Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 836: Yang Jian and the 4 Heavenly Kings

"The kid is not talented, I know a thing or two about the calculations."

Lin Yi said modestly.

Fairy Zixia thanked: "Thank you very much."

Then the two traveled together, crossing the desert and arriving on the Gobi.

After another day, I saw an inn.

In this desolate Gobi, there is an inn, which is curious at first.

Said it is an inn, in fact it is just an ordinary house.

Outside the house, there is a pergola.

There is a table in the pergola.

There were four passersby sitting on the table.

The owner of the inn is busy making a fire with flint and going to light the oil lamp in the inn.

But the oil lamp doesn't have a wick at all, and it won't light up no matter what.

When Lin Yi saw this scene, he understood.

He quietly said to Fairy Zixia: "Fairy, they are the changes made by Erlang Shen Yang Jian and the four heavenly kings of Nantianmen. Fairy should be careful."

Fairy Zixia didn't care, and said: "You are correct in your calculations, then I have to meet them. If you are afraid of getting involved, you can stay away."

Lin Yi smiled indifferently.

Just kidding, I've fought with the bull devil, and are you afraid of Yang Jian and the four heavenly kings?

In the Westward Journey, Yang Jian and the Four Heavenly Kings' combat power settings are not as good as Zixia Fairy.

So in Lin Yi's view, Yang Jian and the Four Heavenly Kings are much worse than his own strength, so there is no need to be afraid of them.

Fairy Zixia approached the inn and watched the old man continue to light the oil lamp, but could not light it.

She smiled and said, "After Erlang God Yang Jian and the Four Heavenly Kings descended to the earth, their IQs followed. Can they be lit without a wick?"

Those few people were seen through, and were ridiculed again, only to show their true bodies.

"Fairy Zixia, you are a god, but you go down privately. This is a felony. You still tell people everywhere, who can draw your purple sword is your wishful man. As a god, how can you Move your heart? You add sin to sin!"

Erlang Shen Yang Jian said.

Fairy Zixia was about to speak, but Lin Yi stepped forward and asked: "The gods can't move the mortal heart, can't have lust, who made this?"

"Of course it was set by the Jade Emperor."

Lin Yisi laughed: "The Jade Emperor himself can have a wife and give birth to a bunch of daughters; her sister can also marry and give birth to your Erlang God. Your family can have **** desires, and your family can do whatever they want. Others The gods can’t. Only the state officials are allowed to set fire, but the people are not allowed to shoot?"

This was speaking to Fairy Zixia. She gave Lin Yibi a thumbs up behind Lin Yi, and praised: "Well said, I support you!"

"The Jade Emperor decided, naturally, there are reasons for the Jade Emperor. How can you allow you to speculate as a mortal?"

Erlang Shen was speechless by Lin Yi and could only prevaricate casually.

Then he said to Fairy Zixia: "Fairy Zixia, if you are caught with your hands, come back to the Heavenly Court with me, I can also help you intercede with the Jade Emperor and take it lightly. Otherwise, it would be a capital crime to be caught by us."

"Want to catch me? It depends on whether you have this ability."

Fairy Zixia chuckled, and the Ziqing sword in her hand had been pulled out.

Lin also knew that Fairy Zixia was enough to deal with the five people alone.

So he didn't mean to shoot either.

After a while, Fairy Zixia showed the bell on her right hand.

She shook her right hand, and the bell rang following the bell.

And this bell has the same magical function: it can confuse people's minds.

Yang Jian, the **** of Erlang, danced in the sound of the bell.

The four heavenly kings also lost their minds and danced around the **** Erlang.

Fairy Zixia smiled softly, like spring flowers blooming, and said to Lin Yi: "Let's go."

Lin Yi also chuckled, and the two left together.

After a while, the minds of the **** Erlang and the four heavenly kings finally recovered.

Erlang Shen felt a sense of selflessness at this time.

He used to be an extremely majestic image in people's minds.

Today, he performed such an ugly dance in this wilderness. How could this make him feel bad.

He looked at the four heavenly kings and said, "If anyone tells you anything about today, be careful of your tongue!"


The four heavenly kings are not stupid, and several of them are quite embarrassing today.

If you say it, won't the faces of their four heavenly kings also be lost?

At this time, one of them said to Erlang Shen: "True Monarch, you..."

"No need to say more!"

Erlang Shen is depressed, and he gets upset when he hears the person next to him.

"True monarch, I mean..."

"I said it, no need to say it again!"

Erlang Shen said angrily.

The person next to him said, "No. Your snarling dog is riding a **** there."

He pointed to the snarling dog not far away.

God Erlang had a fire in his heart, and seeing this scene at this time made him even more angry.

"Even it moved Fanxin, and I will kill it when I go back today!"

The four heavenly kings nodded in unison: "Okay, okay, we also wanted to kill him for a tooth-fighting sacrifice. The heavenly food or the food is really bad, and eating dog meat is not bad."


Erlang Shen Yang Jian stared at those people.

Those people shook their heads quickly: "Just kidding, don't take it seriously."


Besides, after leaving the inn, Lin Yi and Fairy Zixia continued to wander aimlessly.

Fairy Zixia wanted to find her ideal person, and Lin Yi knew that something must happen to Fairy Zixia next, so she continued to follow Zixia.

That afternoon, the two of them walked out of the Gobi and came to a big mountain.

The mountain is rugged with rocks and dangerous peaks.

A faint mist filled the mountains.

In this evening, it seemed that there was a hint of horror and gloomy meaning.

Fairy Zixia was holding a donkey she had just bought, and Lin Yi followed.

The two said as they walked.

"This mountain looks a bit gloomy."

Fairy Zixia said.

Lin Yi said: "Here, there should be a person, a very important person."

"is it?"

Fairy Zixia answered casually.

Soon, the two came to the hillside.

After turning a corner, a hole appeared in front.

The entrance of the cave is engraved with three characters: Shuiliandong.

At the entrance of the cave, there was a person lying.

Holding a wooden box about one foot long in his, he was stunned.

He is the supreme treasure who has just crossed over 500 years ago.

When he heard the ringing of the bell, he raised his head and saw Fairy Zixia and Lin Yi.

He was overjoyed and said, "Lin Yi, why are you here?"

Lin Yi said, "This is exactly what I want to ask, why are you here?"

Supreme Treasure said: "Girl Jingjing was killed. I wanted to use the Moonlight Treasure Box to turn back time to find out the truth. The last time I used it, the Moonlight Treasure Box malfunctioned and brought me here."

As he said, he shook the moonlight treasure box and sighed.

When Fairy Zixia heard about the Moonlight Treasure Box, her eyes suddenly lit up.

She stretched out her hand out of thin air, and the moonlight treasure box in Supreme Treasure's hand flew into her hand.


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