Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 569: Bloodbath World Meeting (Part 2)

The twenty-three sword is no longer a mortal sword move.

It is beyond powerful.

It was easy to wash the world with blood.

Even the powerful tyrant did not have the power to fight back in front of it.

Such a powerful sword move is no longer what the mortal world should have.

Heaven would not allow such a powerful sword move to appear in the mortal world, but the Juggernaut relied on his talent and extremely powerful fighting intent to create this sword move.

And God added a fatal weakness to this sword move.

When using Sword Twenty-Three, you must have your own sword aura envelop a powerful fighting spirit, breaking through the shackles of your body. So his body became his weakness.

Chu Chu just touched the Juggernaut lightly, and the Juggernaut himself, along with his sword aura and fighting intent, disappeared in an instant.

When Lin Yi saw this, he cursed: This is a silly fork!

At the same time, he didn't understand. Since Bu Jingyun came to the world to seek revenge from Xiongba, and Chu Chu didn't have much martial arts, what did you take her for?

Is your brain not enough or is the screenwriter's brain squeezed by the door?

Of course, in the comics, Bu Jingyun felt that he had to commit suicide by himself, and no one else could kill him, so he destroyed the body of Juggernaut.

His behavior also made many people shake their heads. .

Of course, this is how Bu Jingyun's personality was set. If he didn't do this, he wouldn't be Bu Jingyun.

At this moment, after the shadow of the Juggernaut dissipated in the Xiongba Hall, those spaces that had been locked up returned to normal and could move.

However, their bodies were torn apart at the same moment.

Just like those disciples on the way up the mountain.

Originally jumped into the air to attack the disciple of the Juggernaut, when it fell down, it was already in two stages.

Originally swinging a knife to slash at the disciple of the sword master, when he fell to the ground, his body was already cut in half.

All the more than two hundred people, except for the dozens of people from Xiongba and Lin Yi, Black Widow and Wushuang City, had no life.

The entire Xiongba Hall was filled with blood in an instant.

Xiongba hurriedly clutched his chest and looked down.

But I saw that my chest was intact.

He was extremely horrified: The Juggernaut’s fingers had clearly pierced his chest just now, how come it seemed that he was not injured now?

He naturally didn't know that sword twenty-three was actually a kind of mental attack.

As long as the spirit doesn't break down, the body is fine.

Those disciples and heroes of the World Society, under the sword twenty-three, instantly collapsed mentally, so their bodies were easily cut off.

The spirit of the male tyrant is much stronger than the average person, and the Juggernaut did not attack him first.

So he can hold on for a while.

At this time, his mental breakdown did not occur, and there was no physical pain.

Finding that he was in good health, the Domination was immediately surprised and laughed: "Hahahaha, Juggernaut, you are finally defeated by me. Killing you, my Domination is now the number one in the world!"

The shamelessness of the dominance is evident.

However, Sword Twenty-Three just scared Xiongba very much.

Now looking at this full house with broken limbs, he quickly walked towards the back mountain after calming his mind.

Sword Twenty-Three, almost killed most of the disciples on Tianxiahuishan.

He felt that he was no longer safe to stay in Xiongbatang.

Now, the only thing that can give him a sense of security is the place where he often retreats-Jian Mound.

Even though Lin Yi destroyed the sword tomb more than ten years ago, the Xiong Ba asked him to rebuild the sword tomb again, and it was bigger and more magnificent than before.

After Xiong Ba slaughtered Bujiazhuang, he brought back hundreds of good swords from Bujiazhuang. At the same time, in the past ten years, the world will become more powerful, and it will be more convenient to collect world famous swords.

Therefore, in the past ten years, there have been more than 4,000 swords in the sword mound.

Although in terms of quality, the ones that Billin also took away are a bit worse, they are far better in terms of quantity.

And the most important thing is that after Bu Qingtian forged a peerless sword that year, the world would come to seek the sword.

Bu Qingtian naturally did not give it.

So Tianxiahui slaughtered Bujiazhuang and brought all the swords of Bujiazhuang back to Tianxiahui.

Among these swords, there must be peerless swords.

Although Xiongba didn't know which one was the best sword, but just now, when Sword Twenty-Three attacked him, he had a new understanding of sword qi.

With the sword aura in his body, he felt that this time, he would be able to find a peerless sword.

The sword of the sword world is a good sword, but it was cast by the black cold left over from the ancient Nuwa patching the sky.

As long as he gets a peerless sword, his strength will be greatly improved.

At that time, the world will be reorganized, and then go to Jianzong, kill Wuming, and slaughter Jianzong.

Then the world will be truly invincible!

And he dominates, and will be invincible in the world!

At the same time, Lin Yi has also emerged from the dimensional space.

Looking at the mutilated corpse all over the floor, and thinking of the strength of the twenty-three sword just now, he felt only two words: shock.

Sword Twenty-Three ~ ~ earth-shattering, it really deserves its reputation.

If you practiced the sword twenty-three trick, wouldn't it be easy to end how strong enemies you encounter in the future?

What Shadowmoon Group, what Datonghui, what Hydra, it is not a question.

But think about it, this sword twenty-three was created by the Juggernaut when he was dying. And future users, after using this trick, are either dead or disabled.

forget it.

It is much more practical to bring Wan Jian back to school to great success.

The other big moves are overdrawing energy, overdrawing physical strength, etc. This sword 23 is directly overdrawing life.

This is far behind the return of the authentic swordsmanship of kendo.

Returning Wan Jian to the Sect not only does not consume sword energy, but also continuously produces sword energy as it is used.

So when it is used, there are almost no restrictions.

This is the really practical big trick.

Before long, Lin Yi came to the back mountain.

When he came here, the next two figures also came here.

Needless to say, these two are Fengyun two.

Bu Jing Qu just glanced at Lin Yi, and then jumped directly into the passage of the Jian Tomb.

Nie Feng said to Lin Yi: "Brother Lin, why are you here?"

Lin Yi said: "I just want to see the power of the combination of the wind and the clouds. Stop talking nonsense, go in. Bu Jingyun alone can't deal with the hero."

Nie Feng nodded, and immediately jumped into the passage.

Lin Yi followed into the passage.

He knew that according to the plot of the movie, Xiongba would be defeated by Fengyun duo.

However, the system has also said that if you wait for the male tyrant to be defeated by the two, and then devour him, there will not be so many evolution points.

Therefore, Lin must join them to defeat Xiong Ba.

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