Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 567: Earth-shattering: Sword 23

The Juggernaut is getting old.

I can't walk as long as I can.

Not to mention these five hundred steps.

Every time he got on the stage, he would stop and take a breath.

His gasping is also like a gossamer.

He has almost exhausted his life's strength to reach five steps.

However, when he got here, he finally couldn't walk.

No matter how strong the will is, sometimes he will be bound by the reality of Chi Guoguo.

However, even if he was about to die, his eyes were still fiery.

His fighting will, not only did not attenuate the slightest, but was unprecedentedly strong.

Although the deadline is approaching, before dying, we must defeat the hegemon.

With such a powerful fighting spirit, this is the only place Wuming is not as good as the Sword Saint.

He raised his head and looked at the top of the mountain that seemed to be far away.

"I...I want...fight...fight..."

His feet couldn't move for half a step.

His body, standing there, seemed to be blown down by a gust of wind.

However, his incomparable fighting spirit has not diminished in the slightest.

This powerful and incomparable fighting spirit drove the sword energy in his body to surging.

When he had no luck anymore, this fighting spirit drove the sword energy, and unexpectedly rushed out of his body.

This soaring sword aura, enveloping his fighting intent, actually slowly condensed into a translucent figure.

And this figure is exactly the same as the Juggernaut.

The powerful fighting spirit, driving sword energy, broke through the shackles of the flesh.

The Juggernaut's fighting intent is so powerful!

At this moment, the semi-transparent shadow of the sword master still had the same fiery gaze in the eyes of the sword master.

This shadow left the Juggernaut's body and drifted slowly towards the mountain.

This sword saint shadow has only one thought at this time:


fighting! !

fighting! ! !

Just when this shadow floated twenty feet from the top of the mountain, more than fifty disciples from the World Society rushed out.

They looked at the translucent shadow and said in horror: "What is it, stop!"

The shadow ignored them at all and continued to float up the mountain.

They hurriedly attacked the shadow with their fists.

However, when they were halfway through the attack, they stopped suddenly.

Everyone's movements, as if being paused, were frozen.

It can even be said that with the shadow of this sword saint as the center, everything is frozen within a radius of 100 meters.

Only the shadow of the Juggernaut floated slowly up the mountain.

When the shadow of the Juggernaut was more than a hundred meters away from these frozen people, these talents finally moved.

I saw these people, all on their necks, suddenly a two-inch-long mouth of blood appeared, and blood spurted wildly.

Then they screamed and fell to the ground, dying.

On the way up the mountain, disciples from the World Society kept coming out to stop him.

However, as long as they are within 100 meters of the Juggernaut, their bodies will be instantly frozen.

And when the shadow of the sword saint passed by them and left a hundred meters away from them, a mouth of blood appeared on their necks, blood spurted wildly, and screamed to the ground. In severe cases, even the limbs were broken and the body was chopped into two parts.

In this way, the shadow of the Juggernaut slowly drifted towards the top of the mountain.

Behind him, there was a piece of stump left behind.

The blood flowed slowly down the mountain along the steps.

This is the sword trick that the Sword Master realized before he died: Sword Twenty-Three!

In the original work, when Wuming learned about the twenty-three swords, he couldn't help but exclaim: This is not a mortal sword move.

The return of ten thousand swords is the pinnacle of mortal swordsmanship;

The twenty-three sword is not a mortal sword move.

It can be seen that the twenty-three swords, only in terms of power, are to defeat ten thousand swords and return to the sect.

At this time, the Tianxiahui, the mountain road up from the Jiejian Monument, has become a **** road-a real **** road.

Not long after, the shadow of the Juggernaut had reached the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, there are more disciples in the World Association.

However, where the Sword Saint passed, the corpse ran across the mountains, and blood flowed into the canal.

Sword twenty-three, invincible.

On the top of the mountain, there are tens of thousands of disciples of the World Association.

After the shadow of the Juggernaut passed, only more than two thousand remained.

The world famous first building in the world, after the shadow of the sword saint passed by, it also became a corpse building.

In the end, the shadow of Juggernaut floated to Xiongba Hall.

At this time, Xiongba only knew that the Juggernaut had arrived, but he didn't know his own World Association, half had been bloodbathed.

In the Xiongba Hall, there are more than 100 heroes in the world, and more than 100 disciples of the world society.

When the Juggernaut Shadow came to the door and saw the tyrant, his originally translucent shadow began to emit a pale green brilliance.

It looks like a dying old man, but there are thousands of light green brilliance around his body.

This shows that his fighting spirit has reached an unprecedented intensity.

All the disciples of the Tianxiahui, and the heroes of the World, who saw this situation one by one, were shocked to the point.

They have never seen such a situation.

Although Lin Yi had seen this situation in the movie, he was still shocked by the sword master's will to fight when he saw it on the spot.

Although Xiongba was a little shocked, he quickly calmed down.

He looked at the shadow of the Juggernaut at this time and said, "I have been waiting for this day for ten years. Juggernaut, today I will use your Wushuang City Wushuang to fight you for life and death. !"

Speaking, he grabbed his right hand out of thin air, and Wushuang sword choked out of the scabbard on the next table and came into his hand.

In the shadow of the Juggernaut, his eyes were so hot that he almost burned.

"I have been waiting for this day, and I have been waiting for ten years. You have slaughtered Wushuang City. Today, my sword is twenty-three, and the world will be washed away!"

Xiong Ba laughed, domineering Wushuang, and waved his hand: "My Xiong Ba has slaughtered dozens of cities in his life. You Wushuang cities are just the smallest of them. Don't talk nonsense, let's fight!"

With that said, holding the Wushuang sword, he was about to rush towards the Juggernaut.

But at this moment, the shadow of the sword saint exuding thousands of green brilliance began to drift towards the tyrant.

The disciples of the World Society saw that the sword master was strange, and they all drew out their weapons and attacked the sword master.

Although it is said that above the sword monument, no weapons are allowed.

But today this is licensed by Xiongba.

He was afraid that if he lost to the Sword Master, these disciples could still help.

However, in the eyes of Juggernaut, there is only one person.

His figure floated above the heads of these disciples.

All the disciples of the World Society, and the heroes of the World, freeze instantly and motionless.

The one who had swung his sword toward the Juggernaut was motionless.

Originally, he just jumped into the air and wanted to stab the sword master with a sword, so he stayed in the air.

Even the cups that fell from the surrounding tabletops were still in the air and motionless when they fell halfway.

This is the greatest feature of Jian Twenty-Three: stagnant space.

Within the scope of Sword Twenty-Three, everything in the space would be completely still.

This is the true power of Sword Twenty-Three!

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