Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 586: Group of 9 snakes

Just as the teachers and students were debating, booming--

The security door of the classroom was twisted and deformed, and then fell to the ground.

These teachers and students screamed, stepped back and looked at the door in horror.

I saw a person standing at the door.

Wearing a hood, he couldn't see his face clearly.

"Come with me."

The man said.

Those teachers and students who were in panic hesitated.

In this case, following this person is their only way out.

But this person has a very strange temperament, which always makes people feel insecure.

Hao Shuai's tone was a bit blunt: "Who are you and why should I go with you?"

Lin Yi looked back, instead of looking at Hao Shuai, but at the head teacher Wang.

"It's me, Teacher Wang."

Lin Yi took off his hood.

"Lin...Lin Yi!"

Teacher Wang cried out.

"It's Lin Yi!"

"Oh my god, it turned out to be Lin Yi!"

The students also screamed.

Hao Shuai looked surprised, he did not expect that this person turned out to be Lin Yi.

Lin Yi said, "Teacher Wang, this place is not far from the fire blockade. I will **** you out."

Hao Shuai said: "But there are all zombies outside, if we go out..."

Lin Yi interrupted Hao Shuai: "If you want to survive, you'd better follow me now."

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the corridor.

After everyone hesitated for a while, Teacher Wang first said, "I believe Lin Yi, everyone will follow Lin Yi."

The more than sixty students listened, and quickly followed Lin Yi.

But how can their footsteps keep up with Lin Yi?

Lin Yi moved several times on the upper, lower, left, and right sides of the teaching building. Under the shroud of his blood mist, the entire teaching building was exhausted.

Then he opened the door of each classroom to let the teachers and students follow him.

The teachers and students were a little confused at first, but after a while, they realized that following Lin was also their only way out.

Lin Yi took these people to the office building again, where there were not many zombies.

After swallowing these zombies, he took the teachers in the office building, and more than a thousand teachers and students, left the school and marched in the direction of the bridge.

These people were a little worried at first, what if they encounter zombies?

But later I encountered several waves of zombies, but every time those zombies entered within a hundred meters, under the envelope of Lin Yi's blood mist, they would scream and disappear.

Those teachers and students were finally relieved.

At the same time, the gazes they looked at Lin Yi changed from initial suspicion to belief.

Lin Yi brought these teachers and students to the bridge in about twenty minutes.

Then he turned around and said to the old class: "Teacher Wang, I will send you here. There is a fire blockade in front of you. It is safe to pass.

Teacher Wang was surprised and said: "What? Are you not going with everyone?"

Lin Yidao: "I have something else."

After finishing speaking, he jumped up to a height of one hundred meters without waiting for the old class to speak, and then used the gliding skill to quickly glide forward at a speed close to the speed of sound.

On the bridge, the teachers and students looked at the back of Lin Yiyuan, exclaiming one by one.

"Lin Yi can actually fly!"

"Is he an evolutionary?"

"But evolutionaries can't fly either."

"Lin Yi is so amazing!"

As for Hao Shuai, he couldn't say a word at this time.

Recall that just less than a year ago, Lin Yi was just the scumbag who slept on the desk all day long and had the lowest academic performance. And he is the student leader in the class.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Yi has become a powerful figure who can easily kill thousands of zombies in seconds, and in front of the zombies, he can only scream and avoid in horror.

Why is the gap between people so big?

Besides, Lin Yi at this time, using the gliding skill, quickly passed Lingguang Middle School.

Next to Lingguang Middle School, there is also a vocational and technical college.

There are also many teachers and students in this academy, and Lin Yi wandered around the academy and swallowed all the zombies.

Next to it are Chaoyang Community, Fenglin Community, Chaoyang Primary School...

As long as he turns around here, all the zombies here will be swallowed by him.

Going forward, the city is facing downward.

Directly across from the city is Sunshine Plaza.

This is the largest square in the entire coal city.

Every afternoon, those who exercise, aunts who dance square dancing, and children gather here.

However, today, what can be seen in the square are more than 100 zombies, large and small.

In addition to these zombies, there is also a Hydra.

Lin Yi quickly came to the square and first swallowed the surrounding zombies with blood fog.

At this time, the Hydra used its sharp tapered head to pick up a floor tile and smash it towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi stepped away, avoiding the floor tile.

The Hydra was about to pick up another floor tile.

Lin Yi had swallowed so many zombies at this time and had already entered a flame state.

He quickly condensed a sharp blade, and then, his figure instantly turned into a fiery red shadow.

The fiery red shadow flew towards the Hydra.

Its speed is so fast that it cannot be seen clearly by the naked eye.

When this fiery red shadow approached the Hydra, it turned into hundreds of shadows.

Every shadow is a sharp edge.


All the sharp blades accurately hit the huge head of the HYDRA was cut off directly, and blood was spilled on the ground.

Lin Yi was about to swallow this Hydra.

However, when he swallowed the Hydra and planned to take a look at the city, the ground around the square suddenly kept shaking.


The ground in front of him burst open directly, and a hydra, which was more than ten meters high, emerged from the ground.

As soon as it appeared, the huge body stood upright and photographed it towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi quickly dodged, avoiding the blow of the Hydra.

At this moment, boom boom boom boom--

The surrounding ground kept bursting open, and hydras kept burrowing out of the ground.

Back and forth, a total of four Hydra surrounded Lin Yi.

If in the past, encountered such a situation, Lin would only complain.

But now, Lin is not only not bitter, but overjoyed.

One Hydra is 20,000 evolution points, and four is 10,000.

Where can I find such a good thing?

With a movement of his mind, the sword energy on his body burst out.


Two hundred swords flew out one after another.

He used ten thousand swords to return to the sect—now only the initial stage of the hundred swords to return to sect—controlling these two hundred swords and flying towards a Hydra.

Hydra's body looks skinless, but it is extremely hard.

It is impossible for ordinary swords to hurt it.

But every sword of Lin Yi was accompanied by sword aura, which was the deadliest.

A single sword can pierce the hydra, and two hundred swords fly over the body of the hydra like a giant snake.

The Hydra was cut off immediately.

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