Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 859: survivor

Within a radius of five kilometers, everything except Lin Yi had disappeared.

Shui Ruobing was extremely shocked.

Her three thousand moon shadows are mainly aimed at the enemy.

Although the damage to people is very large, the damage to the surrounding buildings is much smaller.

But Lin Yi's move was completely destructive to the surrounding buildings, even the ground.

Because of this, Lin Yi's trick is very effective when dealing with multiple enemies around him.

This is definitely the most powerful group attack skill she has ever seen.

Lin Yi, this kid really made her unable to see through.

At first, she knew Lin Yishi for the first time, six months ago.

At that time, Lin Yi was nothing more than a level 10 evolutionary.

Although she was very interested in Lin Yi at the time, she still despised Lin Yi's strength.

In her view at the time, Lin Yi's strength was just the ant rank.

But now, after only half a year, Lin Yi has grown into a level 20 evolutionary.

Moreover, the kind of strength that Lin Yi showed just now, even she herself, would never be able to compete with it.

In her view, Lin Yi's strength is already at the level of an elephant.

At this time, in the surroundings, hundreds of black energies, like black butterflies, rose and fell towards the ground.

Shui Ruobing looked at these black butterflies questioningly and stretched out his hand.

A black butterfly fell in her hand and slowly disappeared.

She could feel that the black butterfly once seemed to contain infinite energy.

She continued to walk towards Lin Yi.

When she came to Lin Yi, she was also in a daze at this time.

Obviously, Lin also didn't expect that the destructive power of this destroyer would be so strong.

All were razed to the ground within five kilometers.

As for the ten little loli, they had already been bombarded into scum, even the scum was gone.

Lin Yi originally thought that he could get 500 million evolution points by devouring these little loli. As a result, after a big move, 500 million evolution points are gone.

Shui Ruobing asked with concern: "Lin Yi, are you okay?"

Lin Yidao: "It's okay, it's just...a bit tired."

This blow almost exhausted his energy, and he would naturally be tired.

"Then let's find a place to rest first."

Shui Ruobing said, supporting Lin Yi, not knowing which way to go.

In the end, he chose Dongfang casually and left forward.


At the headquarters of Datonghui.

Zhang Xiaocui looked at the huge circular open space with a diameter of ten kilometers in the picture, shocked.

She never dreamed that Lin Yi's strength would be terrifying.

Ten level 10 evolutionists, who came together to deal with Lin Yi, were killed by Lin Yi's ultimate move.

After a moment of shock, she only said three words: "This guy..."

And on the sofa behind her, the mysterious evolutionary also revealed a slight surprise in his eyes.

In his eyes, Lin Yi was just an ant.

Unexpectedly, after not seeing him for a month, this guy would evolve into an elephant.

This mysterious evolutionary is definitely knowledgeable.

He knows that when a threat gradually becomes a threat, he must act early to get rid of the threat.

Otherwise, if you grow up by this threat, it will be too late to regret.

"It seems that I still have to go out myself."

Said the mysterious evolutionary.

Zhang Xiaocui was overjoyed when he heard it, and said, "Great, you have an adult, you go out in person, no matter how powerful this guy is, he will definitely not escape the palm of your hand."

In fact, the last time this mysterious evolver had decided to make a shot himself.

But at that time, Zhang Xiaocui's 20th-level evolutionary could use data deduction to face the enemy.

So she asked the little loli to go and deal with Lin Yi first, and try to see how strong these little loli are.

Now it seems that these little loli are still not Lin Yi's opponents, so this mysterious evolver will have to take the initiative.

This mysterious evolver went out in person, and it was absolutely impossible for Lin to escape.


Besides, Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing, after leaving the city that had been razed to the ground, went eastward.

After walking for about five hours, the sky gradually darkened.

At this time, they came to the foot of a mountain.

The mountain is not high, but it looks very steep.

There seems to be only one way up and down the mountain.

Lin Yi used biological tracking and found that there was a camp for survivors on that mountain.

There are as many as hundreds of people in this camp.

There are even more than 20 evolvers.

This is the largest team of survivors that Lin Yi has encountered in the past two months.

Over the past two months, he has encountered fewer and fewer survivors.

The team of survivors is even smaller.

Originally, Lin was also trivial and willing to contact these survivors.

Because in the face of life and death crisis, the nature of many people is exposed.

For example, Lin Yi has seen people who run away regardless of their parents' life or death;

And some young parents do not care about the life and death of their children, but only care about their escape.

Even when there was no food, Lin Yi personally saw the scene of cannibalism.

Therefore, he was disgusted with contact with these survivors.

But today, because Lin Yi doesn't have much energy in his body and is very tired, he plans to rest here.

The two of them walked along the mountain road and slowly came to the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is relatively flat, and the survivors used many stones to form a wall here, blocking the mountain road, only a two-meter wide door can pass through.

When they were 100 meters away from the stone gate, they listened to the direction of the gate, and a voice suddenly came out: "Who?"

Lin Yi replied: "Survivor."

A voice came from the direction of the door: "You can come here."

The two soon came to the edge of the big station, and saw the gatekeepers, all holding guns, and they didn't know where to get them.

The head of the person said: "Since we are survivors, we can let you in. But you must check your body to make sure you are not scratched or bitten by an infected organism."

When the man spoke his eyes were staring at Shui Ruobing.

Several other people also smirked and stared at Shui Ruobing.

How could Shui Ruobing endure such a thing?

She explored with her right hand, and a walnut-sized water energy ball condensed.

Then he waved forward.

The water attribute energy ball flew towards the few people as fast as lightning.


Within a few flashes of the energy ball, a blood hole appeared on the foreheads of all those people.

Their bodies all fell straight to the ground.

Water attributes, although the attack power is not strong.

But dealing with these ordinary people is completely easy.


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