Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 581: Zhang Xiaohong and Zhang Xiaocui

After Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing finished talking, they ate lunch and lay on the sofa to rest.

He couldn't sleep for a while, and he remembered what happened today.

Is this jigsaw really just letting myself kill Yanying?

It's that simple?

Lin also didn't believe it.

No matter what the jigsaw does, there is a plan, one after another, interlocking.

Lin also didn't believe that the jigsaw just let himself kill Yan Ying.

Holding tightly can bring out such a crazy thing as hijacking two planes and threatening the entire city, so wouldn't it be easy for him to kill a Yanying?

Why do you have to let yourself kill?

Is it just to improve oneself?

In terms of stepping back 10,000 steps, even if it is to improve one's strength, it must have some purpose.

What is the purpose?

Lin Yi thought about it, but couldn't understand it.

He told the system about his doubts. The system didn't have any right ideas, and only committed two crimes.

"Did the jigsaw fall in love with you? Maybe he is not only a perverted murderer, but also a lover of the same surname. It just happens to see you so handsome, and you are forgiven."

"Fuck off!"

Lin also knew that he couldn't get any constructive opinions from the system, and he simply ignored it.

Zuo Yiran came back from a shopping trip. Seeing that Lin Yi seemed to have something on his mind, he asked concerned, "What's wrong?"

Lin Yi sat up and said, "It just so happens that you are also back. Help me analyze..."

He said his doubts to Zuo Yiran again. Zuo Yiran thought about it for a while and said, "Did you miss something? You tell me the matter again."

Lin Yidang will start from discovering the shadow of the jigsaw and come back today. All the things that have happened during this period of time, how they chased the shadow, how they got to the school hall, how they talked with the jigsaw, and what they said. Said it with Zuo Yiran originally.

Zuo Yiran thought about it for a moment, but found nothing, and asked, "Did you miss something?"

Lin Yi recalled it carefully and said, "No, everything I did has been told to you."

Zuo Yiran thought for a while, and said, "This...I can't think of anything. But...the jigsaw appeared for the first time, and this time, it seems that the jigsaw still admires you. He did it. None of these things seem to do you any harm."

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "It's true. But... I still have to be careful with jigsaws."


Just as Lin Yi guessed the intention of the jigsaw, a 541-meter-high building in Magnesium, Manhattan.

This is Building One of the World Trade Center.

The World Trade Center was rebuilt after the destruction of the Twin Towers in the 911 incident.

After reconstruction, it is called the Freedom Tower.

On the top floor of the Freedom Tower, in an office.

A Chinese old man in his sixties, but in a suit and leather shoes and in a good mental state, was drinking coffee there and staring at the computer screen.

This person is the president of the Datonghui, Zhang Xiaohong.

Yes, the name sounds a bit spicy.

But this is just to make it easy for foreigners to remember.

His real name sounds very domineering, completely worthy of his status as the president of the Great Tongkai.

Aixinjue Luo Hongyu.

On the computer screen at this time, it is clear that the performance of New World Corporation these days.

Next to him is a woman in her sixties with gray hair, but she is also very energetic.

Moreover, the temperament of this woman is graceful and noble, just like a lady.

This person is Zhang Xiaohong's childhood sweetheart, Zhang Xiaocui.

Of course, this name is only for foreigners to remember.

Her surname sounded very domineering, completely worthy of her identity as the wife of the president of the Great Tongkai Association.

This is a famous surname in Chinese history: Yehnala.

And her name sounds even more domineering: Yehenala Xiaocui!

At this time, Zhang Xiaohong looked at the performance and said to herself: "The evolution agent has only been officially launched for a few days, and it has only been sold in Shanghai City, China, and has a daily income of 5 million."

Zhang Xiaocui shook his head and said, "It's only five million a day."

"Xiaocui, this is not enough? This is just a few days after sales. In a few months, if nine companies in other countries start to sell, at least 50 million will be paid every day. In another six months, in the world Every country has sales outlets, so how much money should I get every day?"

Zhang Xiaohong said.

Zhang Xiaocui shook his head again and said, "It's still too little and too slow. The goal of our Datonghui is not just how much money we make, but we want to control the entire world. In the future world, ordinary humans have been eliminated, and evolution is inevitable. Will rule the world. And what we have to do is to control all evolvers. In other words, we will be the kings of this world! e-are-The-King-of-the-orld!"

Zhang Xiaohong put down the coffee, shook his head, and said, "Your ambition is too great. At first, you just asked me to accompany you to the Magnesium Country. Later, you were very interested in science and Open your own I am happy for you after the technology company, and then the company goes public. Later, even if you form the Datonghui in my name, I am not opposed to it. But now you should be the king of the world, Xiaocui, you... "

Zhang Xiaocui looked at the Manhattan River outside the window, looked at the colorful world below, and smiled: "If I don't do this, how can I be worthy of my surname? The last Ye He, just ruled China. And I, Ye. Herna is to rule the world!"

When Zhang Xiaocui spoke, his eyes became fiercer and his tone of voice became higher and higher.

Zhang Xiaohong sighed and said, "But do you do this, worthy of your name?"

Zhang Xiaocui turned her head and stared at Zhang Xiaohong: "If it weren't for the vows we made when we were young, would I be called such a hot ear name?"

Zhang Xiaohong smiled bitterly: "This is all to blame, but can we not have that crazy world dream?"

Zhang Xiaocui was about to refute, when Zhang Xiaohong's phone rang suddenly.

Zhang Xiaocui was silent now.

Zhang Xiaohong answered the phone, hummed twice, then hung up and opened the mailbox on the computer.

In the mailbox, there is a video just sent.

He opens the video file.

The picture shows a Chinese man in his thirties with red hair and a red trench coat.

They knew this person, Yan Ying, one of the three special envoys of the Shadowmoon Group.

At this time, Yan Ying's hand was pinching a person's neck, and with a slight force, the person's neck was twisted.

And this person who was killed was not someone else, but the president of their Shanghai Branch of the Greater China Association.

Zhang Xiaohong frowned and said, "What's the matter? The people in the Shadowmoon Group dare to move our Datonghui people?!"

Zhang Xiaocui's brows also frowned slightly.

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