Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 588: Raikage's strength

The fighter left temporarily.

Lin also did not follow up immediately.

Just kidding, following a 14th-level evolutionary, isn't that looking for death?

He stood on the roof of the hospital and looked down at the city.

There are about 200,000 people in this city, and one-third of these 200,000 people have become zombies.

If I swallow them one by one, when will I swallow them?

And it is even more difficult for the fighter to stop it.

So we must think of a way to solve all zombies and infected people at once.

The appearance of these zombies and infected persons was deliberately created by Datonghui in order to increase their sales.

Lin also knew through information that these zombies and infected people had been implanted with a nanochip by Datonghui in order to control their actions.

However, due to technical reasons, these zombies and infected creatures cannot leave too far.

As long as it exceeds a certain distance, Datonghui can no longer control these zombies and infected creatures.

In other words, in Coal City, there must be a place similar to a control room.

As long as you find this place, you can control all the zombies and infected creatures.

And such a place must be in the center of Coal City.

Lin Yi quickly thought of the tallest landmark building in the center of Coal City: Yinhe Hotel.

This Galaxy Hotel, more than 100 meters high, is located in the center of Coal City and is the tallest building in Coal City.

It is most suitable to build a control room here.

Thinking of this, Lin Yi quickly glide towards the direction of the Yinhe Hotel.

However, he just rushed to the bottom of the Yinhe Hotel when he ran into one person.

This person has short purple hair and is wearing purple clothes.

Lin Yi recognized this person at a glance, and he was Lei Ying, one of the three special envoys of the Shadowmoon Group.

Level 15 evolutionary, Raikage!

Lin Yi frowned, how could this Lei Ying suddenly appear here?

Lei Ying had also rushed over from a distance, and when he saw Lin Yi suddenly, he was also taken aback.

Afterwards, he rushed towards Lin Yi, and said at the same time: "Boy, dare to kill Yan Ying, you are not brave! If you don't kill you today, how can our Shadow Moon group survive?"

Lin Yi hurriedly jumped back and stepped back.

But he is a 12th-level evolutionary, no matter how fast he is, it is impossible for him to be as fast as a 15th-level evolutionary.

In just two seconds, Lei Ying had already chased Lin Yi.

In his hand, he seemed to be holding a two-meter-long purple lightning, which pierced Lin Yi's back.

At this moment, Lin also had no time to think, and once again activated the shield.


The purple lightning blasted on the shield, bursting out a violent explosion.

In the loud noise, purple light burst out.

However, Lin Yi did not move.

And Raikage’s bombardment just triggered the perfect protection of the shield.

Those thick spikes came out and directly pierced Lei Ying's palm. At the same time, Raiking's vertigo was caused.

Lin Yi immediately rushed the sword with the little finger of his right hand, and swept towards Lei Ying.

If this time is swept, Raiking will definitely be cut into two.

Lei Ying is worthy of being Lei Ying, although he was stunned, but his strength is too strong, this time only stunned for less than half a second.

Half a second later, he found that the energy sent by Lin Yi was sweeping toward him, and he quickly rolled sideways, passing this fatal blow.

But even so, a piece of flesh and blood was cut off by Shao Chongjian on his shoulder.

Lin did not give Lei Ying a chance to breathe, and the little finger of his right hand, Shao Chongjian, kept sweeping towards Lei Ying.

Lei Ying was indeed amazing, constantly moving from left to right, avoiding Shao Chongjian.

Although it looks a little embarrassing, as long as he opens the position at ten meters, he can avoid Shaochongjian.

After more than ten seconds, Lei Ying jumped up and leaped back. Jumped out fifty meters away.

Looking at Lin Yi from a distance, he was secretly surprised.

This kid's breath was clearly only 12th level, but he just forced his own 15th level evolutionary back.

What exactly is going on?

And Lin Yi's spirit is also highly concentrated.

His shield can only withstand one attack in front of an evolutionary three levels higher than him.

Even if it is less powerful than the sword, but the energy in the body is always used up. If Raikage attacked again at that time, he would have to suffer.

Even if there is resistance from rental housing, there are certain restrictions on rental housing.

In the face of such a powerful attack by Raikage, the rental house might not be able to stand it.

But fortunately, his Shaochongjian forced Lei Ying back.

Although Lei Ying wanted to kill him very much, he didn't dare to come over.

In the end, Lei Ying looked at Lin Yi and then looked up at the building of the Galaxy Hotel. He gritted his teeth and said, "Boy, wait for me to finish my work before I can clean up you!"

As he said, he jumped toward the building of the Galaxy Hotel and jumped into the main entrance of the Galaxy Hotel.

Lin Yi also secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although he didn't understand what Lei Ying was doing here, he didn't have time to pay attention to him at this time. As soon as he got up, he glide towards the top of the Galaxy Hotel.

Soon, came to the top.

However, when he kicked the glass on the into the aisle, he found a fighter standing there.

He was stunned: It seems that those in the Great Tonghui knew their intentions, so they deliberately let the fighters stay here.

This fighter was the fighter who had just fought Lin Yi.

Although it was still a little afraid of Lin Yi, under the control of the Datonghui, it had to obey the order and stopped here.

Facing this fighter, Lin Yi didn't dare to act rashly.

The fighter had suffered from Lin Yi just now, and he did not dare to act rashly.

This man and a beast froze in this way.

There was a stalemate for about twenty seconds. Suddenly in the aisle, the elevator door opened and a figure walked out.

This person is Raikage.

When Lei Ying saw Lin Yi, he was slightly taken aback. Obviously, he didn't expect Lin Yi to reach the top of the building one step earlier than him.

Then he saw the fighter opposite Lin Yi, and a smile flashed across his face: "Boy, aren't you great? Why aren't you leaving?"

As soon as he said, he entered a room next to him, and then smashed the wall of this room with a punch, intending to continue through the wall from inside to reach the control room.

But the fighter seemed to have discovered his intentions, gave up Lin Yi, broke through a wall, and stopped directly in front of Lei Ying.

Lei Ying sneered: "You monster, it's okay to bully a level 12 kid, want to stop me?"

Before the words fell, purple lightning appeared in his hand, rose up, and blasted towards the fighter.


There was a loud noise, and a shock wave spread out quickly.

The whole room was in ruins in an instant.

And the fighter, under this shock wave, was directly rushed out of the room, rushed out of the aisle, rushed out of the glass window, and fell out of the window.

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