Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 593: Shadowmoon

Lin Yi wounded Lei Ying with the soul chain, which was barely a breath of malice.

He also knew that there was actually a gap between his strength and Raikage.

The reason why Lei Ying could be injured was only because his more than two hundred Hellfire Bone formations were too big, which frightened Lei Ying.

If Raiking really fights against him, he is still not Raiking's opponent.

Lin Yi feels a little regretful. Lei Ying is a 15th-level evolutionary, and he is 3 levels behind Lei Ying. If it was only two levels, or even one level short, he might be able to leave Raikage here permanently.

He is now more and more eager to improve his strength.

And if you want to increase your strength quickly, there is one way to swallow the souls in the soul scroll.

"The system, with my current physical strength and mental strength, can swallow the soul in the soul scroll?"

Lin also asked the system.

The system replied: "Not yet. It must be at least level 15 to consume the soul in the soul scroll."


Lin is also somewhat helpless.

But as the saying goes, you can't be fat with one bite, so you can only press your heart, step by step.

Next, he swallowed the remaining zombies.

His evolution points have reached 365,000 points.

At this time, all the infected creatures in Coal City had been wiped out.

Coal City is quiet again.

Lin Yi stood on the top of the Yinhe Hotel, overlooking the burning coal city.

Although the infected creatures here have been cleaned up, the entire Coal City has been destroyed.

It will take a lot of time to rebuild.

Lin Yi returned to his body form and said, "System, can I really prevent the virus from breaking out? I really doubt it."

"It depends on your determination. As the saying goes, the greater the determination, the greater the ability. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility."

"Nima, I am not Batman."

Lin Yi scolded.


At the same time, in Manhattan, the top floor of the Freedom Tower, in the office of the Datong Association.

Yehenala Xiaocui, looking at the screen, the evil spirit knight in the picture, between her eyebrows, there was a murderous look.

"The Shadowmoon Group, previously only engaged in actions behind their backs, now they dare to send their Raikage to openly oppose our Datonghui!"

A young man in his thirties next to him said, "President, in this way, the Shadowmoon Group has torn apart our Datonghui. This is very strange. Only a month ago, our Datonghui and the Shadowmoon Group were still friendly. How did the cooperative relationship suddenly become rivals?"

"Check it out for me!" Zhang Xiaocui ordered, "You must find out who is doing the trick here!"


The young man responded.

Then he said, "President, besides Raiking, there is one other person who hindered our plan this time."

Talking to call up a video.

In the video, Lin Yi swallowed the zombies.

Zhang Xiaocui looked at Lin Yi on the screen, with a murderous look in his eyes: "It's him again!"

The young man said: "President, this kid ruined many of our underground laboratories before. We and Shadowmoon teamed up to round up him twice, but failed. Now he is here to destroy our plan."

Zhang Xiaocui was about to speak, but saw in the video, Lin Yi turned into a ghost knight.

She wrinkled her brows: "So this kid is an evil spirit rider!"

"Yes, he is the Ghost Rider."

Zhang Xiaocui said: "No wonder he is so arrogant. After rounding him up three times, he couldn't be rounded up. Now the Shadowmoon team is unreliable. You will organize the manpower for me immediately. You must find a way to catch this kid. If you can't catch alive, Just kill him!"

"Yes, President."

The young man responded.

Zhang Xiaocui said again: "With our current strength in Datonghui, are you sure to catch him?"

The young man shook his head and said: "There is no way yet, but in a few months, we will be able to clean up him or this Raikage easily."

"Well, then do it quickly."


The young man answered and left the office.

Zhang Xiaocui looked down at Lin Yi on the screen, and said to herself:

"This kid, dare to ruin our Datong Association!"

Originally, the greater the losses caused by the zombies in Coal City, the better the sales of their Datonghui Evolution Agent.

Now Lin Yi wiped out all the zombies in Coal City in just over half an hour. How could this not make her angry?

At this time, at the door, Aixinjue Luo Hongyu walked in and said as he walked: "Thanks to him, otherwise, I am afraid that even one third of the 200,000 people in Coal City will not survive."

Xiao Cui turned her head and stared at Xiao Hong: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Hongyu said earnestly: "Xiao Cui, in order to rule the world, you have done a lot of wrong things. Now you have completely abandoned the lives of 200,000 people. You try to think about it, if there are your parents among those 200,000 people. What? Would you still do this?"

"My parents are dead early."

Zhang Xiaocui said coldly.

"You...Xiao Cui, you are simply unreasonable!"

Zhang Xiaocui turned her head and stared at Zhang Xiaohong: " even you want to stop me?"

"If you continue to do such damaging things, I will definitely stop you."

Zhang Xiaocui narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I did this not for you? For this family?"

Zhang Xiaohong shook his head and said, "If it is for me, I would rather you not do this. If you really care about this family, then give up your unrealistic ambitions."

"No, you don't understand, you don't understand anything!"

Zhang Xiaocui was slightly agitated.


At the same moment, Raikage was talking to the leader of the Shadowmoon group by the river below the hillside.

Although it was a video call, in the video, Yingyue could not be seen clearly.

Only a rough outline can be seen.

Lei Ying said: "Team leader, that kid is the evil spirit knight, he... is too weird. His strength is not as good as mine, I can easily defeat him, but it just... can't kill him."

"Can't kill?"

Shadow Moon's low and slightly hoarse processed by the voice changer.

"Yes, I have blasted him into a dregs, but his bones can be automatically reorganized and healed again. This is more and more beyond the scope of the evolutionary. This guy is completely a monster!"

Yingyue groaned for a moment, and said, "Then don't move him for the time being, let Datonghui deal with him. This kid is so strong, maybe he will fight against Datonghui and lose both. Then we will act by chance and profit from it. "


Shadow Moon's low and hoarse voice asked, "How is your injury?"

Lei Ying frowned slightly, and said: "It's strange, it's just a bruise, but the pain is unbearable. And it seems to be more and more painful..."

Yingyue said: "Then heal immediately."

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