Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 808: Horrified Zod

Lin also promised that Clark would go together, which originally made the military and the National Security Bureau very happy.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yi would agree to them so easily.

But then Lin also said that he would go there himself, which made the people of the National Security Bureau a little panic.

"He didn't say he wants you to go with you. If you go rashly, I'm afraid it will irritate him."

"rest assured."

Lin Yi replied: "I will follow up without them knowing it, and will solve them in a short time."


"I'm not discussing with you, I'm just telling you."

Lin Yi's attitude is very tough.

The military and the National Security Bureau had no choice but to agree to Lin Yi.

Then, the next day, Lin Yi had made all preparations.

The military has also contacted General Zod, saying that they would hand Clark to him somewhere in the Gobi at 8 o'clock that morning.

Early the next morning, Lin Yi hid among the military and brought Clark to the Gobi.

When the time was about to reach eight o'clock, a spaceship descended over the Gobi.

This spacecraft is actually not big, only about five meters high.

On that spaceship, two people got off.

All wore heavy black armor and heavy black helmets.

Clark was now in handcuffs and was pushed forward by the military for a few steps.

Then those military people withdrew 100 meters.

The two aliens in black armor strode over.

They came to Clark and gave Clark a few glances.

A woman's voice said: "It looks like he has adapted to the atmosphere of the earth star."

"So, we can also adapt to the earth's atmospheric environment?"

Said a male voice.

The woman said, "Of course."

"Then we can settle down on the earth and no longer have to wander in space."

The man's voice seemed a bit pleased.

The woman's voice said, "Don't be silly, do you think the people on earth will accept us? Even if we temporarily suppress them by force, but there are too many people on the earth, they will eventually rebel against us. We are only four now. It’s just people. Once they attack us, it’s impossible for us to stop them."

"What about then?"

"Don't worry, General Zod has already figured out a way."

The voices of these two people were not loud, so it was naturally impossible for the military to hear them.

But Clark and Lin Yi, who was hiding in the military, heard them clearly.

Clark still had some doubts in his mind, what method that General Zod had come up with.

But Lin Yi, who has seen the original movie, is already clear.

It is nothing more than using their Krypton technology to change the earth's atmospheric structure so that the earth's atmospheric structure is exactly the same as that of Krypton.

The air of Krypton is highly toxic to the people on earth.

Just take a sip, and it will die in a moment.

At that time, the entire human race on the earth will be extinct, and their few Kryptonians can settle down on the earth and thrive.

This is the real purpose of General Zod's coming to Earth.

At this time, the woman glanced at Clark again and said, "I know your father very well."

Clark had no words.

When the woman saw Clark not answering, she said, "Not talking? Interesting."

Then he pushed Clark behind and said, "Follow us."

Clark did not resist according to Lin Yi's previous instructions, and followed the man and woman towards the spacecraft.

At the same time, Lin had already used teleport and had already appeared in the spacecraft.

After the man and woman took Clark into the spacecraft, they started the spacecraft.

The spacecraft flew into outer space at a speed beyond the reach of earth vehicles.

At the same time, in the spacecraft, Clark only felt that it was difficult to breathe, dizzy, and everything seemed uncomfortable.

The woman had already taken off the helmet at this time, and opened the transparent mask inside the helmet.

It seems that this woman seems pretty pretty.

She smiled and said to Clark, who was experiencing pain, "I am Fiora, General Zod's deputy."

Clark was so painful, how can there be time to talk to her?

"As a citizen of Krypton, you are obliged to help us rebuild Krypton. Back then, your father put the book of Krypton into your brain, so today, we will take the book from your brain. It is Krypton. Make a contribution, this is what you should do as a citizen of Krypton. Are you okay?"

The man also took off his helmet at this time, his face full of beard.

He said: "Of course there is no opinion. What opinion will he have? Just take it."

Clark endured the pain and said: "No matter what you do, if it is not good for the earth, I... will definitely stop you..."

Fiora chuckled and said, "Stop it? What are you doing to stop it? Look at your body. It took you 20 years to adapt to the atmosphere of the earth, but you can't adapt to the atmosphere of your home star. It's up to you. , Also want to stop us? A joke!"

Later, she ordered the man to pilot the spaceship.

She herself continued to talk with Clark with great interest.

At this time Lin Yi has silently teleported behind the man.

A sneak swallowed, and swallowed the man easily.

You know, in the movie, this man has the same strength as Superman.

But Lin also knew that in the movie, it was because his armor was broken by Superman.

His skin touched the air of the earth, and he also breathed the air of the earth.

Every Kryptonian, as long as he breathes the air of the earth and is exposed to sunlight, he will have a strength far beyond that of the earthly person.

Therefore, in the movie, he can achieve superhuman strength.

But now, he hasn't touched the earth's atmosphere, so his strength can only be regarded as a more powerful earthling.

As an 18th-level evolutionary, Lin Yi can deal with a mere ordinary person. Isn't that enough?

And he killed the man silently.

Fiora had no idea.

After swallowing that man, Lin Yi disguised himself as that man in an instant.

After a while, a huge black battleship appeared in Lin Yi's sight.

This warship is more than 500 meters long from front to back and more than 100 meters high.

This is the main ship of General Zod when they came to Earth.

General Zod and the others were imprisoned in the Mirage Space.

After the disappearance of Krypton, the phantom space also disappeared.

And from the phantom space, a lot of wreckage of the spacecraft floated out.

After General Zod repaired these spaceships, he wandered through the space on these spaceships.

In the end they have been to several former outposts of Krypton.

Although there is no one in the outpost, many of the machines inside are still available.

In the end they used these machines to piece together a main ship.

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