Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 534: The world will

Lin Yi's hands also turned into flame-burning skeleton hands.

The moment his hands pressed the handlebars of the motorcycle, the overall shape of the motorcycle began to change.

The most notable change is that a flame-burning skull appeared on the head of the motorcycle. The front and rear wheels also burned with flames.

Lin Yi said to the dumbfounded black widow next to him: "I don't have time to explain, get in the car."

Although the Black Widow is in the S.H.I.E.L.D. database, she has seen the video of Lin Yi's transformation. But it was the first time that I saw it before my eyes.

No matter it is the first time anyone sees such a scene, I am afraid all they can do is dumbfounded.

The black widow hesitated for a moment, and straddled the back seat of the motorcycle with her arms around Lin Yi's waist.

She could feel the temperature of Lin Yi's body, it was hot, but she felt safe.

Lin Yi turned his head slightly, and said from the skull's mouth: "Get ready, it will be soon."


The black widow nodded, and then leaned her head on Lin Yi's back.


The evil spirit motorcycle made a pig cry and galloped forward quickly.

The black widow was taken aback.

She knew the evil spirit motorcycle was fast, but she didn't expect it to be so fast.

At twice the speed of sound, his head was exposed to the air. How could this make her stand it? Can't even breathe.

A flame spread out from Lin Yi, quickly enveloping the black widow, forming a flame shield around her body.

Only then can the black widow be able to breathe.

The evil spirit motorcycle sprinted in the dark night, and a trace of flame left on the ground seemed to divide the dark night into two.

Before long, there was a lake in front.

If you walk normally, you need to bypass this huge lake.

Lin Yi's evil spirit motorcycle leaped directly into the lake and moved fast on the lake.

The black widow screamed at first, then became excited.

"Wow, that's so cool."

The black widow yelled excitedly.

After crossing the lake, it is a mountain.

The mountain road twists and turns around.

But Lin Yi's evil spirit motorcycle went straight up from the mountain, even if it was a cliff.

He went down from the cliff on the other side.

In the dark, it seemed that the trace of flame he left behind also divided the mountain into two.

Two times the speed of sound, plus no detours in a straight line, which would have taken more than ten days to get there, they had arrived all night.

Early the next morning, when the sun rose, they came to a town at the foot of Tianxiahui Mountain.

This town used to be called Niulan Town, but now as the world will rise, Xiongba has changed its name to Tianxia City.

The world will rise, and many forces from all sides come to make friends with the world, so this world city has been greatly developed.

There are many shops in the city, and the goods are dazzling.

On the street, people come and go, busy.

Lin Yi had already put away the motorcycle at this time, and changed it back to its original appearance.

Then, together with the black widow, entered the world city.

They found the inn first, had a good meal, and made up for the sleepless night last night.

When I woke up, it was already noon.

Lin Yi said to the black widow: "You go and listen to the news of the World Association, mainly to see if the mud bodhisattva has arrived. Also, I want you to spread the name of my **** fortune teller. Just say that the **** fortune teller is fighting against the mud bodhisattva. Complete victory over the mud bodhisattva."

"Leave it to me, don't worry."

The black widow patted her plump breast confidently.

Seeing Lin also was a little bit ready to move.

This black widow has become more and more feminine since being with herself.

Lin Yi felt like he couldn't hold it between every gesture.

It's really dead.

After the black widow went out, Lin Yi was in the room, waiting for her good news.

At the same time, Lin also asked the system in his mind: "How many levels of evolution is the strength of the tyrant?"

The system replied: "Equivalent to 15-level evolutionary."

In other words, the strength of this hero is similar to that of Raikage in reality.

"How many evolution points will you gain if you swallow 15-level evolution?"

Lin Yi asked again.

"You will get 200,000 evolution points."

Lin also listened and was overjoyed.

You can get 200,000 evolution points if you swallow a dominance, which is really looking forward to it.

It's just that this male tyrant is not so easy to swallow.

But Lin also knew the plot of the movie for a long time. At the end of the movie, the hero was beaten into a lunatic by the two of Fengyun.

After he is crazy, wouldn't it be easy to devour him by himself?

The system said: "Thinking beautifully. After the hero is beaten crazy, his combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced. At that time, his strength will be at most equivalent to an 8-level evolutionary, you go and devour it. Go, demo."

"Nima, do you want to be so bad!"

Lin Yi scolded.

"I've always been like this, and it's not your first day to deal with me."

The system sounds like a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

But the system can be regarded as a reminder to Lin Yi.

If you don't tell him now, when he finally swallows the madman domineering, and then suddenly comes up and said, then Lin Ye will really curse his mother.

It seems that the situation must contain the male tyrant, but before he has become a madman, he will take the opportunity to carry out a sneak attack.

At that time, 200,000 evolution points will be readily available.

Isn't it happy?


The black widow is worthy of being a black widow. Three hours after she went out, she returned.

"how about it?"

Lin also asked.

The black widow said: "Now the Xiahui is one of the five martial arts schools. It is as famous as Shaolin, Wudang, Bujiazhuang and Wushuangcheng. Although it ranks last among the five schools, the personal strength of the hero is very strong and the methods are also very tough. The World Club has the potential to catch up with other schools."

Lin Yi nodded and said: "The world will meet, it is really strong."

The black widow continued: "Shaolin and Wudang are martial arts giants with a long history. The world will be worse than them. But compared to the starting Jiazhuang and Wushuangcheng, they are almost the same. Now, Bujiazhuang only focuses on making swords. Ask about the world. It will be a matter of time before the World Conference will be surpassed. Wushuang City has already begun to plan ahead, contact Shaolin and Wudang to jointly suppress the World Conference."

Lin Yixi said: "It seems that for a long time, the world will be suppressed miserably. However, that is our good opportunity. By the way, what about the mud bodhisattvas?"

"He is coming and he is expected to arrive at the Tianxiahui in three days."

The black widow replied.

Lin Yi asked again: "The deployment plan of the Tianxiahui?"

"got it."

The black widow said, and took out a piece of paper.

Lin Yi looked at it and couldn't help being surprised: "So detailed?"

Then he looked at the black widow up and down a few times: "In such a short period of time, even the top-secret information such as the world will be deployed is obtained. I am worthy of my black widow."

The black widow raised her chest proudly and said, "Of course. I'm so good, don't you reward me?"


Lin Yi was about to speak, and the black widow's lips had already moved up: "If you don't reward me, then I will reward you."

When he said that, he went to Lin Yi's mouth.

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