Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 531: Young Nie Feng

Besides, when Lin Yi went down to the restaurant, the black widow asked, "Where are we going now?"

Lin Yi replied, "It's not early today. Find a place to stay. We will meet King Nie again in the morning."

Hearing that the black widow was looking for a place to live, she glanced at Lin Yi and asked, "Should I open one room or two?"

Lin Yi smiled bitterly, without speaking.


[Half of the book is omitted here. 】

Early the next morning, the two were refreshed.

Along the mountain, it didn't take long to reach the bamboo sea in the middle of the mountain.

Looking around, I saw that the bamboo sea must be at least a few miles long and several miles wide. Looking around, it was full of emerald green.

The bamboo forest halfway up the mountain is even shrouded in a thin cloud.

I didn't expect that God would create such a bamboo forest, just like a fairyland outside the world.

The black widow was also very happy to see such a bamboo forest: "It would be great if I could live in such a place."

Lin Yi smiled and said: "That's simple, as long as King Nie doesn't mind, we will build a thatched cottage in this bamboo forest and live here, isn't it beautiful?"

Wandering in this bamboo forest, not long after, I saw a bamboo house in the bamboo forest.

In front of this bamboo house, a woman wearing a light veil was sitting there embroidering something.

This woman is really beautiful. Even compared to the black widow, it is not inferior.

The black widow is the warm and unrestrained interest of Westerners, while this woman has the charm of Easterners.

Especially when she wore a light gauze, it was full of temptation.

Seeing this woman, the black widow subconsciously compared herself with herself.

There was a faint sadness between the woman's expression.

But it doesn't look like a person in the bamboo forest.

Seeing that Lin Yi and Black Widow were not dressed like ordinary people, the woman asked, "You two are..."

Lin Yi said, "Presumably this is Yan Ying, who is known as the number one beauty in the rivers and lakes?"

When the woman heard of her previous name, there was a glimmer of joy across her face, but it was fleeting. She said: "That was just before, now I am just a one-price peasant woman."

The system cursed in Lin Yi's heart: "This special green tea bitch, how do you dress like a peasant woman?"

Lin Yi said, "I've heard of the name of King Nie, the Northern Drinking Knife, so I'm here to visit.

A glimmer of joy flickered between Yan Ying's eyebrows, but then was replaced by a glimmer of sadness: "That was before, and the current King Nie is just a farmer."

While I was talking, I heard footsteps and someone came back.

Lin Yi turned his head to look, and saw that there were two people, one big and one small.

The adult wears a hat on his head, a **** on his shoulder, and burlap sackcloth on his body.

The child is six or seven years old. He also wears a small hat on his head and a small **** on his shoulders. He looks very cute.

Lin Yi looked at the adult and said in his heart: "This is the real farmer."

Then he looked at the kid and said, "You are Nie Feng, right?"

The kid was not timid, and said broadly, "How do you know?"

"Not only I know, your name will spread throughout the rivers and lakes in more than ten years."

King Nie glanced at Lin Yi with a very bad tone: "I have retired from the world for several years and no longer participates in the world. In the future, my son will also be a farmer, and he will end his life in an ordinary but safe manner. Whatever you have I can't help you, please leave as soon as possible."

Lin Yi said with a smile: "Everything has already been settled. Why do you say that ordinary is ordinary? After all, Nie Feng will not be an ordinary person. The situation will meet and reset the universe. This is his mission."

Yan Ying over there heard Lin Yi's words, and a trace of joy flashed across her face again: "What you said is true?"

But King Nie said coldly to Lin Yi, "Who are you?"

"God fortune teller, Lin Yi."

Lin Yi smiled.

When King Nie heard the words "God fortune teller", his heart suddenly stunned.

When he went to the fields this morning, he met several farmers. They said that a **** fortune-teller appeared in the town yesterday, and even the mud bodhisattva was defeated in front of him. His magical power is really rare in the world.

Now that he heard these three words again, he couldn't help being surprised.

He said: "It turns out to be a fortune teller, then please come to your home to tell."

And Yan Ying was even more enthusiastic and said, "Please come in."

After entering the house, Xiao Niefeng poured a glass of water for Lin Yi and Black Widow.

The black widow touched Xiao Niefeng's head, took a sip, and said, "It's so sweet, what kind of water is this?"

Lin Yi translated her words to Nie Feng.

Nie Feng replied: "Spring water on the mountain."

Lin Yi said to King Nie: "The sword head of Nanlin cuts the commander, and the king of the north drink crazy knife Nie is the same name. Now the commander is still the head of the sword of Nanlin, but the king of Nie has become a farmer. Who can do that? think?"

King Nie smiled and shook his head: "That's just a fake name. I'm tired of fighting between the rivers and lakes and go back to the mountains. Now I'm just a farmer."

"It's a pity that you have the ambition of a farmer, and I am afraid that Mrs. Zun does not have the heart of a peasant woman.

Lin Yi glanced at Yan Ying, who was wearing a veil next to her.

Nie Ren Wang was taken aback, turned his head to look at Yan Ying.

Yan Ying also looked at King Nie and didn't speak.

King Nie frowned and said, "Earlier today, I also heard people mention the name of fortune-telling. My husband really has the power for fortune-telling. You just said that the dog Nie Feng happened more than a decade later, but is it true? "

"Naturally it is true."

Nie Renwang frowned again: "Is there a way to crack it?"

This is surprising, most people want their sons to be promising.

King Nie knew that his son would be promising in the future. Not only was he unhappy, he asked how to solve it.

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Although some people say that they can conquer the sky, there are many things that people cannot conquer the sky. For example, the water flows to a low place, and for example, everyone will die."

King Nie's expression darkened, and he looked at Nie Feng next to him.

The innocent and romantic Xiao Nie Feng also looked up at King Nie.

King Nie sighed and said, "If my son is really destined to be that kind of person, there is no way, let him. But, sir, the tyrant has come to Leshan Town recently. He must do it for me and Xueyin. Crazy Sword came. Is there any way to avoid this battle with him?"

"It should come will come after all, this battle is inevitable."

Then he looked at Yan Ying next to him deeply.

I said to myself, even if you want to avoid it, can your wife agree?

This is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Sure enough, Yan Ying next to him spoke: "Big brother, a man born in the heavens and the earth, how can he succumb to the mountains and forests? If the tyrant wants to fight, we will fight. What is the fear of him?"

Nie Renwang frowned and said, "You don't understand. Xiongba said, if I win, he will give the world to me. If he wins, he will be in the middle of you and Xueyin's crazy knife. Choose one."

Yan Ying listened, instead of worrying, she said with joy, "Isn't that right?"


[The blocked chapters have been released, so you can go and read them. However, it has been overhauled and it is quite different from the original version, which is a little regrettable. 】

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