Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 604: Fighting Saint Buddha Sun Wukong

Within a month, Lin Yi's Wanjian returned to the sect, and he barely made some progress.

But now he is practicing, it is getting harder and harder, every five times he practiced, he can get an extra sword.

In this month, his mastery of micro-wormhole handling technology has also slightly improved.

He has not just carried tennis balls, he has practiced more and more complex objects, such as brooms, pens, mobile phones, computers and the like.

It can be said that as long as the volume does not exceed one cubic meter, he can basically carry it.

Qiangwei said, as long as the volume reaches five cubic meters, you can try to carry energy;

Only when the energy-carrying practice reaches a certain level, can you practice carrying yourself.

These super fighters are made up of human bodies and energy. If you don’t practice carrying objects and energy first, and then practice carrying yourself, if you are not careful and cannot regroup after solving yourself, then it will be a big game.

In this month, the other students basically learned to handle their dark alloy armor.

Lin Yi and Qilin were super warriors who were not in the plan, so their dark alloy armors were just finished this month.

Lin Yi can now wear the armor from the weapon arsenal within a hundred meters on himself.

Of course, this month they also practiced various fighting skills, assault tactics and so on.

That night, when everyone was sleeping, they heard a female voice from the communicator in the dormitory: "All students of Ultra Theological Seminary, please assemble in front of the Chao teaching building. There is an urgent task."

After this month of training, everyone reacted quickly.

They all got up, jumped out of the bed, and then jumped down from the fourth floor and landed in front of the teaching building.

They were all super fighters, jumping from the fourth floor, there was nothing surprising at all.

In front of the teaching building, a helicopter has been parked.

Admiral Ducao was neatly dressed and his face was solemn, but his eyes were firm.

Said to everyone: "Although after a month of training, you have made great progress. But I know that you are not ready for actual combat. But the battle is like this. Many times, if you are not ready, it is already turbulent. Here comes. You can’t back down. All you can do is face it bravely. Now, it’s time to test the results of your training this month."

During the takeoff of the helicopter, Captain Lena said: "This place is about 80 meters away from the weapon storage. With your abilities, it is not possible to dress at such a distance. The helicopter will fly over the weapon storage in a short time. At that time, everyone dresses through the wormhole handling technology!"

The voice just fell, click——

A piece of breastplate suddenly appeared on Lin Yi's chest.

Then, click, click, click——

The arm armor, leg armor, and boots all appeared on Lin Yi one after another like magic.

And the peerless sword also appeared in Lin Yi's hands.

The others looked at them, all surprised.

In the entire academy, apart from Qiangwei who can dress for such a long distance, no one else can do it, not even the goddess Lena.

Liu Chuang took pictures of Lin Yi's black armor, envying him: "Okay, big brother, it's a good guy! Brother, I can be so good at any time. It's fine to find a beautiful girl when it comes time to play?"

Ge Xiaolun also said enviously: "From tomorrow, I will also work hard. This long-range dress, like Iron Man's impenetrable armor, is so handsome."

Xin Zhao was even more envious, and said, "I have to work hard, and learn this remote dress one day earlier."

Rui Mengmeng, Qilin, and Lena also all have envy.

Soon, the helicopter flew to the top of the arsenal, and the few people began to dress.

Lena's equipment is not dark alloy armor like others, but a black leather jacket, short skirt, black silk, and black long leather boots with Phoenix totem elements on it.

Liu Chuang said, "I said the eldest sister smashed it, you with long black legs, don't stop it, how sorry it hurts?"

As for Qiangwei, she can already teleport, and she can dress at any time anywhere in the world.

After everyone had finished dressing, the goddess Lena introduced: "According to the Super Theological Seminary Headquarters detection report, the opponent facing this time is likely to be a figure in myth."

"A character in the myth?"

These students questioned and said: "Who is that?"

The goddess Lena said: "The Monkey King, Monkey King."

"Uh... I said the eldest sister smashed, are you sure you are not kidding?"

Liu Chuang shook his head and said.

"Brother Monkey? This is impossible!"

Zhao channel.

Qi Lin said: "This is not scientific, this is not scientific at all."

Qiangwei said: "No, this is science. Monkey King may also be a super soldier carrying super genes. People have seen Monkey King in ancient times, so after processing his deeds, he compiled it. Of course, there is another possibility: someone I have read it, so based on the character and ability of Sun Wukong, I created such a super soldier."

Ge Xiaolun asked: "Then if this is the case, is he an enemy or a friend?"

Lena shook her head and said: "This is still unclear, in short, don't act rashly. The general's order is: to persuade and try to persuade, if it is impossible, then use force."

Liu Chuang said: "That means to convince people with virtue first."

Lena nodded: "That's basically what I meant."

It didn't take long for the helicopter to fly to the accident site.

I saw that a tank had already been overturned to the ground, several military vehicles and police vehicles were also burning, and there were casualties.

"What's the matter? Brother Monkey launched an attack?"

Liu Chuang asked.

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a fireball flying towards them at a very fast speed from a thousand meters away.

"Alarm alert, there is an unknown object approaching, ready to accept the impact, ready to accept the impact!"

The pilot yelled quickly.

The voice just fell, booming——

The fireball hit the helicopter directly, and the helicopter suddenly exploded. In the night sky, it was like a big firework.

After the disintegration, the aircraft's body fell into the woods below.

But these people are super fighters, and they wear dark alloy armor, so they didn't suffer any injuries.

After Lin Yi landed, he frowned.

"In the system, it seems that Monkey King has never attacked a helicopter."

The system replied: "I'm sorry, I'm confused, I'm confused, and you will just watch it."

"Nima, do you want to be so casual?"

"Oh, don't care about such details."

Lin Yi was helpless, and could only hold a peerless sword and be cautious.

If so, then this Monkey King is quite violent!

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