Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 557: The hero comes again

All other attack skills that Lin Yi has learned have certain limitations.

The Six-Medition Sword consumes a lot of energy

The shield is only useful for enemies within a certain level;

Swooping can only be used once a month;

The Tathagata Palm consumes more energy, it is not a last resort and cannot be used easily;

And this ten thousand swords return to the sect is the first unlimited skill.

Anytime, anywhere, as long as you have a sword, you can use it.

Moreover, the sword energy that controls the flying sword will continue to emerge, not only will it not decrease, but will also increase with the use of Wan Jianguizong.

This is also the strongest point of Wanjian Guizong.

In the first part of Fengyun, although Wanjian Guizong is not as shocking as Sword Twenty-Three, Sword Twenty-Three is a sword move that is equivalent to end up with the enemy. Once used, the enemy cannot escape, and oneself is either dead or disabled.

When the Juggernaut played against the tyrant, wouldn't he just hang up after using this trick?

And the return of Wan Jian to the Sect will not harm the user, but will make the sword aura in the user's body continue to grow and increase.

Therefore, Sword Twenty-Three is called "not a mortal sword move";

The return of Wan Jian to Zong is called the "peerless sword move."

Wuming Jian Lin Yi has gradually realized the return of ten thousand swords to the sect, and said: "You have already mastered the return of ten thousand swords to the sect. In the future, as long as you practice more, the sword aura will become more and more, and the flying swords you can control will also increase. In the end, it will reach the realm of returning ten thousand swords to the sect."

So for the next two months, Lin Yi almost only did one sword thing a day: practicing ten thousand swords and returning to the sect.

Practice every day from morning to night.

When he was practicing Wan Jian in the sword practice field, the disciples of the sword sect were all dumbfounded.

"Is this the return of Ten Thousand Swords?!"

"So handsome!"

"I really want to practice ten thousand swords and return to the sect!"

"Just your qualifications? Just think about it."

Of course, there is also the kind of blindness.

"Isn't that ten swords return to the sect? How can this be ten swords return to the sect?"

Jian Chen next to him scolded, "No one will treat you as dumb if you don't speak."

And Jian Hui occasionally came to practice the sword field to see Lin Yi's Wan Jian return to the sect.

Seeing that Lin Yi’s Wanjian Guizong was just a threshold for entry, but at least for nearly a thousand years, Jianzong was the second one to practice Wanjian Guizong besides being unknown. He also nodded in relief.

Then he said to everyone: "Look, Lin Yi has better qualifications than all of you, but he is more diligent in practicing swords than all of you. You must use him as an example and practice swords well."

"Follow the instructions of the patriarch!"

Lin Yi continued to practice like this. In two months, the sword energy in his body continued to increase, and the flying swords he could control also increased.

It grew from ten to twenty, thirty, and fifty.

Two months later, he could already control a full fifty flying swords.

Fifty flying swords, although not as spectacular as thousands, but under Lin Yi's command, they are flying around constantly, which is very exciting.

On the third day after Lin Yi had just practiced fifty flying swords, the world would come again.

And this time, it turned out that Xiongba personally brought thousands of people in the world.

By his side, he also followed his three new apprentices: Qin Shuang, Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng.

If Lin Yi revealed his true identity, Nie Feng would naturally know him.

But at this time Lin did not intend to reveal his true colors.

Jian Hui was very wise and told all the disciples not to defend, and they all gathered in the sword training ground.

After all, the Xiongba came in person, and if the line of defense was arranged, the Xiongba would only be able to defeat them easily.

Xiongba looked at Jianhui at this time, and smiled: "Jianhui, don't come here for twenty years."

Jian Hui sneered, and said: "Xiong Ba, as the saying goes, staying on the sidelines and seeing each other in the future. Do you have to kill our Jianzong?"

The male tyrant laughed and said: "You are serious. Actually, I came to Jianzong, just wanting the sword spectrum of the return of ten thousand swords. As long as you hand over the sword spectrum, then your Jianzong conspired with Bujiazhuang, I You can leave it alone."

Jian Hui snorted coldly, and said: "The Return of Ten Thousand Swords was created by the great sword master, the founding ancestor of our Sword Sect. It is the property of our Sword Sect. How can it be easily handed over to others?"

Xiong domineering: "So, then I will learn and teach your Huitian Bing Jue."

Speaking, between his right hand, a three-point energy ball has been condensed.

Lin Yidang even wanted to shoot.

But Jian Hui used his eyes to signal Lin Yi not to act rashly. Instead, he whispered to Jian Chen: "Today, our Jianzong is afraid that we are in danger. Soon, while I fight with the tyrant, you will protect Lin with a few elders. Also leave."

"No, Master, I want to fight with you to the end!"

Jian Chen said firmly.

Jian Hui shouted in a low voice: "Lin Yi has now learned the return of ten thousand swords to the sect. Although his power of returning ten thousand swords to the sect is not strong, he is our sword sect's hope. You must protect him from leaving and wait for him to The day the sword returns to the sect will be able to revive our sword sect."

Jian Chen listened, his eyes flickered, and said: "It's...Master, but you..."

Jian Hui sneered and said: "Compared with Jianzong's can I be a Jianhui? I can't let Jianzong's foundation for more than two thousand years be destroyed in my hands. So, even if other Everyone is dead, so we must ensure that Lin Yi is safe!"

"Yes, Master!"

Jian Chen once again stared firmly and said: "Don't worry, even if a few elders and I are dead, we will definitely let Junior Brother Lin escape safely!"

All their words fell into Lin Yi's ears.

A warm current surged in his heart.

He had been to so many planes, and this was the first time anyone would die for himself except Gongsun Lue.

Although they were trying to keep the hope of Jianzong, it was enough to move people.

Lin Yi immediately said: "Master, don't worry, I have tried my best to save the lives of you and brother!"

"Naughty!" Jian Hui shouted, "Our lives are small, and Jianzong's foundation is big. You don't want to be big or small, inverted!"

Afterwards, Jian Hui jumped towards Xiongba as soon as she jumped.

When Xiang Xiongba leaped over, a layer of icy energy sword dangled around his body and turned into a violent wind, attacking Xiongba and the thousands of people behind him.


This gust of wind blew, and behind Xiong Ba, more than 500 of the thousands of people became ice sculptures in an instant.

Xiongba resisted the cold wind with a three-point return to vitality, so that he and the remaining five hundred people would not become ice sculptures.

Next, Xiongba and Jianhui started a earth-shattering battle.

Everywhere Jian Hui passed was frozen.

Whereas the heroes passed, they were completely destroyed.

Jian Chen took the opportunity to flee towards the back mountain by pulling Lin Yi with the others.

Lin Yi naturally refused, but was forcibly pulled away by a few of them.

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