Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 530: Young Nie Feng

When the mud bodhisattva said this, the people around were very puzzled.

The first look of the arena, really lost?

"I understand," said a person eating next to him. "As I said earlier, if the **** fortune teller can't calculate the fate of the mud bodhisattva, and the mud bodhisattva can calculate the fate of the **** fortune teller, it is considered to be a loss for the **** fortune teller. Zi has calculated the fate of the mud bodhisattva, so whether the mud bodhisattva can calculate the fate of the **** fortuneteller, it is regarded as the mud bodhisattva losing. Just now the **** fortune teller has calculated the fate of the mud bodhisattva and is already invincible. The Bodhisattva can only admit defeat."

"Well, you are right. But the fortune teller had already won just now, why did the mud bodhisattva still calculate for a long time? In the end, he said nothing."

"This...their thoughts of these living gods, who can we know?"

At this time, the mud bodhisattva lost half of his previous confidence and arrogance. Instead, he stared at Lin Yi in surprise: "I lost, but I lost it unclearly. I don't understand why I can't figure out you. Destiny? Since my debut, there has been nothing that cannot be calculated."

Lin Yi only looked at the mud bodhisattva with a smile, but smiled without answering.

He is not a person of this world, and the mud bodhisattva uses the law of change and development of this world to calculate Lin Yi's fate, which is naturally impossible to calculate.

Seeing Lin also laughed, the mud bodhisattva did not answer, so he stopped asking more questions.

Lin Yi asked the mud bodhisattva at this time instead: "After more than ten years, you will be trapped in the hands of the hegemon, and you may even be killed by the hegemon. Don't you ask about the solution?"

The mud bodhisattva gave a wry smile and said: "Everything has its own destiny, and non-manpower can be ears. Any solution is actually to change my life against the sky, and ultimately I will not end well. God wants me to die by the hand of a tyrant. Can you violate it?"

Lin Yi shook his head gently: "The first miracle of the rivers and lakes, he believed in numerology throughout his life, and was able to understand the secrets of heaven. But because of the understanding of the secrets of heaven, he was less brave and courageous. You only know the fate of people, heaven. It is doomed, but I don’t know that man will conquer the sky. Although the fate is doomed, if there is the determination to shake the sky, it is not immutable."

Lin Yi was so awesome that she admired herself a bit.

If it is an ordinary person, Lin Yi can easily be persuaded.

But he was facing the mud bodhisattva.

It is precisely because the mud bodhisattva has a thorough understanding of numerology and destiny, so he wants him to believe that man can conquer the sky, unless the pig can climb the tree.

Lin also stopped persuading too much.

Then Lin Yi said to the mud bodhisattva: "Shenzhen, make time to go to Shaolin to borrow the fire monkey. You have revealed too many secrets in this half of your life, and God will punish you. Before long, you will be covered with poisonous sores. Only Shaolin The fire monkey can take poisonous sores and relieve your pain a bit."

When the mud bodhisattva heard this, his heart shook again.

There was indeed a sore on his back.

However, after drinking the medicine prescribed by a famous doctor recently, the sore has disappeared.

He thought it was just an ordinary illness.

But Jing Lin also said so, that he remembered the words Master said when he first learned Yi Li: "Although Yi Li can know the destiny, it cannot be easily fortune-telling. If you leak too much heaven, you will be full of poison. Sores, pain to death."

He believed this sentence at first.

But after a long time, it was forgotten.

In addition, divination has brought him prestige and wealth, which made him swell and completely forgot what the master had said.

He didn't remember until Lin Yi said so.

He smiled bitterly again and said: "So, don't you have to go my way in the future?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Divine appearance, have you ever heard a word?"


"Out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements."

Lin Yi said.

The mud bodhisattva listened and looked at Lin Yi again.

What does it mean?

Could it be that he has surpassed the luck of numerology?

Then he thought that he could not figure out Lin Yi's fate just now, and he was even more surprised.

"That said, you have surpassed numerology and destiny?"

When I was talking about this, Lin Yi's food came up.

Lin Yi said anxiously, "I finally came up, I'm starving to death."

Said that he picked up the chopsticks and started to eat.

Seeing that Lin did not respond, the mud bodhisattva was puzzled and surprised. Finally, he glanced at Lin Yi and shouted: "Little Er, check out!"

When Xiao Er from the shop arrived, Ni Bodhisattva pointed to Lin Yi's table and said, "Close that table together."

Lin Yi was overjoyed when he heard this, and said, "Wait, I will add some more dishes."

Because there is not much money, the days have passed very tightly.

Someone invited me today, isn’t that a good meal?

The mud bodhisattva did not expect that a kid who understood the secret of heaven would take the opportunity to kill himself. But he didn't say anything, and threw it directly to Xiao Er.

At the same time, everyone around was amazed.

"The fortune teller is indeed a well-deserved reputation!"

"Even the No.1 Divine Formation Bodhisattva in the rivers and lakes has been defeated by the fortune teller, he is indeed an expert!"

"No, I have to let the fortune teller help me do some calculations."

"I also count me..."

The people around asked Lin Yi to help them fortune-telling.

Lin Yi ignored them and continued to eat.

The two family members witnessed the entire process of Lin Yi and the Ni Bodhisattva fight. They also worshipped Lin Yi at this One of them said: "Sir, it really is a **** operator. I want to ask, is there really no solution to our Bu's family?"

Lin Yi drank a sip of water and said, "I have said that if you want to avoid the disaster of blood and light, you must stop making swords. However, you will never stop making swords if you want to come. Therefore, there is no solution to this matter."

The two of them looked sad.

After thanking Lin Yi, he left soon.

The black widow next to her didn't know what Lin Yi was talking about with these people from beginning to end.

Lin Yi explained what happened just now to the Black Widow, and finally said: "You have to learn Chinese. We are in this world. We have to stay at least 13 or 4 years. It's not good if we don't know Chinese."

The black widow, who has always been confident in everything, turned her mouth playfully at this time and said, "I think it's easier for me to die."

The two said as they ate, it didn't take long for them to leave the restaurant after eating.

At this time, the people around who hadn't left just said one after another: "God fortune teller, just help me make a fortune?"

"Fortune-teller, you were eating just now, and we dare not disturb you. Now that the meal is finished, please help us do some calculations."

"Mythical fortune teller, I'll give you as much money as you want. I just ask you to help me figure it out."

This is a local tyrant.

"Scheme, you can win even the first appearance of the rivers and lakes. Please help me calculate how many wives can I marry in the future?"

Lin Yi glanced at those people and said, "I only count one trigram a day."

After speaking, slowly go downstairs.

Everyone can only regret.

After a while, someone suddenly remembered something was wrong: "No, he just calculated the battle between Xiongba and King Nie, and the fate of the bodhisattva. This is more than a trivial matter."

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