Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 587: Fighter

A Hydra was chopped into two pieces instantly by two hundred swords.

Then, with a slight movement of Lin Yi's finger, the two hundred swords changed direction and flew towards the other three hydra.


Under the attack of these flying swords, the hydras were cut into two pieces like paper.

The four Hydras were all swallowed by Lin Yi.

At this time, Lin Yi's evolution point had reached 233022.

After Lin Yi swallowed these hydras, Lin Yi continued to wander around the coal city.

First went to the city and swallowed all the zombies in the entire building, and then went to several nearby units to swallow all the zombies there.

Going further, there is a hospital.

This hospital is the largest hospital in Coal City.

When Lin Yi came to the entrance of the hospital, he saw many vehicles parked in front of the hospital.

There were several zombies swaying at the door.

And those people were so scared hiding in the car that they didn't dare to get out.

After Lin Yi swallowed all these zombies, he jumped into the hospital immediately.

In the hospital, there are about hundreds of zombies dangling.

The patients and doctors who have not yet been infected can only hide in the ward or office and put everything that can be moved against the doors and windows.

There was blood everywhere in the aisles of the hospital.

A pungent **** smell echoed in the aisle.

Lin Yi jumped off the roof, intending to enter the hallway.

But when he jumped into the air, a figure suddenly leaped over from the side and intercepted him in the air.

He and the figure fell into the hospital pool together.

Lin Yi quickly stood up and looked at the figure.

I saw this figure is about three meters tall and looks a bit like a bear.

It's just that its legs are longer and stronger.

Every sharp claw is like a sharp blade.

Its whole body looks like it is made of lava condensed, and in the gaps of each piece of lava, it reveals a fiery red light. It was as if there was hot lava inside him.

Its mouth has no lips, and all its sharp teeth are exposed, looking hideous and terrifying.

With its mouth open, you can see the fiery red light glowing like magma.

It has small blood-red eyes.

From the nostrils, you can also directly see the fiery red glow of magma in the body.

Lin also saw this monster, and immediately remembered: "Fighter!"

The system replied: "Yes, it is the fighter. As I said, the monsters in the game are all made according to reality. You believe it this time?"

In it, there is a monster called a fighter.

It is extremely fast and powerful, much stronger than ordinary infected creatures.

The most important thing is that its intelligence is almost the same as that of humans.

The monster in front of him looked exactly like the fighter in the game.

At this moment, the fighter was in the pool, but he was not afraid of the water at all, and was about to rush towards Lin Yi with his teeth and claws.

Lin Yi quickly flashed to the side.

But the monster's speed was faster than Lin Yi, and before he could escape, it hit him in the air.

He threw him out more than 20 meters and fell on the roof of a car.

The fighters both crawled and held Lin Yi's hands, and a huge mouth directly bit down Lin Yi's head.

Lin Yi kept shaking his head, avoiding the huge mouth of the fighter.


The huge mouth bit directly on the roof of the car, and a big hole was bitten out of the roof.

He kicked the fighter in the abdomen, but it seemed to have no effect on the fighter.

The fighter's huge mouth bit him down again.

In a hurry, he quickly controlled more than 20 swords and attacked the fighter's head.

Although those swords didn't have much influence on the fighters, so many flies kept flying in front of them, and I was annoying to death.

Fighters are no exception, they drive these flies with their claws.

Lin Yi took the opportunity to jump forward quickly. The fighter realized that Lin Yi was about to flee, and immediately ignored the flying swords, and leaped towards Lin Yi's back.

Lin Yi didn't have time to think about it at this time, and quickly condensed on the shield.


The fighter plunged directly on the shield.

But with shield protection, Lin Yi was unscathed, not even a little scarred.

Moreover, when the fighter leaped forward, perfect protection was triggered, and the shield produced several thick spikes.

The claws of the fighter were stabbed with spikes, causing a stun effect for 1 second.

Lin Yi quickly condensed the tendril and waved it towards the fighter.

The moment the tendril touched the fighter's body, the fighter came to wake up, but could no longer avoid it.

Bioenergy has been injected into its body.


Within its body, dozens of blood-colored vines with thick arms suddenly emerged.

These blood-colored vines shot to the surroundings instantly, sticking to the surrounding vehicles, rocks, and walls.

The next moment, these blood-colored vines retracted toward the center point again.

The surrounding vehicles, stones, and tiles on the wall were all pulled back and smashed toward the fighter at the center.


There was a loud noise and blood was splashing.

Lin Yi quickly looked at the center, only to see that the car that had fallen on the ground was already seriously deformed;

The stones are already crushed, not to mention the tiles.

The black hole attack is really powerful.

However, the fighter is still standing It seems that although the head is dripping with blood, it does not seem to affect its fighting.

Lin Yi's expression changed: The defensive power of this product is too strong, and black hole attacks can't have much impact on it.

It pulled its head twice with its paws, then roared, and rushed to Lin Yi again.

"Nima, the black hole attack won't work!"

Lin Yi quickly activated the shield again.


The fighter rushed to the shield again, Lin Yi was unscathed again, and the perfect protection was triggered again.

The fighter was stunned again.

Lin Yi quickly used the black hole attack again.


All the movable things around were pulled over and hit the fighters.

This time, the fighter was not only smashed to the head, but also shook his body.

Lin Yi was highly concentrated, ready to deal with the fighters who rushed forward again.

However, this time, the fighter looked at Lin Yi twice, paused, but did not rush over.

It seemed to think briefly, and as soon as it jumped, it jumped into the distance.

Lin also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

It turned out that this fighter was stunned twice in a row, and hit by a black hole attack twice in a row. He was a little scared, so he left.

Lin also asked the system: "How many levels of evolution are the fighters equivalent to?"

"Equivalent to a level 14 evolutionary."

Lin also listened, and his heart was cold.

The level is two levels higher than himself.

In other words, your shield can only resist 5 attacks at most.

If this fighter is like ordinary zombies without savvy and only knows how to do it, it is estimated that he has already died at this time.

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