Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 525: Widow sister

Since the system didn't say anything, Lin Yi could only find the answer by himself.

But before searching, he had one thing to do: try his Six-Medition Excalibur.

In reality, he would only use less swords.

But for the other five sword auras of the Six Meridian Divine Sword, he does not know any of them.

Lin is also looking forward to those five sword qi.

It's hard to get it now, so naturally I want to try.

Thinking of this, he stretched out his right thumb first.

With a slight concentration in my heart, I felt that a wave of bio-energy condensed in the stomach, then passed through the stomach, reached the lungs, and then passed through a meridian, running to the right thumb.

At the next moment, a fiery red energy shot out from the left index finger.

This energy was five times thicker than the previous Shaochong Sword, as thick as an arm.

An instant across dozens of meters, hit a huge boulder as high as one person.


The huge rock suddenly exploded.

Lin Yi was surprised and delighted.

According to the description of Liumai Shenjian, the right thumb is the Shaoshang sword. The characteristic is that the sword road is strong, like a stone breaking the sky, and the wind and snow are violent.

He didn't give his full strength just now, but he used the Shao Shang Jian casually, and he was so powerful.

My thumb is awesome!

Then, I tried my index finger.

The index finger is a Shangyang sword, which is ingenious, flexible and elusive.

Lin Yi used this Shang Yang sword to cut horizontally and vertically, turning left and right around. Sure enough, it is very flexible.

To deal with the enemy with this kind of swordsmanship, the enemy is completely embarrassed, only to be beaten.

Next, he tried the Chong Sword in the middle of his right middle finger, Guan Chong Sword in the ring finger of his right hand, and Shao Ze Sword in the little finger of his left hand.

Each sword qi has its own characteristics.

Only the Shaoze sword with the little finger of the left hand and the Shaochong sword with the little finger of the right hand seem to have similar characteristics.

After a few simple attempts, Lin Yi felt that one third of the energy in his body had been consumed.

This six-channel magic sword consumes energy, and it is true.

Then he looked at the surrounding mountains, jumped up, and soon came to the top of the mountain, and looked around.

I saw mountains all around.

And this small stream circulates around two mountains and merges into a big river.

Under the sun, the big river, like a shiny jade belt, has been flowing out of the mountains.

It bypassed a town not far from the mountain.

The town is backed by the mountain and facing the river, which is a good place to go.

Lin Yi immediately went down the mountain, along the stream, down the river.

After walking for a while, I remembered that I seemed to have overlooked something.

He immediately said to the system: "System, let the widow sister come out."

Before the words fell, a dark shadow suddenly fell in the air.

When landing, an somersault, his left hand propped on the ground, half kneeling on the ground. With his right hand stretched out, his head raised, he looked around vigilantly.

The system said: "How is this appearance animation done?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Not bad."

The black shadow is not someone else, but the black widow.

She is wearing a black tights, which outlines her figure very attractively.

Lin Yi couldn't help but feel a little eager to see such a figure.

Seeing that it was Lin Yi, the widow sister suddenly smiled and said, "Lin? Why did I suddenly appear here? Where is this?"

Lin Yi said: "Don't be nervous, I also appeared here suddenly. Let's look around first to see what the place is."

The widow sister nodded and looked around warily.

After a while, I felt that there was no danger in the surrounding area, and then said, "It seems there is no danger here. Lin Yi, it feels great to be with you."

Lin Yi said: "If someone can talk, you won't be lonely."

As he said, he took the widow sister and walked down the stream.

Because he didn't know where it was, Lin Yi walked cautiously.

After about half an hour, they walked along the creek to the edge of the big river.

This big river is also crystal clear, flowing slowly.

If you look closely, you can see fish and shrimps swimming slowly in the river.

After another half an hour, they came to that small town.

I saw this small town named Bujia Town.

People's life in the town looks peaceful and peaceful.

Lin Yi secretly praised: "It's a paradise."

These townspeople are all wearing ancient clothes. Obviously, this plane should be in ancient China.

When those people saw Lin Yi and the black widow's strange dress, especially when they saw the black widow's strange but beautiful face, they all whispered suspiciously.

"These two people are strange."

"Yes, they have never seen the clothes they wear."

"Should be a foreigner?"

"I have traveled to many places in the past two years, and I have seen many foreigners. But I have never seen them dressed up like this. Especially the look of that woman, I have never seen it."

Lin also ignored the doubts of these people, and planned to ask questions and inquire about the situation.

At this moment, the people on the road ahead suddenly separated to the two sides.

Someone shouted: "Quickly let in, let's go quickly."

Then more than a dozen people rode high-headed horses to open the way, and their clothes are embroidered with a word: step!

Seeing this word, Lin Yi already guessed which plane it was.

Behind those people, a carriage followed.

However, the carriage was not seated in people, but pulled a wooden box about one foot long and three feet wide.

Lin also used biological tracking to detect it and found a black oval-shaped boulder in the box.

And when the carriage passed by him, he felt that the temperature around him seemed to drop a few degrees in an instant.

When the carriage drifted away, someone said, "What is the Bu family pulling?"

"Who knows, anyway, we can live here steadily, relying on the Bu family to guard one side. So we still don't inquire about them."

Of course, there was that talkative saying: "I heard that the Bu family accidentally discovered a sacred stone a few days ago."

"Yes, it is said that that sacred stone was a stone left over when Nuwa was mending the sky."

"This should be the rock, right?"

"The Bu family pulled this stone back, what are they going to do?"

"With the temper of the family, what do you say you can do?"

"Forge a sword!"

"That's natural. The Bu family has always made a living by making swords. This time I have such a treasure. It's not strange if I don't use it to make swords."


Among the people's discussions, Lin Yi had already determined which plane it was.

He asked the person next to him: "This big brother, is there a Bujiazhuang on this mountain?"


The man looks honest.

Lin Yi immediately turned around and said in English to the black widow next to her: "Widow sister, let's go to Bujiazhuang above."

The widow sister is completely unfamiliar with this place, and she doesn't even understand the language here, so naturally she has no objection.

"What you say is what you say."

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