearly an hour before reaching the surface of the water not far from the temple.

It seems that if you walk more than 20 steps forward, you will go ashore.

However, at this moment, Lin Yi's side of the water suddenly stretched out a skeleton arm.

The skeleton's arm grabbed Lin Yi's ankle, and Lin Yi was cold-hearted and was pulled directly into the lake.

At the foot of Johnny in front of him, a skeleton arm also appeared, grabbing his ankle, and dragging him into the lake.

Lin Yi only felt that the lake was freezing and biting, and he couldn't help but shiver twice.

But what was colder than the lake was the icy feeling on the skeleton arm on his ankle.

He felt that when he was grasped at the ankle by the skeleton arm, the ankle was numb from the cold and completely lost consciousness.

And the feeling of numbness began to expand upward.

His entire calf, thigh, and lower body have lost consciousness.

And in front of him a pale face appeared.

Not only was this face pale, but it also looked like it had been soaked in water for too long, and it was much swollen than normal.

And half of his face is covered with long, so it is hard to see its face.

On the other hand, Johnny encountered almost exactly the same situation as Lin Yi.

He also struggled constantly in the water.

And in the water came a reverberating voice like from a loudspeaker: "No need to struggle, as long as you are in the water, none of you can escape."...


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