Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 556: Ten Thousand Swords: Practice!

In the next month, under the guidance of nameless, Lin Yi made rapid progress.

That morning, Wuming said: "With your current accomplishments in the return of ten thousand swords to the sect, you can already control ten flying swords. Tomorrow you will bring ten swords and try your first entry threshold. ."

Lin Yidao: "Why do you need tomorrow?"

As he said, his right hand shook, and ten swords flew out of the space, all of them stuck on the ground, neatly arranged in a row.

Wuming gave Lin Yi a tremble afterwards, and it was not surprising that he conjured a sword out of thin air.

But this time Lin Yi actually took out ten swords, which surprised him.

He picked up a sword casually, looked up and down the sword a few times, and said, "Zhan Lu sword, this is also a famous sword."

Then he picked up another one, looked at it for a moment, and said, "Cyan Frost Sword is also a famous sword."

Then he picked up the third one, and after watching for a while, he said with a hint of surprise: "Longquan sword is still a famous sword!"

After reading the remaining seven, I was surprised: "All are famous swords! Brother Lin, where did you get so many famous swords? As far as I know, there are only Bujiazhuang and the hero who likes to collect famous swords. There will be many famous swords, right?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "Senior brother is right, these swords of mine are all made from the sword grave of the hero."

Wuming couldn't help but laughed and said: "Good skill. Those who dare to go to Xiongba to take swords, there are not many people in the world except your Junior Brother Lin. The ten thousand swords I used before were all ordinary swords. Junior Brother, if you use a famous sword, the power will definitely be stronger. Try it quickly."

Lin Yi nodded excitedly, and then took a deep breath.

The anger sinks in the dantian, his hands go from the bottom up, and his luck begins.

At this time, his luck was not energy, but the sword energy cultivated by the return of Wan Jian.

This sword energy came up from his dantian, flowed through the waste holes that were not usually used, and finally came to his hands.

Both of his hands are eclipsing the **** together, and the other fingers are bent.

The sword energy between the **** in both hands has reached the strongest point he can achieve.

This sword aura is not used to kill people, but to control those swords.

Wuming said to Lin Yi: "That's wrong, it's not about condensing sword energy in your hands. Instead, you should imagine yourself as a sword, the supreme sword in the sword, and let all other swords come to worship you. Then you can drive them. ."

Lin Yidang was about to dissipate the sword aura between his fingers, and then drove the sword aura again, beginning to spread all over his body.

His whole body immediately exudes a fierce aura.

At this time, in the sense of namelessness, Lin Yi was no longer Lin Yi, but a sword.

A sword exuding a strong sword spirit.

When Lin Yi exuded sword aura, on the ground next to him, the ten sword began to tremble constantly.

At first, the tremors of these swords were still slight, but after half a minute, the tremors became more and more intense.

After a minute, eh—

Longquanjian took the lead to fly, flew straight toward Lin Yi, and then circled Lin Yi.


Zhan Lujian also flew up, also circling Lin Yi.


The ten famous swords all flew up and circled Lin Yi.

The nameless next to him said: "Now, these swords have recognized you as the king, you instill the sword energy in your body into these sword bodies."

Lin Yi immediately instilled the sword energy in his body into these swords according to the nameless words.

"If you control these sword auras now, you can control these flying swords."

With a thought, Lin Yi moved his hands and put the **** together, all pointing straight ahead.


All the ten swords flew towards the opposite bank of the river in the direction of Lin Yi's fingers.

Its speed is far beyond Lin Yi's imagination.

These swords all hit the rocks on the opposite bank of the river twenty meters away.

Boom boom boom boom -

The rock that was as high as a person was blasted into rubble in an instant.

Lin Yi drew a circle in front of him when eating in the right hand.

The ten flying swords obeyed his command and flew toward this side again, hovering around his body.

Then, his two hands pointed at the river, and all the ten flying swords flew towards the river, and instantly submerged in the river.

After a while, these swords flew out of the river again.

Wuming then made a gesture and said: "If you want all the flying swords to attack the key target at the same time, you can hold each other with the **** of both hands together and point to the target."

Lin Yi immediately followed the nameless instructions, shook hands with each other, and then put her **** together and pointed to a weeping willow with a diameter of half a meter not far away.

Seeing those ten flying swords, they were no longer one after another at this time, but all flew towards the willow tree.


There was a louder voice than before.

The one-meter-diameter willow tree, from more than one meter to less than ten meters, was bombarded into debris.

Ten swords came out together, and their power was so great.

This made Lin Yi very happy.

But at the same time, I heard the nameless scream next to him suddenly: "Ah--"

Lin Yi was taken aback by the scream, the sword energy was immediately retracted into his body, and the ten swords also fell to the He turned his head and looked, only to see Wuming next to him looked very painful .

He quickly asked, "Brother, what's the matter? Did it hurt you?"

Wuming's right hand stretched out to the willow tree, his expression extremely painful: "This is the willow that I planted nearly 40 years ago..."

Lin Yi was immediately ashamed: "Brother, then this...I'm really sorry, I really didn't mean it."

Wuming sighed, and shook his head: "Fine, nothing, although it is broken, but there is always a day to rebirth the green branch. But how did your flying sword suddenly fall to the ground?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "Senior brother screamed. I thought something had happened. When I turned to look at the senior brother, the sword energy naturally retracted from the body and the sword was out of control."

Wuming shook his head and said: "Practicing ten thousand swords to return to the sect, you must have the will to fall in front of you without changing the color. You must focus most of your energy on the sword. No matter what happens, you must keep the sword in place. In the air, in order to deal with enemies that may appear at any time."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "Brother taught me the truth, I remembered it."

Wuming said: "Now continue to practice."

Lin Yi immediately controlled the ten swords again, flying and spinning in the air, doing various actions.

He found that the farthest flying sword he could control was a kilometer away.

In other words, within a kilometer, he can let the flying sword attack the opponent at will.

And he also discovered that when using Ten Thousand Swords to return to the sect, his sword energy would not be consumed by using it.

Rather, sword qi is constantly emerging from his body, circulating continuously in Feijian and his body, endlessly growing.

This is the real purpose of "all qi regenerates by itself, the sword rushes into the waste hole": the sword qi is endless and endless.

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