Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 809: Zod's panic

The spaceship Lin Yi and the others were riding in flew into the main ship.

The air composition of the main ship and the spacecraft is exactly the same as that of Krypton.

Because Clark has absorbed such air for a long time, even if he is Superman, he is already dizzy and almost loses consciousness.

And because Lin had been in Krypton for a while, he had adapted to this kind of air, so he didn't show any other symptoms. He continued to pretend to be a subordinate of General Zod.

After the spacecraft stopped, Fiora went to report to Zod first.

He asked Lin Yi to take Clark to a room on the main ship.

Lin Yi approached Clark at this time and said, "Relax, as long as you hold on for a while."

Afterwards, he quietly followed Fiora.

Soon, he detected the location of General Zod through biological tracking.

At this moment, Fiora reported to General Zod: "We have brought back Joe's son."

General Zod looked fierce and nodded: "Very well, as long as we take the treasure out of his brain, so that we can rebuild the Kryptonian civilization."

Fiora said: "General, then I will arrange someone to pick it up now?"

General Zod shook his head and said: "No hurry. We have more important things to do. First, fix the gravity field devices of the main ship and several other spacecraft. Only in this way can we change the earth's gravity field and thus the earth's Atmosphere and environment. This is our main task."

Fiora hesitated and asked, "General, your plan is perfect. It's just that I have a question."


"If we change the earth's atmosphere and environment, more than six billion people on the earth will be extinct. If we do this, will we..."


General Zod let out a cold cry, the scar on his face twitched, his eyes full of fierceness.

"Any high-level civilization appears at the expense of low-level civilization. Not to mention that the earth has six billion lives, even if it is 60 billion or 600 billion, what we should do is still to do. Who will let them So much behind our civilization? This is the law of the universe where the weak and the strong eat."

Fiora quickly lowered his head and said, "Yes, General, I understand."

With that, Fiora quickly walked away from the side passage.

Lin Ye heard this, and a murderous intent appeared in his heart.

Six billion lives, in Zod's eyes, were just victims.

That being the case, I'm sorry, you should sacrifice for me first!

The next moment, Lin Yi appeared in front of General Zod in an instant.

General Zod saw that his subordinate suddenly appeared in front of him, and he was shocked. When would his subordinate teleport?

"Hank, you..."

As soon as he said this, he saw Lin Yi's body, a rush of fiery red energy, showing his body.

The invincible General Zod, the moment he saw Lin Yi, his only left eye suddenly widened and his mouth was stunned!

His right eye, which had become a black hole, seemed to start to hurt again.

The fracture of his broken left arm seemed to hurt.

He was speechless, and his words were uncomfortable: "Lin...Lin Yi..."

Lin Yi once left too much shadow in his heart.

His eyes and his arms were all hurt by Lin Yi.

Izod's character, if someone else hurts him, he will take revenge anyway.

For example, Joe El once didn't deal with him. Although Joe is dead now, he must find it in his son.

But facing Lin Yi, he couldn't raise any thoughts of revenge.

In his impression, Lin Yi was too strong.

It was so strong that a finger could kill him.

What revenge does he avenge?

Now, he has been wandering in the universe for 20 years and finally came to the earth.

Unexpectedly, I ran into Lin Yi again.

This vast universe looks so small at this time.

No, it's not right, it's not that the universe is too small, but that Lin Yi was originally an earth star!

Zod remembered that Lin Yi had said that he was from the earth star more than 20 years ago when he first arrived in Krypton.

Damn, how did I forget about this!

In fact, it is not to blame Zod's poor memory.

He was able to find the earth because when Lin Yi used the key to start Superman's spacecraft, the electromagnetic waves emitted from the spacecraft were received by his spacecraft.

He followed this signal to arrive on earth.

He didn't know that this signal was sent by the earth before.

If he had known it was Earth Star, he would not have come here if he was killed.

Lin also saw the change in Zod's expression, he knew that Zod was already scared, and he was scared to death.

The system's voice also confirmed this: "This guy's brain waves show that he is in a state of extreme panic. Damn, how could the big boss in the original game be so scared?"

In fact, it is not to blame Zod, Lin Yi is really too scheming.

When Lin Yi first appeared on Krypton more than 20 years ago, he started planning.

From then on, he blinded Zord’s eyes, cut off his arms, and left a shadow on his heart, all for this day.

Make Zod scared the moment he sees him.

Lin Yi sneered and said: " six billion people of the earth are victims in your eyes? Very good, today I will make you my victim!"

Before the words fell, a blood-red lightning flashed in his right hand.

Then, under the horrified gaze of this Zod, the blood-red lightning began to grow slowly, reaching about three meters.

Lin Yi raised this blood-red lightning and pierced towards Zod.

The speed of his stabbing may seem fast to ordinary people, but in front of the warrior Zod, it is not too fast.

If he wants to hide, he can avoid it.

However, because he was too frightened, he no longer knew what to do.

He watched the blood-red lightning pierce his chest, but he couldn't move.

But at this moment, a beam of light shot out from the door beside it.

call out--

Lin Yi quickly flashed.

With such a flash, the beam of light flashed.

But Scarlet Lightning was also stabbed.

Only then did Zod react and ran to the side door on the left.

After entering the side door, the door closed instantly.

Lin Yi turned his head and looked in the direction where the beam of light had just struck. The blood-colored lightning in his hand suddenly struck out.

As he drew out, this **** lightning stretched out 100 meters in an instant.


This **** lightning made a huge hole in the Kryptonian who had just shot him, together with the hull behind him.

This opening appeared, and the Kryptonian air in the hull leaked instantly.

Clark couldn't breathe the air of Krypton, and his consciousness slowly became clear.

At the same time, Lin Yi turned his head, bio-tracking detected Zod's location, sneered, blood-colored lightning struck him directly across several walls.

After all, I don't know what the life of Zod is like, so let's talk more about it next time.

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