Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 826: Devour Goliath


After a full half an hour, Goliath finally stopped struggling.

The water in the reservoir calmed down.

Lin also used the bio-tracking skills to probe, and found that Goliath's heart had stopped beating, and his brain waves had disappeared.

Obviously, this time it is really dead.


Yingyue let out a long sigh and slumped weakly on the dam.

Controlling such a huge water polo for a long time consumes not only energy but also mental energy.

She was already very weak at this time.

Lin Yi looked at the level, thinking in his heart how to get this monster out and swallow it.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a very small voice.

Click ——

This sound is even smaller than the sound of mosquitoes.

But with Lin Yi's current ear power, he could hear clearly.

He shook his heart and listened again.

Click ——

Another voice came.

Lin Yi glanced at Shadow Moon, which was a hundred meters away.

Yingyue was also looking at her, her expression ugly.

Lin Yi heard it more clearly this time, and the clicking sound came from the inside of the dam.

"The dam has withstood several attacks from the monster. I'm afraid it will collapse. Go!"

Lin Yi shouted at Yingyue.

But Shadowyue's body is very weak, it seems that she can't stand up.

The control time just now was too long, and the water polo controlled was too big, she really couldn't stand still.

Lin Yi could only walk towards Yingyue and take Yingyue away.

However, just when she was less than fifty meters away from Shadow Moon.

Click ——

There was a loud noise.

On the dam, a huge gap was winding vertically.

Then, a vertical stream of water poured out from the gap.

Lin Yi's feet began to shake violently.

He quickly jumped toward Shadow Moon.

But at this moment, the crack suddenly widened.


Under the huge water pressure, the dam could no longer bear it, and it broke completely.

The water is like a roaring horse group, rolling the boulders on the dam, rushing crazily downwards.

Lin Yi's feet were empty, and the whole person fell into the water and was swept down.

Because Shadowmoon was not in the middle of the dam, her body had not been destroyed yet.

"Lin Yi!"

Shadow Moon screamed.

But at this moment, the forest in the water has also been drawn into the water.

However, the next moment, Lin Yi appeared in front of Yingyue without warning.

At this moment, the place where Shadow Moon was located was also destroyed.

Shadow Moon also involuntarily went down.

Lin Yi grabbed Yingyue's hand and moved to the mountain on the right side of the dam.

The two were out of danger.

Yingyue watched Lin Yi clutching her hand and chuckled, "I didn't expect you to care about me so much."

Lin also didn't know how to respond to her, so he simply looked away and looked at the body of Goliath that was running down the river.

Goliath's body was quickly rushed into the distance.

Lin Yi can only take Shadowmoon, use teleport, and follow it.

After moving thousands of meters away, the surface of the river widened and the water became less deep, unable to float Goliath's huge body.

It was stranded on the shore.

Lin Yi came to the shore and looked at the giant Goliath with joy in his heart.

With this Goliath's strength, I am afraid it is equivalent to a 21st level evolutionary.

I don't know how many evolution points this will have.

Ask the system system is still on sale.

Lin Yi didn't ask any more, he would know if he swallowed.

The fiery red bio-energy gushed out of him, covering the entire Goliath body.

Shadow Moon looked very curious when watching this scene.

She has always been curious about Lin also being able to swallow those infected creatures.

Lin Yi's progress does not seem to be slow.

This benefit was that he had swallowed Thanos.

After swallowing Thanos, his physique was greatly enhanced.

Whether it is when he is promoted to a level or when he is devouring a huge monster, his speed is not very slow.

After only half an hour, the huge Goliath disappeared on the shore and was completely swallowed by Lin Yi.

Yingyue was even more surprised, and asked, "You swallowed all such a big guy?"

"It's not swallowed, it's swallowed."

Lin Yi said.

"I know. But how can your body hold that guy so big?"

Shadow Moon still asked inexplicably.

Lin Yi replied: "It's not directly swallowing it, but first turning it into energy, and then swallowing it."

"But even so, it's impossible to consume so much energy at once, right?"

Shadow Moon Road.

Lin also replied: "My body is much stronger than others, and the strength of each cell is much stronger than others. The energy that can be accommodated naturally far exceeds that of the average evolutionary. Let alone so much energy, even if it is more, Can hold it."

The voice of the system came: "Well, yes, it's called."


Yingyue smiled and said, "Lin Yi, I didn't expect you to be so dirty."

Lin also didn't explain, and asked the system directly in his mind: "How many evolution points have been gained by swallowing this monster?"

The system replied: "Goliath is equivalent to a 21st-level evolutionary. After being swallowed, he gains 100 million evolution points. The total evolution points are 151 million."

In other words, there is only 39 million evolution points away from being promoted to the 20th level of evolution

But this time, in order to get this opponent down, both Lin Yi and Yingyue were very expensive.

So the most important thing now is to find a place to take a break.

Soon, Lin Yi took Shadow Moon and came under a big tree on the shore, planning to rest here.

At the same time, in Manhattan, the headquarters of the Tatung Association.

Zhang Xiaocui saw that Lin Yi and Yingyue had managed to deal with such a huge monster in the picture sent back by the satellite, and her expression became gloomy.

"This guy is getting harder and harder to deal with."

She said to herself in her heart.

But no matter how difficult it is to deal with, it must be dealt with. If this guy is not removed for a day, he will not be at peace for a day.

While she was thinking, a figure walked in.

Zhang Xiaocui, who used to look incredible, saw this figure and quickly stood up and said, "My lord, you are here."

The figure looked two meters tall.

He glanced at Zhang Xiaocui, then at the computer screen, and said, "This person is not easy."

Zhang Xiaocui nodded quickly and said, "Well, he is very annoying. Ask the adults to help me kill him?"

The figure sneered and said, "Don't bother me with these little things."

Zhang Xiaocui was awe-inspiring.

The figure asked again: "How is your evolutionary agent research and development? Can you create a 21st-level evolutionary?"

Zhang Xiaocui nodded and said, "We have successfully produced 5 of them, but none of them is stable. We are improving the evolving agent, and it is expected that it will be stabilized in five days at most. At that time, these 21-level evolvers can be deployed. Useful."


The figure nodded slightly, seemingly satisfied.

This book comes from

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