Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 825: Han River Monster (Part 2)


Nargolia chased Shadowmoon and climbed up the mountain.

The mountains here are still relatively steep, and it is relatively easy for Shadow Moon to lead the monster on such terrain.

Goliath's huge body stepped on a pile of rocks from time to time as he climbed up the mountain.

However, the mountain here is not too high, only about 300 meters, so it is not too difficult to get up.

Soon, Goliath was led to the top of the mountain.

Shadowmoon led Goliath on the top of the mountain and walked towards the top of the mountain on the right side of the dam.

Goliath's huge body, on such a steep mountain, Goliath walked very hard.

However, the monster's intelligence is not very high, and he only knows that he is chasing this human being who dared to challenge it to climb forward.

Finally, Shadow Moon took Goliath to the top of the mountain above the reservoir.

All this seemed to be going well, and it was carried out according to Lin Yihe Yingyue's plan.

However, the problem lies next.

Although the monster looked awkward when climbing up the mountain, it was steady, taking a step at a time.

The top of the mountain above the reservoir, although it looks steep, is very stable.

It is quite difficult to get it down the top of the mountain and fall into the reservoir.

Yingyue glanced at Lin Yi on the left side of the dam from a distance, and shook her head: "No way, I will be crazy following this lunatic."

Afterwards, a group of fiery red energy condensed in his right hand.

Soon, this fiery red energy turned into a crescent of more than ten meters high.

Then, her figure suddenly appeared on the right side of the monster, and then she waved her hand violently.

I saw that fiery red crescent suddenly turned into hundreds of crescents.

Three thousand moon shadows!

These hundreds of crescents all attacked Goliath.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi -

Goliath's hard skin was constantly torn apart by these crescents, and blood kept pouring out.

When all the hundreds of crescents hit Goliath, Goliath's chest was torn apart a huge mouth of blood that was ten meters long.

The blood gushes like a dam drain.

Goliath's body was unsteady, he took two steps back, and he was able to retreat to the edge of the mountain.

Just step back and you can fall into the reservoir.

But at this step, it did not retreat.

On the contrary, he roared and was about to rush towards Shadow Moon.

Yingyue knew that if she pounced, she would definitely pounce down the mountain from the other side.

Her previous efforts were in vain.

So she quickly bypassed the monster's feet and came to the side of the reservoir.

The monster also turned around and stepped down towards Shadowmoon.

Shadowmoon hurriedly escaped from the range it stepped on.

Lin Yi looked anxiously from a distance.

Just one step away.

In desperation, he could only put his **** together with both hands.

Then from the space, the 5000 "flying swords" were summoned.

Although there is no energy in the body, the sword energy is still abundant.

Using Qi to control the sword, these 5,000 "flying swords" crossed the 300-meter-wide dam, turned into a stegosaurus, and flew to the top of the mountain on the right side of the dam.

The previous facts have proved that returning Wan Jian to the Sect has no effect on this monster.

However, Lin Yi's return of Ten Thousand Swords to the Sect this time did not directly blast Goliath, but toward the top of the mountain at the foot of Goliath.

Soon, the stegosaurus hit the top of the mountain.


With a loud noise, the entire top of the mountain was knocked off by half.

The stones rolled down the mountain like a stream.

The rock under the monster's feet rolled down, and it was also unstable, and finally fell down the mountain.

After rolling down two laps on a steep hill, he thumped--

The huge monster fell into the reservoir.

In the reservoir, a huge wave of more than 30 meters high suddenly appeared, shooting towards the shore.

Lin Yi on the left side of the dam was directly swallowed by huge waves.

Fortunately, Lin Yi's current strength could not be really swallowed by a mere wave of waves.

When the huge waves receded, Lin Ye still appeared on the dam.

It's just that at this moment, his whole body is soaked.

Yingyue jumped down from the mountain at this time and came to the surface of the dam. Seeing Lin Yi in such embarrassment, she couldn't help laughing: "People who don't know thought you fell into the reservoir."

Lin didn't have time to be poor with her, but focused on exploring the situation below.

The water in this reservoir is not too deep, only about 80 meters.

The reservoir is not too wide, more than 300 meters.

But the terrain on both sides of the reservoir is very steep.

Goliath is huge, so he can't jump high at all. Coupled with the influence of water, it is naturally impossible to jump out of it.

It can't breathe underwater, wants to climb ashore, but can't get out.

It can only tentatively move forward and backward under the water.

At the same time it tried to bombard the mountain at the bottom of the reservoir with a giant fist.

But underwater, its power has been weakened too much. Want to bombard the mountain to make it sensational?

It tried to bombard the dam again—of course, with its intelligence, it didn’t know the difference between the dam and the mountain.

But with such a boom, the dam seemed to shake.

When the monster reached this point, he immediately threw his left fist and waved toward the dam again.


Standing on the surface of the dam, Lin Yi could clearly feel the shaking of the dam.

The water surface in the reservoir is also slightly——

The dam surface shook again.

But this time, several cracks have been cracked on the dam surface.

Shadowmoon also realized the seriousness of the problem.

Without waiting for Lin Yi to speak, a layer of transparent energy emerged from her body.

Water attribute energy!

That's right, Shadow Moon not only has water attribute energy, but also fire attribute energy.

There are three kinds of energy in Lin Yi, one is fire energy; one is **** fire or angel fire energy; the other is sword energy.

But besides himself, he hasn't seen anyone with dual attribute energy.

Shadow Moon condensed this mass of water attribute energy, and then poured this mass of energy into the reservoir.

This group of energy enters the reservoir, and the water around the reservoir converges toward the group of energy.

In just over ten seconds, a huge water ball with a diameter of more than 80 meters has formed around this group of energy.

The huge water ball moved towards Goliath, covering it.

If it were ordinary water, Goliath waved a sledgehammer, the power was still very large.

But with the addition of Shadowmoon's water attribute energy, this giant water ball turned out to be sticky.

Goliath was like an ant falling into the honey. Although struggling as hard as he could, he couldn't break the water ball at all.

And when it threw its fist toward the dam, it also became limp, without any strength.

In addition, in the sticky water ball, it could not breathe, and its limbs began to weaken.

However, its vitality is also extremely tenacious, unable to breathe in a short time, and it is impossible to die.

Shadowmoon can only continue to control the water polo and let the water polo stick to it.

After a full half an hour, Goliath finally stopped struggling.

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