Moreover, when the two of the preliminary family brought Lin Yi and Ni Bodhisattva's words to Bu Qingtian, the owner of Bujiazhuang, Bu Qingtian had thought about it for half a month.

His father's last wish was to cast a peerless sword, and his lifelong wish was to cast a peerless sword.

Now that he has finally obtained materials like Heihan, how can he not make swords?

Bujiazhuang is famous in the arena for its sword making. Nowadays, there are other treasures like Heihan. If it is not used for making swords, it can still be called Bujiazhuang?

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for him to stop casting the peerless sword.

However, both the fortune teller and the mud bodhisattva said that on the day the sword becomes successful, the Bu family will inevitably be bloody.

This made him very hesitant.

He can't help but think about the lives of Bu's family.

After thinking about it for half a month, he finally figured out a way.

A sword is not considered forged after the sword body is created.

Only after opening a forward can it be considered a real success.

Then he only created the sword body of a peerless sword, and did not open the front, so it would not be considered as a cast.

Wouldn't Bu's family be spared the blood and light disaster?

But how can a sword like a peerless sword not open its front?

Therefore, he used an ingenious casting method, so that this peerless sword can only be attacked when it encounters the blood of their father and son.

He felt that this perfectly deciphered the prophecy of "the day of sword success, the disaster of blood and light".

Before he knew it, the three-year period was about to expire, and Lin Yi guessed that King Nie was about to leave.

So he said to the black widow: "We have to stay in this world for ten years. In these ten years, I don't want to be inactive, I want to do something big."

He now has a great demand for evolution points.

And there are only a few powerful enemies on this plane. It is obviously not enough to swallow them.

So he must find a large number of enemies and devour them.

The best way to find a large number of enemies is to be the enemy of the world.

Therefore, if he is going to the world, he will be disgusting and domineering. It is best for him to order the whole world to chase him down.

Ever since, Lin also embarked on a journey of the greatest death in history.

Lin Yi said to the black widow: "You have learned Chinese now. Let's go out together. You are mainly responsible for collecting information."

The black widow said with joy: "I'm not good at farming and cooking, but collecting information is my specialty."

So the two came to the place where Nie Renwang retreat.

He didn't bother King Nie rashly. If he was interrupted at the critical juncture of breaking through, he would probably get confused.

Lin Yi first used biological tracking and found that King Nie was making a fire and cooking in the cave.

In general, those who are deep in movies and TV dramas sit cross-legged and motionless when they are in retreat.

After sitting like this for several years or even ten or twenty years, then it breaks through.

In fact, where there is such a god, they also have to eat and drink Lazarus.

Retreat is just to isolate them from the outside world, allowing them to concentrate on cultivation, not to say that they really become gods.

After finding out that King Nie was not cultivating, Lin Yi knocked on the door and said: "Brother Nie, I am Lin Yi, I brought Nie Feng over to see you."

Before the voice fell, the cave door had been opened.

When Nie Renwang saw Nie Feng, his eyes showed kindness, and he declared a little trembling, and said, "Feng'er, you are all this tall."


Nie Feng rushed to the side of King Nie, holding King Nie and not letting go: "Daddy, I miss you so much."

"Feng'er, Dad is not a good father, so you suffer."

"Daddy, the wind is not bitter. Brother Lin Yi and sister Natasha took good care of me. They also taught me to read and read."

King Nie stroked Nie Feng's head and turned to look at Lin Yi: "Thanks to you for taking care of Feng'er these three years."

"It's all neighbors, what are you polite?" Lin Yi said, "but you are about to leave the customs, and I have something to do. So now Feng'er will return it to you."

King Nie nodded and said, "The time for the appointment is approaching, and I am planning to leave."

Then he asked Lin Yi: "Since you are a fortuneteller, can you calculate it? What was the result of my battle?"

Lin Yi sighed and said, "Life and death are destiny, and precious is in heaven. Although everything is fixed by nature, it depends on you."

He knew that in this battle, King Nie and the tyrant would fight on the Leshan Giant Buddha, but in the end King Nie would be carried into the cave by the fire unicorn in the Lingyun Grotto under the Buddha.

When he fought three years ago, Nie Feng was still young, and there was nothing more to do.

And this time he didn't know who King Nie would fight, and eventually he would be adopted by Xiongba.

Lin also didn't want to change the plot, so he didn't reveal these results, and only said some words of panacea.

King Nie heard it in the clouds.

When Lin Yi and Black Widow were about to leave, Nie Feng asked Lin Yi: "Brother Lin Yi, will we meet again in the future?"

"Of course, not only will I meet, but I will meet many people."

After that, under Nie Feng's reluctant watch, Lin Yi and the black widow came to the bottom of the mountain.

According to the plot of the movie, the mud bodhisattva said to Xiongba the famous remarks—how golden scales are things in the pool, and they turn into a situation—that the Xiongba slaughtered Bujiazhuang and took Bu Jingyun away. He fought with King Nie again and took away Nie Feng.

Now according to Lin's estimation, the time is almost the same.

So he must rush to the world meeting as soon as possible.

But riding a horse is not the fastest way to get to the world meeting.

Riding a motorcycle is.

Lin Yi took out a motorcycle that he hadn't ridden in three years from the rental house and tried to start a fire.

Harley is worthy of being Harley. After three years of not riding, his voice is still so majestic.

So he rode Harley and carried the black widow, and the two would gallop towards the world.

People along the way were surprised to see these two people riding such a weird thing faster than horses.

However, after running for a day, they encountered a very real problem: no gas.

The black widow shrugged and smiled bitterly: "What can I do?"

"It's okay, let's find an inn first, and sleep."

The black widow looked at Lin Yi maliciously: "Did you think about it again?"


Lin Yi said speechlessly: "In fact, I really just want to sleep."

The two of them slept till night after sleeping

At night, the two ate and sang enough, and brought enough water.

Then the black widow followed Lin Yi out of the inn.

Lin Yi drove away the people around her motorcycle, then turned around and said to the black widow, "Don't be scared by my appearance."

"For three years, I can't see enough of you every day, can I still be scared?"

Black Widow joked.

"So much the better."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, a raging flame suddenly ignited above his head. Under the burning of the flame, his head gradually turned into a skull.

When the people nearby saw this scene, one by one was frightened and ran away: "Ghost—"

The Black Widow was also taken aback for a moment, and then said, "This is how you and Tony were at the pier against Kilian. Although it's a bit scary, I have to say, it's cool."

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