Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 568: Bloodbath World Meeting (Part 1)

Twenty-three swords have already broken away from mortal sword moves.

It belongs to a space blockade and mental attack.

In this state, it is impossible for the enemy to attack the Juggernaut.

First of all, there is no way to escape this kind of space blockade.

In terms of stepping back ten thousand steps, even if he has escaped this kind of space blockade, the sword saint at this time is the sword aura enveloping his powerful fighting spirit.

No matter what moves you are, it doesn't help him at all.

From this point of view, Sword Twenty-Three, from the very beginning, made the Juggernaut invincible.

Lin also understood how powerful this sword was, and quickly revealed his rental house.

However, just after hiding in the rental house, a strange scene appeared again.

When the fire crow saw Lin Yi coming in, he was going to fly over with his wings flapping.

But halfway through the flight, he suddenly stopped in the air, motionless.

Lin Yi was shocked: Sword Twenty-Three's space blockade could even block the space in his rental house.

You know, Lin Yi's rental house is basically an independent space.

Unexpectedly, the space blockade of Sword Twenty-Three was so perverted.

Lin Yi was anxious, and hurriedly shouted to the system: "Get us into the dimension space!"

The next moment, he and the black widow were dragged into a dark space.

In this space, there is no trace of light.

Even if Lin Yi's eyesight had long been able to see things in the dark, he could see nothing in this space.

Here is the dimensional space.

It is an independent space derived from the rental house.

Hiding in this space, Lin Yi did not feel the impact of the blockade of the sword twenty-three space.

It took two full layers of space to avoid Sword Twenty-Three.

This shows how strong this twenty-three sword is.

Fortunately, even in this dimensional space, Lin can also use biological tracking to explore the outside.

At this time, he detected that the Juggernaut had moved.

He exudes a green brilliance, his eyes flashing hot, slowly drifting past everyone's heads.

On the tip of the toes, a light green ripple spread slowly on the tip of a disciple of the World Society who was about to slash at him.

The other tiptoe, lightly clicked on the head of a disciple of the world, and another light green ripple spread.

It looked like he was walking on the water, and every step he took, there were ripples.

Not long after, he was less than ten feet away from Xiongba.

Xiongba wanted to stab the sword master with his sword.

But his body can only tremble lightly, and can't make any movements at all.

On Xiong Ba's face, the previous domineering was wiped out, replaced by panic.

An overwhelming panic squeezed towards him.

It was like a tsunami hitting him overwhelmingly.

There is no escape for him. All he can do is one word: death!

When facing the nameless Wanjian returning to the sect, he never felt that way.

Now, facing the Juggernaut, he had this feeling for the first time in his life.

In his perception, the Juggernaut at this time was too powerful.

Strong enough to make him desperate.

It was so powerful that he didn't even have the idea of ​​resisting it.

At this moment, the green brilliance of Juggernaut suddenly disappeared.

In the next moment, a sword aura that soared to the sky broke out instantly from his body.

This sword energy is not generally colorless, but a fiery red color.

This fiery red sword aura emanated from the Juggernaut, soaring into the sky, and instantly broke through the roof of Xiongba Hall and reached the sky.

From a distance, the sword aura at this time turned out to be a fiery red giant sword-this giant sword, descending to the ground and piercing the sky, seemed to pierce the sky.

Xiongba saw such a powerful sword aura, his eyes were filled with despair.

A person can be so strong, this is far beyond his cognition.

At this moment, the sword aura that surged from the Sword Saint's body suddenly recovered and condensed around the Sword Saint's body.

At this time, the Juggernaut looked like Monkey King in Dragon Ball transformed into a Super Saiyan.

It's just that the fighting spirit of the Super Saiyan is yellow, while the sword spirit of the Sword Saint is fiery red.

The Juggernaut, who had been standing upright before, was leaning forward and his right hand stretched out.

Put **** together in the food.

Above the **** of this food, more fiery red sword aura condensed, and it slowly touched Xiongba's chest.

The Xiongba was terrified, but could not move.

I could only watch the death-like fingers point to my chest.

The Sword Saint's second finger, although the speed was very slow, easily pierced into the chest of the male tyrant.


Xiongba opened his mouth wide, trying to scream, but he couldn't make a sound.

That kind of pain made him unforgettable all his life.

On the **** of the Sword Saint's Food Middle, the sword aura continuously penetrated into the Xiongba's body.

Xiongba felt like he was about to be cut into shredded meat by these sword qi.

Lin Yi, hiding in the dimensional space, sighed: "Sword Twenty-Three is so strong. It is as strong as a tyrant, and in front of Sword Twenty-three, she doesn't even have the power to fight back."

At the same time, at the Jiejian monument halfway up the mountain, Bu Jingyun and his new girlfriend Chu Chu, stopped there.

Bu Jingyun is here today to take revenge and kill the hero.

But at this time they saw that the Jiejian monument was up, filled with a faint mist.

The mist turned out to be blood red.

In the blood-red mist, a stream of blood flowed down the stone steps.

Chu Chu sniffed and said, "What a strong smell of blood. Brother Yun, are we really going to go up the mountain?"

"The male tyrant will destroy my whole family. If you don't kill the male tyrant, you will not be human!"

Bu Jingyun's face was cold and his eyes were cold.

The two stepped on the blood on the stone steps and went up the steps.

After not taking a few steps, I saw a figure standing upright on the stone steps in the blood mist, with his back facing them.

Bu Jingyun was on guard and stopped.

Chu Chu was very active by nature. After a pause, he walked a few steps forward and came to the figure.

I saw this figure with eyes open, but motionless.

Bu Jingyun also came to this figure, recognized this person, and said, "Juggernaut."

Chu Chu stretched out his hand and shook his eyes at the Sword Saint, but the Sword Saint didn't respond.

Chu Chu smiled and said, "Fun, is this person dead or alive?"

As he stretched out his fingers, he gently poked the Juggernaut's shoulder.

"Don't touch it!"

Bu Jingyun reached out to stop him, but it was too late.

When Chu Chu's fingers touched the shoulders of the sword master, the body of the sword master instantly turned into thousands of fragments, dissipating in the mountain wind.

At the same time, in Xiongbatang.

The Juggernaut's finger had already penetrated Xiongba's chest an inch.

At this moment, his body dissipated, and his fighting spirit and sword aura instantly turned into thousands of fiery red light spots, dissipating in the air.

Although Lin Yi had known this scene a long time ago, but when he found out this time, he still couldn't help cursing: This Chuchu is simply a silly fork...

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