Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 812: Vs. Fiora

When Lin Yi came to Manhattan, Fiora was still wreaking havoc there.

The screams and cries of the people below the city continued to reach Lin Yi's ears.

Lin Yi hovered over the city, watching these miserable conditions and listening to these miserable voices, his mood was heavy and angry.

He didn't expect that the real BOSS was Fiora.

Fiora is now far beyond Superman's strength.

With Lin Yi's current strength, it might be difficult to deal with her.

But it is impossible for Lin to watch so many innocent civilian casualties.

"Fiora... Stop it!"

Lin Yi roared out loud.

Fiora threw a car far away and turned to see Lin Yi.

"Lin Yi? It came just right, I was going to find you and avenge General Zod!"

Lin Yi originally thought that the final boss was Zod, so everything he did before was aimed at Zod.

Unexpectedly, now a Fiora will appear halfway through.

Feola at this time, but not as big a shadow as General Zod's heart.

In addition, now that she has superhuman strength and speed, she is not afraid of Lin Yi at all.

Seeing Lin Yi floating there, she jumped up directly.

The ground under her body directly produced a shock wave when she jumped up.

The concrete floor with a radius of more than 20 meters cracked every inch when she soared into the sky.

She ran into Lin Yi at an extremely fast speed.

Lin Yi teleported to avoid the collision.

Fiora didn't stop, and ran into the building just behind Lin Yi.

Turning around, he ran into Lin Yi again.

Lin Yi teleported again, avoiding Fiora.

Although Fiora now surpassed Lin Yi in speed.

But if Lin Yi uses teleport, she still cannot hit Lin Yi.

Of course, Lin also couldn't be hit by her.

With her current strength, if she were hit, the armor would shatter in an instant.

The extremis armor can withstand bullets and will not break even if hit by a shell.

But Fiora's current strength has far exceeded the power of cannonballs.

Seeing that he couldn't hit Lin Yi, Feola roared, his eyes quickly turned into fiery red.

The next moment, in her eyes, a thick fiery red beam of light sprayed out and shot towards Lin Yi.

Lin Yi teleported away quickly.

Fiora turned his head, and the beam of light continued to chase Lin Yi.

And as she turned her head, she was cut off by this beam of light, connected to the third-floor building.

The civilians below were dead and injured.

Lin also saw him and quickly teleported out towards the sky.

He must take Fiora away from the city, otherwise, he doesn't know how many civilians will be killed or injured.

Although Fiora saw that Lin Ye was about to run away, he did not chase him, but directly used the laser to shoot at the city.

This is why Fiora stood out among the tens of thousands of fighters and became General Zod's deputy.

Although she was angry that Lin Ye killed General Zod, she would not lose her mind because of this.

She knew that as long as she continued to destroy the city and slaughter the civilians, Lin would not leave.

He will definitely come out to stop her.

This is where her advantage lies.

She will not leave the city easily and lose her advantage.

Lin also saw that Fiora was not fooled and had to return to the city again.

Once in the city, Fiora once again chased Lin Yi with a laser.

Lin also didn't want to cause too much damage to the city, so he couldn't use the powerful Scarlet Lightning.

Nor can you use those moves that are too powerful.

Such as Tathagata Palm.

Seeing Fiora fired at him again.

He teleported and came behind Fiora, and at the same time, when he raised his hand, the mid-rush sword shot at Fiora.

call out--

Lin Yi's fiery red beam hit Feora in an instant.

A blood hole about ten centimeters in diameter was pierced from Fiora's back to his chest.

And because of the great power of the middle sword, Fiora was also rushed into the distance and fell.

Boom boom

He smashed through one building, and then passed through another building, before smashing to the ground fiercely.

Smash the ground into a large hole with a diameter of 100 meters.

This scene was captured by an aerial helicopter in the distance.

Almost everyone saw Lin Yi through the screen.

"Another Superman?!"

"No, he doesn't seem to be the same as those two Supermen."

"Yes, those two Superman's lasers are emitted from the eyes. He can actually emit lasers from his fingers!"

"And he is wearing that exoskeleton armor, not Superman and that woman."

In the Ministry of Defense, the minister and many other high-level eyes are fixed on the screen.

They all breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Lin Yi blasting the woman away.

At least, Lin is not like Superman, being crushed as soon as he goes up.

Moreover, it seemed that Lin Yi had a little advantage against this woman.

At the same time, on the scene.

Lin Yi didn't give her any respite after flying Feola.

From the space, more than four thousand swords and nearly one thousand steel bars were summoned.

So many swords and steel bars hovering over his head behind him, they have the potential to cover the sky.

Soon, these five thousand swords condensed into a stegosaurus with a length of 100 meters.

At this time, Fiora spit out the mud from his mouth and stood up.

Lin Yi, who was glaring in the air from afar, sneered: "Do you think I am the Fiora from before? That would be a big mistake!"

Then he jumped and flew to Lin Yi again.

Lin Yiren was in the air, with **** together in both hands, and pointed at Feola abruptly.

I saw the 100-meter-long stegosaurus flying towards Fiora.

Fiora relied on his undamaged body of King Kong, without dodge or avoid, and slammed into the stegosaurus.

Boom boom boom boom -

Fifty meters in front of this stegosaurus, there was almost no suspense, and it was smashed away.

But at this point, Fiora was already a bit difficult.

Boom boom--

After more than ten meters of collision, the power of Fiora's impact was finally completely offset.

The forty meters behind the stegosaurus slammed into Feora.

Fiora once again fell obliquely from the air like a cannonball, and directly smashed through Building 1 of the World Trade Center.

Then he crossed an arc and smashed into Central Park.

The lawn of the Central Park was smashed into a large hole with a diameter of 100 meters.

Lin Yi still didn't wait for her to breathe, and she reached the center of the big pit with a teleport.

Then his right **** stretched out.

call out--

The middle punch shot straight at Fiora's head.

Although Fiora's body has been modified to be extremely hard, it can even withstand the bombardment of shells.

However, the sharpness of the Six Vein Excalibur is far from comparable to that of ordinary shells.

If he is hit this time, Fiora is bound to die.

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