Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 577: Weird shadow

In the past, Lin Yi's biological tracking skills have always been unprofitable.

No matter how powerful it is, as long as it is within the range of Lin Yi's biological tracking and exploration, there is nowhere to hide.

But this time, after Lin Yi's biological tracking skills were detected, he could not detect the outsiders unexpectedly.

He could clearly detect a shadow on the window. It should be the shadow of someone lying outside the window and the street lamp outside.

However, when he used biological tracking to probe, he could only detect the shadow, but no one.

This discovery made Lin Yi's heart startled.

There was no one, but there was a shadow outside the window.

Just imagine, no matter who it is, I am afraid it will be terrifying in this situation.

That is, Lin Yi, who has experienced so many things, can barely maintain his composure.

Zuo Yiran followed Lin Yi's gaze and saw this figure.

Zuo Yiran instantly remembered the shadow he saw on the big screen in the square last time.

She exclaimed: "Isn't this the clown?"

That's right, this man's shadow is only about one meter tall and his hair is disheveled. From the shadow, the clothes he wears should be like a clown suit.

Lin Yi used biological tracking to probe again, and it was exactly the same as the result just now.

Lin Yi guarded Zuo Yiran behind him.

He wanted to go out and check it out, but because he left Zuo Yiran here alone, he was worried, so he didn't leave.

At this time, the shadow moved.

It moved quickly, and almost instantly jumped from their windows to the windows of another building.

Lin Yi's creature tracked the shadows on that building.

After the shadow paused for a while, it quickly jumped towards another building.

In just two breaths, he has come to the road outside the community.

Lin Yi was surprised and curious.

Obviously, this jigsaw came for himself.

It's just that he is a bit strange, even forces like Datonghui and Shadowmoon Group can't find their own residence.

This jigsaw could be found.

Thinking about what Jigsaw had done before, and thinking about how well he knew himself, Lin Yi felt a chill again in his heart.

Zuo Yiran said in horror, "Is he a jigsaw?"

Lin Yidao: "Maybe."

Zuo Yiran said, "He... has gone?"

Lin Yi frowned slightly and said, "I think he seems to be trying to lead me out."

"Then...are you going?"

Lin Yidao: "No."

Zuo Yiran looked into Lin Yi's eyes and said, "Lin Yi, I know you want to find out. Then you go, I'm fine."

Lin Yi frowned slightly again.

To be honest, he really wants to go.

But what if he leaves, and the jigsaw comes to grab the left again?

Thinking about the games in "Chain Saw", Lin also shuddered.

In the movie, the jigsaw games are one after another, one person's life is connected to another person's life.

He even regarded himself as part of the game.

After a victim escaped from the institution, he hated him deeply, and naturally wanted to kill him when he saw him.

After killing him, it turned out that his heartbeat was connected to a switch.

The moment his heart stopped, he had already activated the next game. The victim of the next game turned out to be the wife of the previous victim. At this moment, it was too late for the victim to regret.

If the jigsaw in reality is really as IQ as in the movie, then it is better to be careful.

At this moment, Lin Yi's phone message sounded.

Lin Yi opened the mobile phone text message and saw a line above: Don't worry, Zuo Yiran loves life and has a kind heart. She is not a participant in my game.

Lin Yi's heart trembled again.

This jigsaw really knows everything about himself.

But this also gave him a little peace of mind.

In the movie, the jigsaw looks cruel, but in fact, the participants in his game are people who don’t love life, such as people who **** alone or commit suicide; or they are guilty people, such as greedy people, or Looters.

For innocent people, he never does it.

Moreover, Jigsaw is very trustworthy, and has always done what it says.

Now it seems that this jigsaw in reality also seems to be a bit of a movie and TV drama.

Lin Yi hesitated for a moment.

Zuo Yiran said, "Don't worry, I'm really fine."

Lin Yi pondered it over and over, and finally said: "I will be back soon."


Zuo Yiran nodded.

Lin Yi glanced at her one last time, then jumped out of the window and glide away.

Zuo Yiran looked at Lin Yi's back, clasped his hands tightly, and secretly prayed for Lin Yi in his heart.

Whenever Lin Yi was going to engage in those underground laboratories, or when he went out to deal with those evolving people, she always trembled.

But she is willing to bear these.


Besides, Lin Yi slid across the night city quietly, feeling like a Batman.

Stopping on the roof of a building outside the community, he saw the shadow appearing in the distance again, as if waiting for him exclusively.

When he leaped towards the shadow, the shadow continued to leap far The speed of the shadow was much faster than Lin Yi's speed.

The speed of Lin Yishi's gliding is about 340 meters per second, and the speed of that shadow can reach almost one kilometer or even two kilometers per second.

If you put it this way, how strong should this person be?

You know, even the original Raikage, the speed is far from being so fast. He also hesitated slightly, and continued to chase the shadow.

The shadow ran farther and farther, and finally disappeared in a building surrounded by walls.

It looks like an old school here, and it seems to have been decades old.

Because there has been no one here for a long time, all the buildings look dark.

There are many plots in those Chinese horror films that happened in such places.

Lin Yi fell from the sky and landed on the school playground.

At this time, the playground is already living with weeds.

The half-person tall weeds made a ghostly cry in the cold wind.

Lin also saw that, under the reflection of the neon lights, the shadow flashed on the upper wall of a school building and disappeared into the building.

Lin Yiyi went to the front of the building.

I looked up and found that this was an auditorium.

Entering the auditorium, there was a dark shadow inside.

It was so quiet that even Lin Yi's breathing could be heard.

He walked forward cautiously in the auditorium, feeling that all around him was full of malice.

Just when he walked to the center of the auditorium, click—

Suddenly a beam of light was cast on the central stage of the auditorium.

The light quickly moved to the exit in the background.

The next moment, at the exit, squeaky squeaky——

With a sound, a clown, riding a children's tricycle, walked out slowly.

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