Infinite Killing Evolution

: Five hundred and seventy-eight cooperation?

This is a clown puppet, only about 1.5 meters tall.

Wearing a black suit, white shirt, and blood-red bow tie.

Its face is pale and pale, and its cheekbones are very prominent, with two spiral patterns painted on it.

His eyes were sunken, with strange crimson eyeballs inside.

Dangling his hair on his shoulders.

Imagine that in an auditorium where there has been no activity for a long time, such a clown puppet suddenly appeared on the stage, riding a children's tricycle, creaking and creaking, who can not be afraid?

However, Lin Yi knew that the jigsaw had happened a long time ago, so naturally he was not afraid.

The system in his mind said: "This product is going to be ant-to-a- again."

Around the clown's neck, there is an old Nokia.

At this time, the Nokia's bell rang.

Lin Yi used the biological tracking to explore it, but did not find the shadow.

He hesitated for a while, walked carefully onto the stage, took the phone from the puppet's neck, and pressed the answer.

In the phone, the strong nasal voice rang: "Hello, Lin Yi."


Lin Yi said coldly.

The sound of the jigsaw laughed a few times like sawing wood, and said: "How did you play last time? Have you fun? I said long ago that you and I do not offend the river. If you hinder me, I will let you pay. cost."

"who are you?"

Lin also asked.

"Me? A man of integrity, a man who loves life."

"You love life? If you love life, you won't treat other people's lives as a game."

"That's because they don't cherish life. I just help them re-recognize life. In the face of life and death crisis, it can arouse their love for life."

Lin Yi sniffed: "Excuse! This is just an excuse for you to satisfy your bloodthirsty and murderous psychology."

"Bloodthirsty killing? No, I have never killed them personally. I gave them the choice, as long as they are brave enough to recognize their mistakes, they can all escape. But you, never give them a chance to explain , As long as you make a mistake, you will never forgive. In my opinion, you are really bloodthirsty and really like killing. Dare you say no?"

The jigsaw's voice is a little weird, but it sounds very confident.

Lin also did not speak.

He admitted that when he killed someone, there was indeed some pleasure in his heart.

However, he only kills those who deserve to be killed.

As for not giving them a chance, Lin also felt that it was unnecessary.

Did they give others a chance when they hurt others?

The jigsaw's voice continued: "Lin Yi, I came to you today because I want to cooperate with you."

"Cooperate? Do your perverted killing games together? Don't worry, I will never do that."

Lin Yidao.

The jigsaw said, "No, I just ask you to kill someone."

"Joke, why should I listen to you?"

Lin also dislikes jigsaw.

Although he has become a starch after watching "Chain Saw", but in reality, there is such a jigsaw, who can stand it?

It is impossible to let yourself listen to him.

The jigsaw's voice continued: "If you hear this person's name, you won't be so resistant."

The jigsaw paused and said, "His name is Yanying."

Lin Yi was taken aback: "Yan Ying, one of the three special envoys of the Shadow Moon Group?"

Jigsaw said: "Yes, didn't you always want to kill him?"

Lin Yi pondered for a moment and said, "But if you say it, I don't think it's that simple. With your ability, killing him is not easy? Why do I have to do it?"

The jigsaw smiled and said: "I have been observing you for a long time. You are different from other evolvers. Every time you swallow other evolvers or infected creatures, your strength will increase. I just give you an opportunity to improve your strength. At the same time, it only punishes Yanying who has done a lot of evil."

Lin Yi heard this and teased: "You won't give Yan Ying a chance?"

Jigsaw said: "I have given him the opportunity. Last time, he successfully cleared my game. However, I did not expect that he would not repent. This time, I provide the time and place, and you go to guitar him. That way. Your strength can be improved, and I have achieved my goal of punishing evil. What do you think?"

Lin Yi pondered again.

He always felt that things were not that simple.

This is not like the jigsaw style.

"Aren't you hurting me again? Is this your game again?"

Lin Yidao.

The jigsaw smiled like sawing wood, and said, "I can guarantee that this is not my game."

Lin Yi thought for a moment, and finally said, "Time, place?"

The jigsaw said: "You destroyed all the underground laboratories in Shanghai. Datong will not be reconciled. They started to build a larger underground laboratory in Shanghai. And now their experiments have been completed, so this is even bigger. The function of the underground laboratory has changed. It is mainly used to produce evolution agents. In fact, I prefer to call it an underground factory. Of course, if you destroyed so many underground laboratories, they are now building underground factories. Beware. They plan to send Yan Ying and Miao Ying to set up a set, waiting for you to drill in.

At 7:30 tomorrow morning, Yanying and the president of the Shanghai branch of the Datonghui will talk about how to set up a set for But according to Yanying’s habit, he will always advance whatever he does. To about half an hour. So you have to go earlier.

The location is right where you destroyed the fish pond. "

Lin Yi thought about it, but didn't answer immediately.

The jigsaw's voice came again: "If you want to kill him, tomorrow is the best chance. By the way, it's best not to let your Shui Ruobing know about this."

After speaking, there was a beeping sound on the phone.

Lin Yi thought for a moment, then glanced at the clown one last time, then turned and left.

When Lin Yi returned to his residence, Zuo Yiran asked with concern: "Lin Yi, you finally came back, how is it? Are you not injured?"

Lin Yi shook his head and said, "No."

"That's good."

Zuo Yiran said, and poured a glass of water to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was thinking about what the jigsaw said.

Zuo Yiran asked, "Why, have you encountered any problems? Or, tell me, I will help you figure out a solution."

Lin Yi was about to speak, but suddenly shook his head and said, "Forget it, the less you know, the safer you are."

Zuo Yiran no longer asked.

After thinking for a few more minutes, Lin Yi finally made up his mind: Go!

After all, Yan Ying is a 13th-level evolutionary.

Swallowing a 13th-level evolutionary, a full 50,000 evolution points.

Moreover, Lin Yi had made up his mind long ago to kill Yan Ying, now returning from the plane of wind and cloud, his strength has greatly increased.

Don't kill at this time, when will you wait?

And the jigsaw in the movie has always been the same. Since the jigsaw in reality is imitating the jigsaw in the movie in all aspects, he should also be the one who speaks.

Since he said this is not his own game, there is nothing to worry about.

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