Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 529: Fighting

At this time, the mud bodhisattva did not see through the world as it did ten years later.

Especially when he saw another kid who had the same insight into heaven as himself, playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong, he couldn't bear it.

Of course, Lin Yitong must be taught.

The mud bodhisattva said: "Since you claim to be a **** fortuneteller, today we will come to the competition. If you can beat me, I will admit that you are a **** fortuneteller. Otherwise..."

Lin Yi didn't wait for him to finish, so he interrupted: "Why do I have to admit it?"

When the mud bodhisattva heard this, he couldn't answer.

At least, in the debate, he is not Lin Yi's opponent.

After thinking about it, he said: "Then you dare not?"

Lin Yi smiled indifferently, and said, "Although you don't have to admit it, it's quite interesting to compare with the No. 1 God of the Rivers and Lakes. Let's talk, how to compare?"

The mud bodhisattva thought a little, and said: "The world will help the lord of the world to come to Leshan Town, to fight with the Northern Drinking Knife Nie Renwang. You can figure it out, what is the result? If it matches what I have calculated, then you are counted as you I'm still a little bit capable."

Lin Yi smiled and replied: "This Yizhier. The two of them will have a battle soon. Because King Nie has already hid the snow drink with a mad knife, the two fight with bamboo. They made a bet, if If the male tyrant prevails, he will choose between Xueyin Kuangdao and Yan Ying. In the end, the bamboo sword of the male tyrant pierced the bamboo sword of King Nie, winning half a point, taking away the wife of King Nie, Yan Ying, the first beauty in the rivers and lakes. The king made an agreement to fight again in three years and asked him to take out the Snow Drinking Knife and fight with all his strength."

Lin Yi told the mud bodhisattva everything that he had acted in the movie.

When the mud bodhisattva heard Lin Yi's words, he was stunned.

The general result of Lin Yi's calculation is exactly the same as his calculation.

It's just that he just figured it out, knowing that Xiongba had won, and that Nie Renwang's wife belonged to Xiongba.

But he couldn't figure out the specific details inside.

He didn't know that the two were fighting with bamboo, he didn't know that Xiongba would set a three-year battle again, he didn't know that Xiongba wanted Nie Renwang to take out a snowy drink crazy knife to fight with him in three years.

The so-called divination, calculating fortunes, and calculating destiny is nothing more than understanding the laws of the changes of all things, and relying on these laws to calculate a general. Who is so good that they can figure out the details one by one?

He didn't know. Lin also knew the details, and even knew exactly who said what at the time.

If he knew it, he would just surrender.

In astonishment, the mud bodhisattva finally recovered after a moment.

Although he already understood in his heart that Lin Yi's calculations were better than his, but how could he be willing to let him admit defeat?

There are still people watching.

He bit his head and said: "The result of your calculation is consistent with mine. But this does not mean that you are better than me. Just a test of your ability, and then it will be regarded as a real test."

Lin also didn't speak, but smiled faintly, looking at the mud bodhisattva.

The mud bodhisattva said: "You and I, each calculate the fate of the other, how about it?"

At this time, someone who was eating next to him spoke: "If you have all calculated the fate of the other party, and it's just a tie, how do you divide it?"

The mud bodhisattva smiled and said: "If he has calculated the fate of the other party, he will win. If he can't calculate my fate, but I have calculated his, then I will win."

Everyone nodded secretly, and in this way, it was considered that this divine operator took advantage.

As soon as the mud bodhisattva finished speaking, Lin Yi had already spoken: "The first divine form of the rivers and lakes has always believed that the one who knows the change does not occupy it, and the one who knows the change does not know it. Therefore, you never calculate your own destiny. But you have always treated yourself. Destiny is very curious, so I have to use my hand to figure out your destiny. This shows that you have acknowledged my divination ability."

Lin Yi said confidently.

After he finished speaking, the mud bodhisattva was stunned.

What Lin Yi said was all his thoughts.

Unexpectedly, this kid is not only proficient in divination, but also can guess exactly what people think.

This is the real divination.

The so-called fortune telling is not only about fortune-telling, but also an insight into the heart.

Only by combining numerology with the human mind, can we truly be counted.

The mud bodhisattva himself has a thorough understanding of the law of the changes of all things, but he still cannot really grasp the human heart.

Unexpectedly, this kid was so young that he would be able to perceive people's hearts, which made the mud bodhisattva a little ashamed.

But the matter has reached this point, and it cannot be compared.

He said: "You are right, I just want to use your hand to calculate my fate."

Everyone was surprised when they saw that this divine fortune teller could even calculate the mind of the mud bodhisattva.

Lin Yi said: "Actually, I have calculated your fate a long time ago. You and the male tyrant are close friends, and you have the male tyrant to hold you. Only you can quickly spread the title of the world's first miracle. He will give it to you Brought However, as the saying goes, success also dominates, failure also dominates... Alas, it's a pity that the world's first look..."

When the mud bodhisattva listened, his heart was cold.

He intuitively felt that Lin Yi's calculation was correct, and he had been with the tyrant for many years.

When they met, Xiongba was just an ordinary martial artist.

Now that he has become the gang leader of the world, he can quickly become the number one miracle of the arena with the domineering support.

Although he has never calculated his own destiny, the current hegemony is no longer the hegemony he used to be.

He regards human life as grass, and those who oppose it die, and those who obey it may not be able to live.

There are too many harms, and the hegemon will not end well.

And if he intersects with the tyrant, I am afraid it will not end well.

Lin Yi smiled and asked, "It's up to you to look like a god."

When Lin Yi reminded him of this, the mud bodhisattva came back to his senses and said, "I instinctively felt that your calculation was not bad, so I was a little lost. I will calculate your destiny."

Then he squinted his eyes slightly, his face showed his previous confidence and arrogance again-this is his usual look when calculating.

However, after a while, his eyebrows twitched slightly.

Then he squinted his eyes again, and kept pinching the five fingers of his right hand.

After another moment, his brows wrinkled tightly.

Opening his eyes, Lin Yi took a closer look.

Then he took out five copper coins, shook them in his hands for a while, and spilled them on the table.

Then, looking at the five copper coins, they were full of incense, and then he said without doubt: "Weird..."

Everyone around looked at the mud bodhisattva suspiciously.

Lin Yi smiled and asked, "Why did the gods say this?"

The mud bodhisattva looked Lin Yi up and down carefully, and finally shook his head, sighed, the arrogance between his brows had disappeared. Said: "You have won, fortune teller."

(End of this chapter)

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