Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 594: Datonghui's plan

Lin also didn't know that the senior leaders of Datonghui and Shadowmoon Group were discussing with him at this time.

At this time, the infected creatures in Coal City had been wiped out by him, but he was still not at ease, and rode the evil spirit motorcycle twice around the entire Coal City to make sure that there were no fish slipping through the net.

At the same time, he turned into an evil spirit knight, carrying more than two hundred small flame skeletons in the city, and the situation of devouring zombies has appeared in the news on the Internet and on TV.

"Meicheng was attacked by zombies, and tens of thousands of people were infected with the virus and turned into zombies. The military has taken emergency measures to establish a fire cordon on the periphery of the city and began emergency rescue of trapped people. But obviously, this is not enough. The spread of the zombie virus is far beyond the previous prediction. But fortunately, the ghost rider suddenly appeared in Coal City.

He carried hundreds of small evil spirit skulls, constantly devouring zombies.

Ghost Rider was originally a comic character under Marvel's banner.

Now there are real ghost knights in reality.

Although his appearance is scary, whether it is the Hucheng Dou Jigsaw or the Coal City battle zombies, he is doing things that are beneficial to mankind.

Perhaps, in the near future, he can really become the patron saint of this increasingly chaotic world.

If given the opportunity, I really hope to interview the Ghost Rider and show people the truest side of the Ghost Rider.


The major media are basically reporting in this way, and the images in the report are taken by drone.

And the military will not allow a creature with such a powerful force, but does not know whether it is an enemy or a friend, to come and go freely in China.

On the bridge to the west, the commander on the scene said: "Shen Diao No.3, Shen Diao No.3, stare at him and warn him."

"Shen Diao No. 3 received!"

Ever since, a straight 19E armed helicopter quickly chased Lin Yi.

When reaching the sky above Lin Yi, the crane shouted: "Please stop moving and keep your current position. We will treat you..."

Before the words were over, Lin Yi's motorcycle speeded up and galloped toward the west.

The pilot on Nazhi 19E met, and hurriedly drove the helicopter, chasing Lin Yi at the fastest speed.

But Lin Yi's speed, twice the speed of sound, is 680 meters per second.

The world's fastest high-speed attack gunship is only more than 100 meters per second, which is far behind Lin.

"Stop right away, otherwise we will fire immediately!"

Seeing that Lin Yi was about to escape the attack range, the helicopter pilot hurriedly shouted.

Lin Yi ignored him at all and continued to gallop forward.

The driver saw him and immediately pressed the launch button.

The more than 20 rockets mounted on the helicopter all flew towards Lin Yi.

Boom boom boom boom -

These rockets all exploded around Lin Yi.

A few even blasted directly on Lin Yi's back.

There was a sea of ​​flames all around him.

The helicopter flew over and hovered over the sea of ​​fire.

But at this moment, a group of flames suddenly burst out of the sea of ​​flames and rushed forward.

"He's not dead!"

Exclaimed the helicopter pilot.

"Missile, missile attack!"

The pilot in the front of the cockpit shouted to the pilot behind the weapon.

After the driver behind quickly locked Lin Yi, he quickly pressed the launch button.

An air-to-surface missile, dragging a long tail flame, chased Lin Yi.

Lin Yi's biological tracking naturally detected the missile long ago.

But he did not panic at all, nor did he avoid it immediately.

Instead, he drove the evil spirit motorcycle straight into the front wall.

When the missile was less than five meters away from his back, the evil spirit motorcycle came under the wall.

He lifted the front wheel abruptly, and the evil spirit motorcycle jumped onto the wall and quickly climbed up along the wall.

At the same time, the missile hit the wall below.


The fire was blazing and the rubble was splashing.

Lin Yi's evil spirit motorcycle crossed this wall, and after landing, the rear wheel of the evil spirit motorcycle drifted on the spot and stopped.

The helicopter flew over the wall, less than 300 meters away from the forest.

The driver above saw Lin Yi and quickly wanted to launch another missile.

But at this moment, in Lin Yi's hands, the soul chain flicked and instantly entangled the tail of the helicopter.

Then he flung it to the ground.

The helicopter was thrown down from the air and hit the ground heavily.

The two pilots inside quickly escaped from the cabin.

Behind them, the helicopter exploded.


They are terrified.

A few seconds later, the two of them will be crushed.

Then they looked at Lin Yi and saw Lin Yi's black hole-like eyes staring at them.

"Better not to mess with me."

There was a creepy sound in the strange skeleton's mouth.

Then the evil spirit motorcycle roared, turned around one hundred and eighty degrees, and galloped toward the distance.

The two helicopter pilots looked at Lin Yi's back in horror and remained motionless for a long time.

Just now, when the skeleton looked at them, the two of them felt that they were almost dead.


Just a few minutes later, Lin Yi had disappeared from the sight of all those who tried to track him.

At around 10 o'clock in the evening, Lin Yi took out the rental house on a mountain outside the coal city and got into the house.

Although all the infected creatures in Coal City have been wiped out, he can't leave Coal City just in case.

Next, the Ghost Rider has become the hero of Coal City and the target of various media vying to report.

If there were no evil spirit knights, the 200,000 people in Coal City would only survive forty to 50,000.

It was precisely because of the evil spirit knight that killed all the infected creatures, more than 130,000 people in Coal City eventually survived.

Even in the whole country, people regard ghost knights as heroes.

Lin Yi still enjoys this.

Lin Yi lived here for three days in Meicheng.

In these three days, the sales of Datonghui's Evolving Agent increased by more than 500%.

And there is a continuing upward trend.

Before, many people thought that the evolution agent was expensive, so many people did not buy it.

But since the Coal City incident, more than 200,000 people, in less than a day, more than 60,000 people became zombies. People finally felt the horror of the virus.

So people are rushing to buy the evolution agent.

Money is important, but it is far from life.

At the same time, the relationship between the Shadowmoon Group and Datonghui has become increasingly rigid.

Small frictions between the two sides continue.

Despite every friction, in the end almost always the Shadowmoon group with the strongest individual strength took advantage.

But the Datonghui's family is sufficient, and the Shadowmoon Group and the Datonghui are like a dog and an elephant.

Datonghui's light consumption is all consuming Shadowmoon group.

Lin Yi got all these news from Shui Ruobing.

And Shui Ruobing's advice to Lin Yi was that both the Shadow Moon Group and the Datong Association were looking for Lin Yi, so it is best for Lin Yi not to move around for some time.

A few days later, it was the end of the month.

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