Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 526: Kamiko

Upward from Bujia Town, a spacious and clean road paved with bluestone winds up towards the mountain.

Wild flowers bloom on both sides of the road, and the fragrance is refreshing.

Lin Yi and the black widow walked up the mountain along this path.

Half an hour later, he came to Bujiazhuang on the top of the mountain.

In this step, the family house takes sword-making as its career.

The development has been very prosperous over the past ten years.

When Lin Yi and Black Widow came to the door, the door was closed.

Lin Yi knocked on the door, and after a while, the heavy door opened.

An old butler in his sixties came out, took a close look at Lin Yi and the black widow, and asked, "The two are..."

Lin Yi said: "I, Lin Yi, a **** fortune teller, came to visit the owner."

Among these planes in ancient times, the fortune teller was still the best eater, so Lin Yi could only pretend to be a stick again.

"God fortune teller? Lin Yi? Old and ignorant, never heard of such a name on the rivers and lakes."

The old man was a little confused.

Lin Yi smiled indifferently, and said, "As soon as today is over, you will be the first person to know the name of God fortune teller."

Based on his decades of experience in reading people, the old man felt that Lin was a swindler.

Immediately he said: "Sorry, there is something important in the village today, and I will not accept visitors. Your Excellency will come back another day."

Say it will close the door.

Lin Yi lightly tapped the heavy door with a finger, and the old man's door could no longer be closed.

He is also a martial artist, and his kung fu is not weak, and he is also powerful.

Now he did his best but couldn't reach Lin Yi's finger, which shocked him very much.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "The important thing in the village, but Heihan?"

When the old man heard it, his heart shook slightly.

Heihan is a treasure, and currently only the people in Bujiazhuang know it, and there may be a few people in Bujia Town who know it, but because the news is very short, it is almost impossible for outsiders to know.

These two are obviously not from Bujia Town, how could they know?

Lin Yi struck the iron while it was hot and said: "From my calculation, the owner is going to use this black cold to create an unprecedented sword, a unique sword."

When the old man heard this, his eyes widened, and he looked at Lin Yi in disbelief.

Just now, the wife asked the owner what kind of sword he planned to cast after getting Heihan.

The owner replied: "It must be a wonderful sword, as for the name, I haven't thought about it yet."

The lady said: "Why not call it a peerless sword, how about it?"

The owner said: "A peerless sword? Okay, then it's called a peerless sword!"

This name was just decided, how could this outsider know it?

Thinking of this, the old man was shocked again, and looked at Lin Yi suspiciously, and said, "You are... the first physician of the rivers and lakes, the mud bodhisattva?"

When Lin Yi heard these three words, he had already determined that this plane was the plane of "Feng Yun I Dominates the World".

Having determined this plane, Lin Yi became more confident.

He said: "Nud Bodhisattva? He can be regarded as an insight into the secrets of heaven, but he can't understand his own destiny. Compared to my **** fortune teller, it seems that he is not enough for the fire."

Lin Yi is not blowing this. In this plane, the mud bodhisattva is indeed considered a fortune, but compared to a person who has seen the situation more than five times, it is still a bit worse.

The old man hesitated for a moment and said: "Then wait a moment, I'll report to the owner."

Said and closed the door.

The black widow doesn't understand Chinese. She asked Lin Yi what she had just said, and Lin Yi said the answer to the old butler.

The black widow said: "So, have we really traveled through time and space?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "I think so."

The Black Widow was not surprised, after all, she had already seen a wormhole during the New York war.

The two chatted for a few more words, the door opened again, and the old butler said, "The owner has invited two."

"Thanks a lot."

Lin Yi thanked him and followed the old housekeeper into the door.

After closing the door, the old housekeeper said while leading the way: "In the past, our Bujiazhuang always opened the door and did not reject visitors. But today, because of the important matter, we closed the door. Please forgive me."

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "It's fine."

Soon, the old butler led Lin Yi and the black widow to the living room.

Bu Qingtian, the owner of Bujiazhuang, was already sitting there waiting.

Beside him, there is a boy about six or seven years old.

She looked very cute, but she didn't have the innocence that any child should have on her face, but she had a cold look.

Lin Yi looked at the child carefully and said, "This is the young boss Bu Jingyun, right?"

Bu Qingtian is also a bold man, but when he looks at Bu Qingtian, his eyes are full of love.

He said: "Yes, this is the dog Bu Jingyun. I heard the butler said that you are a fortune teller, can you calculate the fate of the dog?"

Lin Yi pretended to indulge for a moment, and secretly calculated the age of stepping and the time period of the development of the movie plot, and said: "At most 13 years, after 13 years, the young villager will become a man of the world and influence the world. fate."

Bu Qingtian was overjoyed when he heard it.

Although I'm not sure whether Lin Yi's calculation is accurate or, everyone loves to hear good things.

He laughed loudly and said, "Mr. Jiyan. If my son can really become a man of the world, I can comfort my life's ambitions. If my husband is really fortunetelling, can you calculate my destiny in Bujiazhuang?"

Lin Yi pretended to calculate for a while, and replied: "If Bujiazhuang is to be safe, you must give up casting a great sword. Otherwise, the day the sword becomes successful is the time when Bujiazhuang is destroyed."

Bu Qingtian's heart shuddered.

He believed only 30% of Lin Yi's words.

If the mud bodhisattva said it, he would definitely believe it, and maybe he would immediately give up on sword making.

But a person who had never heard of it suddenly appeared in Zhuang Zhong and said that he was a fortune teller. He also said that Bujiazhuang would be in trouble.

Isn't this the usual trick of bluffing?

First say you will have a big problem, and then say that he can solve it, and then let you get the money.

Thinking of this, Bu Qingtian laughed and said: "How can we control life and death. My father left a legacy and said that if we want to revive my Bujiazhuang, we must cast an unprecedented good sword. The husband is born in humans. In the world, if you forget your father’s last lesson, wouldn’t it make people laugh? I must cast this peerless sword."

Lin Yi shook his head and sighed: "A great sword, one cast for three years. After three years, I see the difference."

He said he wanted to leave.

Bu Qingtian frowned slightly, then let it go, and said, "Mr. I'm afraid I don't know about casting swords. A good sword, although it needs to be carefully cast, the longer the better. But it is just an ordinary good sword. . And the more extraordinary the exquisite sword, it is often a flash of light, occasional skill. The casting time is not that long."

"Oh? Really? Then let's wait and see."

Lin Yi smiled and shook his head, and moved to leave.

(End of this chapter)

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