Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 580: Spike Yan Ying

Those dozens of blood vines, pulling dozens of heavy objects, smashed at the Yan Ying in the center.

Bang bang bang bang bang-


Even if Yan Ying is a thirteenth-level evolutionary, but so many objects smashed over, his body was almost instantly smashed into fleshy, splashing out everywhere.

There was blood and minced meat everywhere on the ground, on the walls.

Poor Yan Ying, as a very rare level 13 evolver, he never dreamed that one day he would be killed by an opponent one level lower than himself in this way.

And it's still a spike!

Yes, it is a spike!

In fact, considering Lin Yi's current strength, the positive and Yan Yinggang's words can be killed, but they also have to use their hands and feet.

But even though Yan Ying saw that Lin Yi was a fake five, at that moment, Yan Ying didn't know that Lin Yi was so strong. Therefore, not only was he not very careful, but he was secretly proud that he could see Lin Yi's true and false.

Furthermore, the spikes on Lin Yi's shield also helped a lot.

It doesn't matter if Yan Ying's palm is abolished, what matters is the dizziness of that second.

When he was dizzy, Lin also had time to display the black hole attack he hadn't used for a long time.

Although black hole attacks are powerful, they take time to activate.

The speed of masters is generally extremely fast, and Lin also doesn't have this time at all.

So for a long time, Lin Yi couldn't use this trick.

Since he was promoted to level 10, the black hole attack's launch speed has been greatly shortened, only one second.

But in front of a master, one second is still too long, so Lin also has no chance to use it.

And now, with this second kind of shield stun, it happens to be able to use black hole attacks.

This only leapfrogged Yan Ying in one fell swoop.

From this point of view, the perfect protection of Lin Yi's shield, and the black hole attack, one attack and one defense, is simply a perfect combination technique.

Above level 10, it is already very difficult to leapfrog to kill an opponent.

After all, the gap between each level is equivalent to the gap between level 1 and level 10.

If the average person leapfrogs, it is basically the fate of being killed by the opponent.

But Lin Yi did the opposite, not only leapfrogged and killed his opponent, but also a spike.

This is enough for him to blow for a lifetime.

From the first time I saw Yan Ying, was chased and beaten by Yan Ying, and almost died, Lin Yi vowed that Yan Ying would be destroyed in the future.

Now, he finally destroyed Yan Ying, one of the three special envoys of Shadow Moon!

And it's still a leapfrog spike.

This feeling is just one word: cool!

Lin Yi said nothing at this time, swallowing the Yan Ying.

There was a systematic voice in his mind: "Swallow 13-level evolvers, gain 50,000 evolvement points, and total evolvement points 13,019 points."

It's so easy and simple, and you have gained 50,000 evolution points, which is completely for nothing.

After Lin Yi swallowed Yan Ying, he simply sorted out Yan Ying's memory.

From Yan Ying's memory, he knew that what Yan Ying had come over today and talked with the president of the Shanghai Branch of the Datong Association was how to set up a set to draw himself out and then kill himself.

It seems that the jigsaw is right, all right.

Lin Yi's eyes were slightly cold.

Secretly said in his heart: "You want to kill me? Very good, then I will not keep one."

In more than twenty minutes, the head of the town is coming.

If you don't do it, you don't stop, and the club president is also destroyed!

So Lin also waited here for about twenty minutes.

At half past seven, the elevator door opened again and a middle-aged man walked in.

This person seems to be over forty years old, and from the outside, he is mature and stable. From the momentum point of view, it should be a character like Zongheng Shopping Mall.

Lin Yi walked out of the room and used biological tracking to investigate. This person is only a Level 1 evolutionary.

I thought that this person should have been just an ordinary person. After being injected with the evolving agent, he became a level 1 evolver.

Lin Yi greeted him and said, "Chairman Park, it really is on time."

President Park smiled to Lin Yi and said, "You came very early."

Lin Yidao: "To discuss about dealing with that kid today, can I come early?"

President Park said: "That kid has destroyed more than 20 of our underground laboratories and has become a worry for our Datong Association. If he doesn't get rid of him, our Datong Association will not be peaceful."

Lin also asked, "Chairman Park, based on your Datonghui's intelligence network, you should have found this kid's place long ago. Why haven't you done him yet?"

President Park gave a wry smile, shook his head, and said, "That kid doesn't know what method was used. We haven't found his true identity so far. Your Shadowmoon Group's intelligence network is much better than ours, no Didn't you find it?"

In Lin Yi's eyes, a trace of coldness passed: "It was just not found."

President Park was a little confused and asked, "What do you mean by this?"

"Meaning, I am going to kill you!"

After Lin Yi finished speaking, his right hand had already pinched President Park's neck.


Lin Yi exerted a slight force on his Click——

President Park's neck was chopped off, and his hands dropped weakly.

The fiery red energy gushes out of Lin Yi, which swallows President Park.

After swallowing these two people who conspired to kill him, Lin Yi was in a good mood. A fire once again burned the underground factory still under construction.

You can build it whatever you want, and I will burn as much as you build.

See if you build it faster or I burn it faster.

After the burning, Lin Yi left the underground factory.

When it came to the surface, the construction site on the surface was already busy.

This is the site of the Datonghui. Lin Yi was afraid that pretending to be President Park would attract too many people's attention.

So he simply pretended to be Yanying, went through the construction site, took out the key from Yanying's body, drove Yanying's car, and left here.

After Lin Yi returned home, he sent a message to Shui Ruobing: "Sister Ruobing, Yan Ying and Miao Ying are going to ambush me?"

The news of Shui Ruobing came back quickly: I just received the news that the Shadowmoon Group and Datonghui will deal with you and send Yanying and Miaoying to kill you. They want to set a trap to get you to the bait. This morning, Yan Ying has already gone to the Datong Association to discuss how to set up a set.

Lin Yi looked back: It doesn't matter, Yan Ying has been killed by me.

The news of Shui Ruobing came back quickly: What? ! Did you really kill him? !

Lin Yi replied: Yes.

Shui Ruobing didn't speak for a long time.

Lin Yi was a little confused and sent a message: Sister Ruo Bing, what's wrong?

Shui Ruobing came back to the news: Yan Ying was one of the three envoys. If you kill Yan Ying, the Shadow Moon Group will definitely send Rai Ying over. You have also seen the power of Raikage. This time it was bad.

Lin also thought for a while, and replied: It doesn't matter, just see what happens.

Shui Ruobing finally replied:

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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