Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 810: Kill Zod

Lin Yi's **** lightning slashed towards Zod across several walls.


As the **** lightning flashed across, the cabin of the main ship was chopped off.

Zod was lucky. When the lightning struck, he was turning to the right, so only his left shoulder was struck.

Fortunately, his left arm was broken before, so most of this **** lightning pierced through.

Only a trace of lightning struck Zord's armor.

A crack was cut directly into his armor.

And that huge main ship, after landing, after being scratched, fell diagonally to the earth.

Lin Yi quickly summoned the desperate armor and put it on.

The internal circulation system in the armor allows him to fly in space.

As for Clark, his body has fully recovered at this time.

With his ability, it is enough to fly in space.

Lin Yi chased the main ship.

He couldn't give Zod any respite.

You know, as long as General Zod breathes in the air of the earth and absorbs the radiation of sunlight, it will become a superhuman existence in a very short time.

His armor had been cut just now.

Although in the process of falling, the main ship will basically be completely burned.

Zod is basically unlikely to be spared.

But Lin would not give Zod even a chance.

Although the speed of the extremis armor flight is very fast, the speed of the main ship falling faster.

Seeing that Lin Yi couldn't catch up with the main ship, he quickly used teleport to reach the main ship.

Once the biological tracking sweeps, it has already swept to Zod's location.

Another teleport came to Zod.

I saw Zod at this moment, because he couldn't breathe the air of Krypton, he seemed to be suffocating.

There was a hissing sound in his throat, and Lin Yi felt a little suffocated.

However, because of the rupture of the hull, the sun can directly hit him.

Moreover, the sunlight is not blocked by the atmosphere, and the ultraviolet radiation inside is stronger than that on the earth, so his body is changing rapidly.

It is estimated that in a few minutes, he will become a Superman.

Lin Yi sneered, he wouldn't let Zod become like that.

The blood-colored lightning in his hand pointed to the remaining eye of General Zod.

Although Zord had difficulty breathing, seeing Lin Yi still felt horrified and inexplicable.

In his opinion, Lin Yi is too strong.

Strong enough to be like a god.

In front of Lin Yi, he was just a little ant.

His eyes were full of horror, and he said with difficulty: "Let... let me go... I promise..."

"Your guarantee is worthless to me."

Lin Yi's cold words came from his mouth.

Scarlet lightning stabs forward.


With a soft sound, this blood-red lightning directly pierced into Zod's eyes.


Zod screamed in horror.

Then, his whole body was covered with blood red lightning.

Under this blood-red lightning, his body quickly turned into a charcoal corpse.

The fiery red energy gushes out of Lin Yi, covering Zord.

He quickly swallowed him.

A systemic voice came in my mind: "Swallow Zord, goods B, get 100,000 evolution points, total evolution points 99900320."

"and many more."

Lin Yi said: "A big boss like Zod doesn't have 10 million, but at least 5 million evolution points. What the **** is 100,000?"

The system replied: "If it is a fully evolved Zod, it is worth 10 million. But the Zod just evolved only one-tenth, so you took the opportunity to kill. 100,000 evolution points are already considered cheap is you."

Lin is also speechless.

Originally thinking that after devouring Zord, the evolution point should reach 100 million, enough to advance to level 19.

It seems that it is not that simple now.

While talking, flames were already burning around the huge main ship.

Lin Yi immediately teleported to the outside of the main ship.

Then together with Clark, he flew back to Earth.

When the main ship fell to the ground, it naturally caused a great movement.

Lin Yi used biological tracking to investigate, and everything inside had been burned to ashes.

As for the Fiora, it was naturally burned to ashes.

At this point, the crisis facing the earth has been completely resolved.

Lin Yi was not in the mood to stay longer on this plane, and asked the system: "When can I go back?"

The system replied: "Well, think about it yourself."

The system is my favorite.

Lin also thought that the task has been completed, and it should be possible to go back.

If you can't go back now, there is only one explanation-the timeline is not over.

According to the movie, there should be 13 years before the end.

Now because of his appearance, the ending is 13 years ahead of schedule.

Doesn’t the system have to wait 13 years before you can return to the real world?

"System, is that right?"

Lin also asked.

The system smiled and said: "What do you mean?"


Lin Yi cursed.

But scolding, the system is sometimes very stubborn.

If he says to wait another 13 years, he must wait another 13 years.

Lin Yi can only comfort herself in this way: just taking advantage of these 13 years, he has brought Wan Jian to the sect to another level.

Now his ten thousand swords return to the sect, he can almost control more than 4,000 and almost 5,000 But because of the previous consumption, his swords are no longer enough.

He is now trying to see if he can manipulate other things.

So he first tried to see if he could control the corn stalk with Wan Jian.

But after trying countless times, I found it was not feasible at all.

Then he tried a lot of things.

In the end, it was discovered that as long as it was metal, it could be controlled with the sword qi of the return of the sword.

Since then, Lin Yi went to the steel mill a few times and bought a lot of steel bars, all of which were cut to a length of one meter.

Just use these steel bars as a sword for the time being.

The sum of these steel bars and swords has far exceeded 10,000.

Then he can safely use these steel bars and swords to practice the return of ten thousand swords.

In these two months, Lin Yi's ten thousand swords returned to the sect, from the previous one could only control more than 4,000 swords, to reach 5,000 swords.

Although this is still far less than the return of ten thousand swords to the sect, at least it has reached half of the return of ten thousand swords.

As for Clark, in these two months, he has matured.

He continues to help people, wherever there is danger, he appears.

He appears wherever there are criminals, and he is almost busy.

People have also increasingly accepted the existence of such a superhero, with fewer and fewer voices opposed to him, and more and more people supporting him.

Even in the general election, more than 60% of the people voted for him.

However, he obviously had no interest in politics, so he refused.

On this day, Lin Yi was practicing Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect, and suddenly heard a loud noise coming from the farm.


Then there was a burst of smoke.

He swept his biological track, his expression changed: "Not good."

Then he teleported to the direction of the loud noise.

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