Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 811: Kryptonians

Lin Yi's expression changed, and he quickly teleported in the direction of the loud noise.

When he appeared where the loud noise came, he saw that it was not far from the house where they lived.

This is a big pit with a diameter of fifty meters.

In the center of the big pit, there was a person lying.

Dark blue suit and red cloak.

It's Superman, Clark.

Clark seemed to be seriously injured at this time and seemed to be dying.

There have been serious wounds on his chest and body.

In the most serious cases, bones are even deeply visible.

Obviously, he didn't fly back, but fell down.

Lin was also shocked.

You know, with Superman's physique, let alone a normal sword, even if a bullet hits his eyes, he won't have any problems.

Now that Clark can be injured like this, it must be an extremely powerful opponent.

But in this movie, the strongest BOSS is Zod.

Zod has been swallowed by himself, who else has this ability?

Lin also hugged Clark.


Clark's wound was touched and he screamed in pain.

Lin Yi teleported into the house and put Clark on the bed.

When Martha and Jonathan heard the movement, they both rushed over.

They all exclaimed when they saw Clark so miserable.

"Clark... Clark... what's wrong with you..."

Martha called out quickly.

Jonathan turned his head and asked Lin Yi: "What's the matter?"

Lin Yi shook his head, and then asked Clark, "What's the matter?"

Clark took a hard breath and said, "That...that woman..."

After only saying these few words, he fainted directly.

"Clark... Clark..."

Martha exclaimed.

Jonathan also shook his head again and again: "Clark..."

Lin Yi used the biological tracking to investigate, and said: "He just passed out temporarily. His recovery ability is far more than that of a human being on earth, and he will be able to heal soon."

Martha was relieved.

Jonathan shook his head and said, "But what happened?"

At this point, the sound of news reports from the TV in the living room.

"At nine o'clock this morning, a woman suddenly appeared in Manhattan and wreaked havoc on Manhattan..."

Lin Yi heard this, a teleport, and came to the living room.

I saw a figure on the TV screen rampaging the streets of Manhattan at a very fast speed.

Countless cars were hit by him.

The wall of the building was knocked through.

Under such an attack, civilians were killed and wounded countless.

The figure not only runs fast, but can also fly like a superman.

He ran rampant between the buildings, and dozens of buildings suffered serious losses under his collision.

And when the figure stopped, Lin Yi finally saw his true face.

I saw that this was a woman with shoulder-length hair and a pretty tough face.

Lin also knew this person, she was General Zod's deputy, deputy commander Fiora.

"She's still alive!"

Lin Yi frowned tightly.

Two months ago, when Zord was beheaded, he thought that Fiora had been burnt to ashes with the crash of the spaceship, but he did not expect that she would escape.

In fact, when Lin Yi boarded the spaceship, all his attention was on Zod.

Although Fiora was very loyal to General Zod, Lin Yi was too strong at the time.

She couldn't stop it at all.

So she quietly boarded the escape barn, and escaped to the earth while Lin did not notice.

For the next two months, she had been hiding quietly at first, spending every day in terror, for fear of being discovered by the earthlings.

But then by chance, she discovered that her skin was much harder than before, and she couldn't even cut her with a knife.

Later, she discovered that she could already breathe the air of the earth.

Her strength is greater than in the past, I don’t know how many times;

Her speed, endurance, etc., have all increased countless times over the past.

And she found that she could even fly.

Only then did she understand that when Kryptonians arrived on Earth, they could become as strong as Superman.

Thus, she appeared in Manhattan.

The earthlings killed General Zod, and she would destroy the entire earth!

Now she can destroy the entire earth with one person's power!

At this moment, Superman Clark appeared to stop Fiora.

The two started a fierce battle in the air.

Although Superman is very strong, he is still young, and his actual combat experience is even worse;

Fiora was set to be a fighter since he was a child, and has undergone years of fighter training. After that, he followed Zord to fight in the west, and he was extremely experienced in actual combat.

So Superman and Fiora played, except for half a minute at the beginning, and then almost the whole process was abused.

In the end, the laser beam ejected from Fiora's eyes was blasted out.

Superman took the opportunity to escape quickly, and Fiora didn't mean to chase him, and continued to destroy the city.

Superman insisted on reaching the sky above the, unable to hold on any longer, fell from the sky.

At this time, in the TV screen, Fiora is still continuing to destroy.

The entire Manhattan was almost destroyed by her.

The army simply couldn't stop her.

Originally, she was extremely rich in combat experience, but now she possessed this inhuman strength and speed, which was almost crazy.

Those civilians suffered countless deaths and injuries under her devastating destruction.

When the army tried to stop her, she suffered even more casualties.

The military and the National Security Bureau are helpless.

Perhaps only nuclear bombs can cause damage to her now.

However, there are more than 2 million people in Manhattan. If a nuclear bomb is dropped in Manhattan, more than 2 million people will be buried with her.

And the nuclear bomb is only "possible" to kill her.

Maybe even nuclear bombs are useless.

Lin Ye saw this scene, his fist gradually clenched.

Are these Kryptonians born without a long conscience?

So many lives are worthless in their eyes?

Jonathan also noticed Lin Yi's expression and asked: "Lin Yi..."

Lin Yi hadn't spoken yet, his phone rang.

He pressed the answer, and the voice of a short defense came from the phone.

"Lin...Superman has been you can stop her, I'm afraid you are the only one..."

Lin also didn't answer, but just hung up the phone.

Then he teleported out of the house, summoning the impossible armor.

Jonathan followed and shouted behind him: " careful...she seems to be stronger than Clark..."

Lin Yi still didn't speak and raised his head.


At the bottom of the armored feet, a powerful stream of particles was ejected.

Impossible armor, soaring into the sky!

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