Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 835: Zixia Fairy

Speaking of the plantain fan of the iron fan princess, it was originally a spiritual treasure created by the Kunlun Mountains in the back mountain of Kunlun Mountain since the Great God Pangu split the chaos.

It is the essence of the lunar yin, so it can extinguish all fire.

Although Lin Yi's **** fire is big, it is not as big as this banana fan, so it will be extinguished by the banana fan.

Lin Yi had a little doubt about this in his mind.

But before he had time to think about it, the Bull Demon slammed.

Bang bang bang bang bang-

The chain on his body has been broken.

At this time, the Niu Devil, holding a banana fan, yelled and said: "Yellow-mouthed kid, I don't know how good your grandpa Niu is. Let you taste the banana fan today!"

While holding the banana fan, he waved at Lin Yi.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lin Yi quickly teleported and moved behind the Bull Demon King.

As for the place where Lin Yi was standing just now, a gust of wind passed by, and between the flying sand and the rocks, the dozens of little monsters were directly fanned.

It's not a fan flying for several meters or several meters, or a fan flying for several miles and dozens of miles.

The yin wind from this fan can make people drift 84,000 miles.

In other words, if this fan passes, these little monsters will probably never find the Flame Mountain again in their lives.

Lin Yi came behind the Bull Demon King, with the burning right hand, grabbing the Bull Demon's head.

The Bull Demon stretched out the handle of the fan, and then took Lin Yi's hand.

The flame in Lin Yi's hand could not ignite this handle unexpectedly.

Then, the Niu Devil wielded the banana fan and attacked Lin Yi-he used the banana fan, which was exactly the same as the fork method of the steel fork.

A combo followed by a combo.

Under this infinite combo, the surrounding houses and walls were slapped far away.

The hellfire on Lin Yi's body has also been fanned out.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Lin Yi quickly teleported to two miles away, only to breathe a little.

This banana fan just overwhelmed his own hellfire, it really can't fight, let's run away.

He summoned the impossible armor, just about to put it on.

But at this moment, I suddenly felt a chill behind my back.

It turned out that the Bull Demon had also teleported over.

The Bull Demon King has vast magical powers and can naturally teleport.

"Want to escape? Grandpa Niu, I'll give you a ride!"

Saying that the banana fan only waved at Lin Yi.

Lin also felt that a gust of wind had never been seen before.

His body was involuntarily rolled into the air, and flew into the sky at a very fast speed, flying far away.

This flight is 84,000 miles!

When Lin Yi landed, he only felt dizzy and unconscious.

Nima, this plantain fan is really amazing.

For the next two days, Lin Yi hid in the rental house and rested quietly for two days before recovering.

And after recovering, he found that his hellfire was actually unusable.

This banana fan disappeared from the fan of hell, which is worthy of the most yin thing.

Fortunately, although hellfire cannot be used, angel fire can still be used.

After all, the fire of angels, although it is also a flame, is not a thing of the sun.

It can be said that this angelic fire is a kind of flame that harmonizes between yin and yang, which is the product of chaos.

Whether it is the most cloudy banana fan or the most sunny banana fan, the angel's fire cannot be extinguished.

Two days later, except for Hellfire, Lin Yi returned to normal.

He came out of the rental house and wanted to find Pansidong again.

Because he knew that next, many things would happen in this silk hole.

"A Westward Journey" is divided into two parts.

The upper part "Cinderella" will end here at Pansidong.

However, he didn't know where he was at this time.

So put on the impasse armor first, fly to a place where people are, and find out Pansidong after inquiring.

After flying for about two hours, the mountains below slowly turned into Gobi.

In these two hours, I didn't meet even one person.

And then, the Gobi turned into a desert.

Lin is also a little speechless.

Originally wanted to find a place with humans, why did you fly more and more desolate?

He continued to fly forward again. At this moment, unexpectedly, a person appeared in the desert below.

And still a woman.

I saw this woman, dressed in white gauze and long black hair.

The face can almost be described as perfect.

This is definitely one of the best among all the beauties Lin Yi has ever seen.

This woman is wearing a string of bells in her right hand and a sword in her left hand, the sheath is purple.

Seeing this, Lin Yi suddenly realized.

"Fairy Zixia? Five hundred years ago?!"

Yes, this person is the classic Zixia fairy.

What she held in her hand was the purple sword.

In the original work, at the end of the first part, the Supreme Treasure traveled 500 years ago with the Moonlight Treasure Box.

Only 500 years ago could we see Fairy Zixia.

Lin Yi really did not expect that this bull devil fan would fan himself 500 years ago.

Is this a big joke?

Lin Yi put away her armor at this time, and was far behind Fairy Zixia Wuli, using biological tracking to probe her.

Fairy Zixia seemed to be in the desert for the first time. Looking at the sand dunes one after another, she couldn't help stretching out her hands and turning around twice.

Admired: "Wow, it's so beautiful!"

Lin Yi couldn't help but be fascinated when he found this place.

To quote from Zhizunbao: This Zixia fairy is simply beautiful.

Lin Yi was still fascinated, and Fairy Zixia's voice suddenly floated from far away: "Who? Come out, sneaky."

This Zixia Fairy, after all, is a god, with strong mana, he can even perceive Lin Yi a few miles away.

Lin Yi gave a wry smile and could only show up.

Seeing Lin Yi coming, Fairy Zixia looked at Lin Yi's clothes curiously, and said, "God?"

Lin Yi shook his head.


Zixia asked again.

Lin Yi shook his head again.

Fairy Zixia was even more curious, and asked: "Then who are you?"

"Lin Yi."

Lin also replied.

Fairy Zixia said: "Lin Yi? Why are you here? Is it possible that you are also asking for a kiss?"

Fairy Zixia once swore that if anyone could pull out her purple sword, it would be her wishful man.

So since she went down to earth, she has encountered many people, gods and demons, and wanted to pull out her purple sword.

Now that I see Lin Yi, I naturally have this question.

Lin Yi said, "No, I'm here only occasionally. Just like you, Fairy Zixia."

Fairy Zixia nodded and said, "Oh, I think you have a good heart. In this desert, there is no one who speaks. It is better for us to go with each other."

Lin Yi nodded, "I mean that too."

Which man is not happy to be able to walk with beautiful women?

Then Lin Yi suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, Fairy Zixia. The Jade Emperor has sent the four heavenly kings of Nantianmen and the **** of Erlang Yang Jian to go down to the earth to catch you back to the heaven. You have to be careful."

Zixia asked curiously: "How do you know?"

"The kid is not talented, I know a thing or two about the calculations."


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