Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 585: Zombie

Lin Yi turned into a shield, ignoring any bullets and rockets, and fell from the air.


After landing, a huge pit was smashed into the ground with a radius of 20 meters.

Lin Yi put away the shield and rushed forward.

On the fire blockade line, the commander hurriedly shouted: "Full fire, shoot me!"

Da Da Da -

Bang bang bang--

One bullet, one rocket after another, all attacked Lin Yi.

But on the ground, Lin also has a place to take advantage of it, so he is more flexible.

Within 30 meters, he can perfectly dodge all bullets and rockets.

After a few flashes, he jumped on the bridge, and then a few flashes later, he disappeared into the city.

The firepower blocked the line, the commander said: "What the **** is that?"

The person next to him responded, "It's too fast, I didn't see it clearly!"

"There are more and more monsters. It seems that there are monsters outside the fire blockade. I immediately suggested to the above to expand the fire blockade."

Besides, Lin Yi at this time has already entered the coal city.

On the streets of Meicheng, those cars were parked at random, and many cars had been rear-end collisions.

More cars ignited flames.

On the road, those zombies wandered, and occasionally roared.

Many people hid in the car, too scared to say a word.


Lin Yi jumped to the middle of the road and landed on the top of a taxi.

The glass of the taxi was scattered all around, and the roof was sunken.

The people in those cars were all surprised when they saw this human being suddenly appeared.

You know, all the living people are trapped in the car at this time, afraid to show their heads.

Lin Yi just appeared on the roof of the car with such a high profile. How could this not surprise these people?

As for the wandering zombies around, seeing Lin Yi appear, one after another yelled excitedly, rushing towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi was not only not shocked, but a little excited.

On him, fiery red biological energy gushed out, covering a radius of 100 meters in an instant.

Within a hundred meters of this radius, it was like a faint red mist suddenly appeared.

As long as the zombies within the range of this mist, they screamed in an instant, turned into fiery red energy, and merged into the mist.

Lin also walked forward, and the fog moved forward.

And the zombies who rushed in the distance, as long as they entered the range of the mist, they all screamed and turned into fiery red energy.

In this way, he walked straight along the road.

Behind him, there was not even a zombie on those roads.

He is like a zombie cleaner, as long as he passes by, it is instantly pure.

Those who were hiding in the car saw that there were no zombies around. They hesitated for a while before getting out of the car and hurriedly fled towards the bridge.

Lin Yi walked forward about one kilometer and came to a very familiar place: Lingguang Middle School.

This is where Lin Yi once went to school.

As soon as he arrived at the school gate, a security zombie with no eyes rushed towards him.

Lin also remembered the security guard. When he was late for school, the security guard felt sorry for him many times. He deliberately blocked him from the school gate and even asked the old class to pick him up in person.

The security guard at the time could not have imagined that he would become a zombie in less than a year.

And this student he had been embarrassed before will devour him.

The fiery red biological energy gushing out of Lin Yi's body immediately swallowed the security guard.

After that, Lin Yi entered the school gate, stood on the national flag platform, and used biological tracking to investigate, and found that among all the more than 3,000 teachers and students in the school, more than 1,000 were infected with the virus and became zombies.

It was originally Saturday at this time, and according to the regulations, students should not attend classes.

But this Lingguang Middle School, for the so-called enrollment rate, has been letting students make up lessons. Students divide each week into big weekends and small weekends.

It only puts a day and a half on big weekends, and only half a day on Sunday on small weekends.

And this week happens to be a small weekend.

Exam-oriented education killed people, this time it really killed a lot of people.

Lin Yi found out that almost all the teachers and students who were still alive were hiding in the teaching building.

Rely on the terrain of the teaching building to defend.

And there were more than a thousand zombies crowded in the stairs and corridors.

These zombies kept roaring and attacked the doors and windows of the classroom.

The quality of the doors and windows of the classroom is not bad, barely able to withstand the attacks of the zombies.

But this is only temporary, and it will definitely not work over time.

Lin Yi detected this and immediately jumped downstairs to the teaching.

The zombies who were squeezing into the classroom were unable to attack the classroom for a long time. At this moment, they saw a living person without any protection coming, like a wolf seeing a sheep, and they all rushed towards Lin Yi.

Some zombies jumped directly from the second floor, the third floor, and the fourth floor even upstairs in the teaching building on three sides. Although they broke their arms and legs, they still crawled towards Lin Yi.

However, all zombies, as long as they are within 100 meters of Lin Yi, they will quickly turn into energy and blend into Lin Yi's red mist.

Lin Yi walked up the stairs slowly into the corridor.

As long as the place he passed by, it instantly became quiet.

He came to the door of the classroom on the second and third floor of the high school.

He used to be in the third grade of high school. Now after half a year, all his classmates have advanced to the second grade of high school.

Lin Yi swallowed all the zombies outside the doors and windows.

Teacher Wang, the head teacher in the classroom, and the students saw a blood-red mist suddenly appear outside the window.

Those dozens of zombies were all swallowed by the mist.

When the fog disappeared, those zombies also disappeared.

They were all horrified.

"Teacher, what...what's going on?"

Hao Shuai asked.

"Teacher Wang, this... aren't we dreaming? Why did those zombies suddenly disappear?"

"What was the blood-red mist just now?"

"It's like the situation in a sci-fi "Killing" that I saw last year. A blood-red mist will appear on the protagonist Ai Li. As long as the zombies within the range of the mist, they will be swallowed."

Teacher Wang glared at the student and said, "This is reality, no. Also, don't watch those messy things all the time. Last time I watched "Killing" in class, the phone was confiscated by the English teacher. Still repent? Yes, I also read a little bit, what is written in it is messy, the protagonist, Ai Li, is simply a lunatic. If it can be written like this, the author's brain may have some problems."

The student retorted dissatisfiedly: "Teacher, if the work is not good, you can criticize the work, but it is wrong to scold the author, and you still scold Yijiang Qiuyue in front of the zombie."

"What zombie?"

The student said: "A fan of Yijiang Qiuyue, referred to as a zombie."


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