Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 592: Evil Spirit Sword Qi

Lin also knew that although Raikage could not kill him, he was already invincible.

However, the strength gap between him and Lei Ying is too great, and it is almost impossible for him to solve Lei Ying.

So there is no need to bother to chase and kill Raikage, it is better to devour the zombies with peace of mind and obtain evolution points.

As for Raikage, when he gets a few more levels, he will go to deal with him.

So Lin Yi rode the evil spirit motorcycle and ran across the city, devouring the zombies.

But soon he discovered a problem: there are too many zombies, so swallowing them one by one is no way. Hellfire is not like biological energy that can form a circle of blood fog to swallow zombies.

He thought in his heart, how can he swallow zombies quickly?

After thinking for a moment, his heart suddenly moved.

Although he is now incarnate as a ghost knight, the biological energy in his body is suppressed to a corner and cannot be used.

But his sword spirit is still there.

And the sword energy in his body can be mobilized at any time.

But he didn't want to mobilize the sword aura to use Wan Jian to return to the sect, but he had a whim: If those sword auras and hellfire were combined, what effect would it have?

Thinking of this, he tried to mobilize a ray of sword aura, and at the same time, a layer of hellfire was wrapped around the ray of sword aura.

Then he controlled Jian Qi and flew forward.

The hellfire was carried by the sword aura and flew forward.

He turned a corner in front, and drew a large circle with a diameter of 100 meters around him, then quickly flew back and got into Lin Yi's body.

"Sure enough!"

Lin Yi was overjoyed.

Previously, in the state of Ghost Rider, he only had a long-range attack skill of Soul Chain.

Now using sword energy to control hellfire is equivalent to having another long-range attack skill.

Lin Yi immediately condensed a group of hellfire, wrapped in a ray of sword energy, flew towards a zombie in the distance, and directly stuck on the zombie's face.

The zombie was ignited by the hellfire almost instantly, and also turned into flames, blending into the hellfire.

This group of hellfire flew back and merged into Lin Yi's body.

In this way, Lin also completed a long-range devouring.

This really works.

With a movement of Lin Yi's mind, two hundred and thirty-two sword energy flew out of his body, and was wrapped in two hundred and thirty-two hellfire.

It flew around, like two hundred and thirty-two flame ghosts, constantly wandering the streets within a radius of 100 meters, devouring those zombies.

As a result, Lin Yi's speed at devouring zombies greatly increased.

He only needs to ride an evil spirit motorcycle around the street, and those hellfires will fly around, devouring zombies.

As long as he stops downstairs in the community, those hellfires can continue to walk through the rooms upstairs, swallowing all the zombies upstairs.

In this way, after moving one-third of the area in Coal City, Lin Yi had another whim.

He controlled those sword auras, making the sword aura constantly change shape.

And the hellfires that enveloped the sword aura, constantly changing shapes.

In the end, those hellfires all turned into human skulls.

Lin also controlled these flame skulls and kept flying around within a hundred meters of him.

Those people not far away were scared to pee when they saw this strange situation.

Imagine more than two hundred flame skulls flying fast in the air. And the owner who controls them is also a skeleton burning with flames. How horrible is that picture?

But what Lin Yi thought in his heart was: If he has become a real Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect, and then controls tens of thousands of flame skulls, it would be spectacular!

At this time, Lin Yi rode this evil spirit motorcycle through the city at high speed.

The two hundred flame skulls followed him, attacking from all sides, devouring the zombies.

In this way, the efficiency of phagocytosis is greatly increased.

In just over ten minutes, 90% of the zombies in the entire city were swallowed.

There are only less than a thousand zombies left.

The last more than a thousand zombies were concentrated in a factory in the northern suburbs of Coal City.

When Lin Yi's evil spirit motorized into this factory, he found that Rai Ying was also here.

After the lightning in Lei Ying's hand exploded two zombies, he suddenly felt that something was wrong behind his back.

When I turned around, I saw a scene that he will never forget.

A man with flames on his head was driving an evil spirit motorcycle with flames on both wheels.

Beside him and above his head, there were hundreds of flame skulls circling continuously.

Especially in the dark night, this scene looks absolutely shocking.

Even if Lei Ying was a 15th-level evolutionary, even if he was one of the well-informed Shadowmoon III special envoys, seeing this situation gave birth to a chill in his heart.

"This guy……"

He said something, and then fled outside the coal city.

"Want to escape?"

Lin Yi sneered.

You tortured me so badly just now, now you want to get out so easily?


Lin Yi pointed his right hand at Lei Ying, and the two hundred skulls formed by flames flew towards Lei Ying.

Boom boom boom boom -

Almost all the skulls blasted on Lei However, after the flame disappeared, Lin also found that Lei Ying was still running forward.

It turned out that at the moment those skulls flew past, Raikage used lightning to condense into an energy shield, blocking the attack of these hellfire skulls.

Lei Ying turned the corner in front of him, slightly relieved, and tried his best to escape outside the city.

Escaped two kilometers in an instant.

Lin Yi sneered, and the chain of soul in his hand stretched out instantly.

This soul chain passed through two walls, crossed a river, chased behind Lei Ying, and pierced towards Lei Ying's heart.

But Raikage deserves to be Raikage, and the reaction speed is extremely fast.

The moment the smart chain touched his back, it reacted and rolled forward.

The soul chain passed over him.

After Lei Ying got up, his entire body was filled with lightning.

Under this lightning, the speed of his whole person instantly increased several times, and he fleeed like flying along the path.

Looking from a distance, I saw a flash of lightning rushing forward.

Lin Yi took back the soul chains and sneered: "You can escape fast. But next time you won't be so lucky."

At the same time, Lei Ying jumped over the fire blockade and fled down a hillside.

In no one's place, he tore the clothes on his back.

A foot-long wound has appeared on his back.

It turned out that although the soul chain didn't directly pierce him, it also hurt his back.

This is a scar caused by hellfire, and it is impossible to recover in less than a month.

And the scars caused by hellfire hurt more and more later, even if it is better in the future, as long as the temperature is slightly higher, it will be painful.

(End of this chapter)

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