Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 603: Xiongbing Company

After everyone arrived, class began.

In the first class, it was not the teacher who was in the class, but General Ducao.

Admiral Ducao, who was originally a resident of the Deno galaxy, is an old monster who has lived for more than 12,000 years.

After the Deno galaxy was destroyed, it wandered between the stars, finally came to the earth, and settled down.

He looked at the eight students in this class, especially focusing on Reina, the star of the sun, Liu Chuang, the **** of war, and Ge Xiaolun, the power of the galaxy.

These three people will all become gods in the future.

It turns out that during the interstellar war in the Dano galaxy, each planet started a god-making movement in response to alien invasion.

However, with their level at the time, it was extremely difficult to create gods.

Therefore, there are three planets, exhausting the human, financial and material resources of the entire planet, spending tens of thousands of years to create three third-generation super soldier genes.

The first generation of super fighters, made of steel;

The second generation of super fighters, invincible;

The third generation of super fighters can already be called gods.

Later, the De Nuo galaxy was destroyed, and Admiral Du Kao brought the power of the galaxy and the super genes of Nuo Star Wars to the earth. Implanted into the genes of the Ge Xiaolun family and the Liu Chuang family.

As for the light of the sun, Lena is the goddess of the Sun Star, who came to the earth specially to help the earth resist foreign aggression.

Lin Yi looked at these three people and sighed inwardly: In the near future, the strength of these three people will far surpass him. What kind of world is this?

While he was sighing, Admiral Du Kao said in a clear voice: "You are the first batch of students of the Earth Transcendent Theological Academy. After you graduate, you will wear black armor and become a member of the Hero Company. You have also seen the wormhole. The situation on the earth is already very severe. And the company of male soldiers will be the hope of the earth. A black armored soldier can reach millions of soldiers. The country and people will do their best to train you. And It will be your mission to defend your home and country and resist foreign aggression..."

Du Kao is indeed a ten thousand year old demon, a war madman.

His speech made even a **** like Liu Chuang listened with passion.

At this moment, everyone is determined to defend their home and the country and sacrifice for the country.

Even after passing so many planes, Lin Yi, who was already quite determined, started to throb in his heart after such a speech.

Of course, Lin Yi is also a human being on the earth after all, and this era is almost similar to reality. Lin Yi's sense of substitution is quite strong, and it makes sense to protect the earth.

At this time, Lin Yi, as soon as the blood came up, no matter whether he was involved in the war between angels and demons.

After Dukao finished his lecture, he began to attend class.

Due to the crisis of the situation, there are no theoretical courses, but practical courses.

The first class was the micro-wormhole carrying technique taught by Du Qiangwei.

Lin Yi was overjoyed and listened attentively like a good student.

Du Qiangwei has long burgundy hair.

The figure is what you want.

She stepped onto the podium and said: "The technology of micro-wormhole transportation looks amazing, but it's actually very simple. In any place, in any space, there are countless miniature wormholes that are invisible to the naked eye. To pass such a wormhole, you must first use a special formula to solve the object into a subatomic state, then let these subatoms pass through these miniature wormholes, and then recombine at the other end..."

While talking, she took out a tennis ball and demonstrated.

With a slight movement of the left hand, the tennis ball disappeared, and when it reappeared, it had reached the right hand.

"This is the micro wormhole handling technology."

Everyone yawned after hearing those theories.

Liu Chuang said in a northeastern accent: "I said the eldest sister smashed, what are you nagging about, brother is here to be a soldier, what use is learning these things?

But Lin Yi was more surprised as he listened.

The theory that Qiangwei said is exactly the same as Wang Fan's theory in reality.

Qiangwei said: "Of course it is useful. Your dark alloy armor is too bulky to be carried with you, and it is impossible to wear it all the time. So when the armor is not used, it is stored in Transcendent Seminary. And when needed, you can pass the bug Hole handling technology, long-distance dressing. In actual combat, if the microwormhole technology is used properly, it can often play a key strategic role."

Next, Qiangwei explained in detail how to solve the object, how to reorganize, and what the formula is. Etc., etc.

Most people sounded dumbfounded. Only the goddesses Lena and Lin Yi had a little understanding.

Lena was already the main **** in the setting sun. With Jinyang Xing's technological knowledge, it was not too difficult to understand the wormhole handling technology.

And Lin Yi is among those who have swallowed, a considerable part of scientific knowledge is also very rich.

So it is not too difficult to understand.

The next step is practice.

Lin Yi has been able to initially move a tennis ball one foot away on the third day through constant practice.

Although it was only a short distance, it also surprised others.

Many others are still in a daze, and the goddess Lena has just come to understand Lin Yi is already able to start simple operations.

Qiangwei was also surprised at Lin Yi's progress.

I think that when she learned the technology of wormhole transportation by herself, it was about the tenth day before she could start simple transportation.

Lin Yi's progress is really rapid.

By the tenth day, when someone else was able to perform simple operations, he was already able to carry a tennis ball to a distance of 100 meters.

A hundred meters away, it doesn't seem to be very far.

But in actual combat, it is still very useful.

Of course, Lin Yi's goal is not just to move objects.

What he really wants to do is to be able to carry himself.

If it succeeds, it can basically teleport.

But what Qiangwei said, the composition of the human body is too complicated and it is too troublesome to solve.

Even Qiangwei herself can only carry herself at present, and can't carry too far.

But Lin is also confident that he has time, and in some planes, he can even stay for hundreds of years.

With so much time to practice, he believed that he could definitely practice teleporting like Wang Fan.

After practicing for about a month, Lin Yi and the others got news from General Dukao: Demon Queen Morgana has arrived on Earth.

The arrival of the Devil Queen on the earth means that the earth is about to face alien invasion.

It also means that the angel of judgment is about to come to earth.

The destructive power of the battle between angels and demons is unimaginable.

If one is not careful, millions of inhabitants of the earth may die.

But before that, they received their first mission since entering the Super Seminary: to deal with a mythical character-Fighting Saint Buddha Sun Wukong!

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