Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 860: Laxatives are useless

Shui Ruobing instantly killed those people in an instant, which caused the evolutionists who had heard the sound to froze in horror.

They are also evolutionaries, and it is easy to deal with the zombies on weekdays, even if it is not difficult to deal with the fire crow.

In the eyes of ordinary people, they are like superheroes.

But now, they feel so weak in front of this woman.

After Shui Ruobing killed those people, he didn't even look at the corpses.

Instead, her gaze glanced at the evolutionaries who had just arrived.

In her gaze, she was the same as the group leader of Shadowmoon.

Just imagine, as the head of the world's No. 1 killer organization, how terrible her eyes should be?

These evolutionists only felt a chill on their backs, and their hairs were standing up.

Shui Ruobing pulled Lin Yi and said, "Let's go in."

Then the two walked into the camp without anyone else.

Those evolving people in the back were stunned for half a minute, and they barely recovered one by one.

Shui Ruobing and Lin Yi, under the gaze of more than one hundred people, entered the camp as if there was no one else.

Shui Ruobing glanced at the frightened people around him and said, "Is there anything to eat?"

Those people froze for a moment, and some people answered in horror: "Yes, there are..."

While talking, trot to get food.

Before long, they brought some food.

Although it is not rich, it is enough for five or six people.

Under this apocalyptic background, food is extremely scarce.

They can bring food for five or six people, which shows their fear of Shui Ruobing's strength just now.

While Shui Ruobing and Lin Yi were having a meal, one of the evolutionary headed by one of them-a 7th level evolutionary-came to Lin Yi and the others, smiled cautiously, and asked: "The two are going to live with us. How long is it?"

Shui Ruobing's eyes widened, his eyes chilled, and he asked, "Why? Isn't it welcome?"

"No, no, welcome, welcome!"

The 7th-level evolutionary waved his hands and said: "You two can come to live with us, we feel radiant."

Shui Ruobing nodded: "In that case, we will stay here for a while."

There was a faint expression on the face of the 7th-level evolutionary, but it flashed away.

In their eyes, this beautiful woman is completely evil.

These evolutionists, because of their strength, ordinary people often rely on them to survive.

So here, he, the strongest level 7 evolutionary, is the king.

He even thanked to a certain extent for the arrival of the end times.

But now, as soon as these two people appeared, they broke this situation.

In front of these two people, he was like all ordinary people, for fear that this woman would be dissatisfied and would destroy him.

Now that these two people want to stay here for a long time, it would be a disaster for him.

Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing had finished eating, and the 7th-level evolutionary had already arranged a place to live.

Although they are on the mountain, after these two months of operation, they have built many wooden houses on the mountain.

Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing were arranged in the most central and largest wooden house-this was originally the room where the 7th-level evolutionary lived.

But now, in order not to annoy the woman, he took the initiative to vacate his house.

After Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing entered the room, everyone else started talking in low voices.

"what should we do?"

"You must find a way to drive them away."

"That man seems to have little strength, and that woman is too strong, how can we rush?"

"If it doesn't work, then come dark."

"How dark?"

"Don't worry, I have put a laxative in the food they ate just now to ensure that after the two of them finish eating, they will not be able to lift their pants. At that time, hehe..."

Everyone nodded.

This trick is indeed a coup.

The 7th-level evolutionary is even more smug.

No matter how strong you are, in front of me, a 7th-level evolutionary, don't you have to obediently submit?

Although others have never felt that this 7th-level evolutionary is so good, they are more willing to follow this 7th-level evolutionary than the two strangers who just arrived and killed a few people in an instant.

Ever since, these people waited intently.

However, after ten minutes, nothing happened.

Someone asked: "What's the matter?"

It stands to reason that it has been twenty minutes since they ate and it should have worked long ago.

"Should it expire?"

"No, when I was constipated two days ago, I only drank a little and pulled it seven times. The dose I just gave them is much heavier than I did that day."

"What's the matter then?"

"Wait, wait, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry."

Ever since, everyone waited for another half an hour.

There was still no movement in the room.

In this way, everyone finally knew that something was wrong.

"Still nothing happened."

"It won't be...they are too is so strong that laxatives have no effect on them?"

Others nodded: "Well, it's very possible."

"The Level 12 evolutionary we met before was turned into soft-footed shrimp by my laxative? Now these two people are not afraid of laxatives, how strong should they be?"

"Level 13 evolutionary?"

"In my opinion, it is at least level 14."

"Perhaps... but it's level 15."

In the end, everyone agreed with this view, confirming that Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing were at least level 15 evolutionary.

In this way, everyone dismissed the idea of ​​making small moves.

Just kidding, the two 15-level evolutionaries squeezed their rhythm in minutes.

"If they are really level 15 evolutionists, then maybe they don't look down on our small camp at all. Maybe they will leave after a day or two."

"That's right, as long as we serve them with delicious food and drink for these two days, after they leave, we evolvers are still the masters of this camp."

These people made such an idea, and then they really didn't have any small actions anymore.


That night, the moon was as bright as day.

Most of the people in the camp are already asleep.

There are only more than a dozen night watchmen, chatting in low voices at the gate.

At this time, I heard a huge roar suddenly heard from the foot of the mountain: "Roar————"

All these people were taken aback, then quickly squeezed their guns and looked towards the mountain road.

Under the moonlight, I saw a figure stumbling up on the mountain road.

Seeing walking, it should not be a zombie.

Behind him, the trees on both sides of the mountain road kept making clicking noises.

Then, they saw that under the moonlight, the trees separated, and a huge figure appeared behind the figure.

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