Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 602: Micro Wormhole Transport Technology

The so-called microwormhole moving technology, to put it simply, is actually a spatial skill.

Just like those spatial skills of Wang Fan.

If you learn this technique, you will not only be able to teleport something from one place to another, but you can also complete the teleportation yourself.

And in this super seminary, there is a girl-Du Qiangwei-she will also use the micro wormhole transport technology.

And afterwards, she will give special lectures to the students of the college to explain the technology of microwormhole removal.

Isn't this the best opportunity to learn this technology?

The next morning, the goddess nurse became Lin Yi's special caregiver.

In fact, Lin Yi's body is almost healed, and there is no need for special care at all.

The so-called "care" is actually just chatting.

This goddess nurse is a goddess, but very enthusiastic.

The two chatted very happily.

From the sky to the underground, from ancient times to modern times, from home to abroad...

Lin also has gone through so many planes and is well informed.

There is no difficulty in talking.

The more the goddess nurse listened, the more she felt Lin Yi was great, and she became more interested in Lin Yi.

In the afternoon, the goddess nurse changed shift, and another female nurse came.

Moreover, she is also a goddess nurse.

However, she did not talk to Lin Yi too much, but concentrated on doing various physical examinations for Lin Yi.

She did not say the final test result, but from her expression, she was surprised by the data.

In the meantime, Lin Yi took the time to go to the next room and looked at Police Flower Qilin.

Qilin was naturally surprised when she saw Lin Yi.

Unexpectedly, this powerful person also came to Super Seminary.

The system kept sighing: "I really want to live on this plane forever. The women here are all goddesses!"

At about 7 o'clock in the afternoon, a person came to Lin Yi's ward.

This person was wearing a black and green military uniform and looked heroic.

The epaulettes are yellow with three stars.


This is the highest military command of this plane of China.

The man saw Lin Yi and said with a smile: "Introduce yourself, I am Admiral Ducao. How, is your health better? Your physical data far exceeds that of ordinary people. Like Qilin, you are not here either. In our database, belong to super fighters not planned;

But unlike Qilin, although Qilin is outside the plan, she does carry super genes;

And you...So far, we have not been able to analyze the genes in your body...or, the genes in your body are not any type of genes we know.

And you also have two different kinds of energies in your body, and with our current technology, we still cannot analyze these two kinds of energies.

But since you entered our field of vision, what you have done has been beneficial to the people. So we believe that you are a good person. "

"Uh...this evaluation..."

For this evaluation, Lin can only smile wryly.

Admiral Dukao continued: "For this reason, I want to invite you to join the Super Seminary. What do you think?"

Lin Yi nodded and said, "I'll join!"

Admiral Ducao was taken aback for a moment, but he obviously didn't expect Lin Yi to agree so soon.

"Don't ask, what does Super Seminary do?"

Admiral Ducao said.

"I heard it. In the known universe, there are some very capable people who are called gods. But not all gods are righteous, there are also evil gods, such as the **** of death, Karl, who spread death and The heresy of ultimate fear. And in order to defeat them, some insightful people in the universe established the Super Seminary. That is to transcend the gods and defeat the gods!"

Lin Yi said.

When Admiral Ducao heard this, he was stunned again.

"Reaper Carl, the ultimate fear, these are only known to me and a few people on earth, how do you know?"

Lin Yi smiled and said, "This is one of my talents. Not only do I know this, I also know things that many people don't know."

Admiral Dukao said with joy: "It's great, Super Seminary has people like you to join, it will definitely increase its strength."

With that said, Admiral Du Kao pulled his right hand out of thin air, and a sword was pulled out of the void by him.

Obviously, this is also a kind of microwormhole transportation technology.

I saw that this sword was jet-black, wider and longer than ordinary swords. This was Lin Yi's peerless sword.

Admiral Dukao said: "We have also tested and identified your weapons. In the known universe, weapons can be divided into conventional weapons, unconventional weapons, god-killing weapons and void weapons. But we can neither Identifies your weapon materials and cannot test your weapon level."

Lin Yi said with a smile: "Perhaps, it is not something in the known universe."


A hint of surprise flashed in Admiral Dukao’s eyes: "Well, we don’t care about your weapon materials, regardless of your weapon level, as long as you join the Ultra Theological Academy, you are a member of the Ultra Theological Academy. And your weapon is the Ultra Theological Academy. The weapon of the seminary."

With that said, Du Kaao handed Lin Yi the peerless sword.

After Lin Yi took the peerless sword, he threw it away and the sword disappeared.

Admiral Dukao's eyes once again flashed a touch of surprise: "Are you not a microwormhole transportation technology?"

Lin Yi said: "Space technology In addition to microwormhole transportation, there are also dimension space development technology. I belong to the latter."

Of course, this is all made up by Lin Yi.

Du Kao didn't understand the technology of dimensional space development, and was a little at a loss, saying: "Well, tomorrow you go back to deal with the endless things, and you will come to class the day after tomorrow. There will be many new students the day after tomorrow."

"Oh, I see."

In fact, Lin Yi had nothing to deal with. After spending a day outside, he came to the college the next afternoon.

The dormitory was divided this night.

His two roommates are two young people who don't know each other.

I don't know their abilities, neither of these two people have appeared in the original work.

In the dormitory next to them, it was the three friends: Ge Xiaolun, Xin Zhao and Cheng Yaowen.

Lin Yi came to the class early the next morning.

Turning his head and taking a look, basically all the characters in the play are here: Rayna of the sun, Cheng Yaowen, the heart of the earth, Rui Mengmeng, Nuoxing sharp knife, Ge Xiaolun, the power of the galaxy...

Rui Mengmeng has always been timid.

It is possible, but it seems pitiful.

But when she saw Lin Yi, her eyes lit up, as if she had seen her relatives.

He walked quickly to Lin Yi and said, "You are here too!"


Lin also nodded.

Rui Mengmeng said: "You said I'm different from other people, it turns out it's really true."

She looked very excited.

But then looked at the others, lowered his head, and said, "But I seem to be weaker than them..."

Lin Yi sighed, it seems she has become a habit of inferiority.

Even when I came to Super Seminary, I still felt inferior.

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