Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 866: Tune the Tiger from the Mountain (Part 2)

The mysterious evolutionary found a clone of Lin Yi.

This clone of Lin Yi was wandering carefree in the wild at this time, using Scarlet Lightning to easily kill several zombies or infected creatures from time to time.

The mysterious evolutionary appeared like a teleportation, suddenly appeared in front of Lin Yi's clone.

When he came to Lin Yi's clone, his brows frowned slightly.

Because the aura on Lin Yi's body is too weak-although it is already very strong compared to others, it is definitely not the aura that a level 20 evolutionary should have.

If Lin Yi was really a 20th-level evolutionary, his aura could not have been so weak.

At the same time, Lin Yi's clone also saw this mysterious evolutionary.

I saw this person more than two meters tall.

Behind him was a pair of wings-but they were not like angel wings, nor demon wings.

It is a pair of wings similar to a locust.

Most of his body was green like a mantis.

Its head looks like the triangular head of a praying mantis.

On his chest, he was born with two pieces of armor to protect his chest.

Lin also once watched "Dragon Ball", in which there is an extremely powerful villain, Sharu.

And this person turned out to look exactly like that Sharu.

Lin Yi's clone saw this and said, "Is this guy, is it a mutation of a locust and a praying mantis?"

The man sneered and said: "Stupid earthlings, using a weapon of mass destruction like Scarlet Lightning to kill a few zombies, this is simply the biggest insult to Scarlet Lightning! I will never allow you to do this. !"

With that, he kicked Lin Yi clone with one kick.

Lin Yi's clone did not even have a chance to react.


With a muffled sound, along with the fragmented skull figure, Lin Yi clone flew out far away.

When his clone landed, his head was already bloody.

The man said disdainfully: "Impossible!"

As he said, he waited by the side, waiting for the blood-colored lightning on Lin Yi to appear.

Based on his understanding of the Scarlet Lightning, if the owner of the Scarlet Lightning dies, the Scarlet Lightning will automatically leave the owner's body and slowly emerge.

However, after he waited for two minutes, no **** lightning appeared on Lin Yi's body.

He frowned and his right hand turned into a sharp blade, cutting Lin Yi's body into two pieces.

After a few more knives, Lin Yi's body was cut into pieces.

Then pull these pieces with a knife.

However, there was still no trace of **** lightning.

Until then, the evolutionary realized that he was being tricked.

This made him angry.

He is a magnificent colonist of the earth, the master of the whole earth, has been fooled by an earth native.

In anger, he stepped on it.

I saw a small shock wave spreading over a radius of ten meters.

And within ten meters of this radius, everything instantly turned into powder - including the fragments of Lin Yi's clone.

After venting, the man pressed the communicator in his ear, with a murderous voice in his voice: "Find that guy for me! His clone is here, he must not go far."

Zhang Xiaocui's voice came in his ears: "Yes, my lord."

Later, Zhang Xiaocui asked people to start shooting with satellites to find Lin Yi's traces.

But after searching for more than ten minutes, there was no trace of Lin Yi.

She said with trepidation: "My lord, I can't find it for the time being. He is probably hiding in a cave or a basement. But you can rest assured that I will let people monitor the world at all times. As long as he appears on the surface, I Will report to you immediately."


At the same time, in that house in Manhattan's ghetto.

Lin Yi's heart was full of horror and panic.

He is connected to the consciousness of all clones.

He also saw everything that the clone saw.

Is this the mysterious evolutionary?

The strength is so strong!

Although his clone is only half of his own strength, with the strength displayed by this mysterious evolver, it is estimated that even if he goes by himself, it will be the result of a quick and easy kill.

Unexpectedly, there would be such a powerful person in the world.

He recalled what the man said-"Stupid Earthman".

In this way, this person is not a mutant praying mantis or a mutant locust.

It's an alien!

When Lin Yi thought so, the system in his mind said: "Yes, alien creatures!"

Lin also asked: "Do you know him?!"

The system replied: "It is not to understand him, but to understand their planet and their fellow people."

"Tell me quickly."

After all, human beings are always full of fear for the unknown.

So it is always good to know more about him now, at least it can reduce the panic in Lin Yi's heart.

The system said: "This person is a Saruxing. People on their planet look like this. The zombie virus on this earth is actually not a product of our planet itself, but developed by the Saruxing. They put these viruses on. On many planets, these planets where zombies are rampant are used as their trial grounds to train their fighters."

Lin also heard this, not only did the panic in his heart not decrease, on the contrary, it increased a lot.

People originally thought they were the masters of the universe, but they did not expect them to be sacrificed by the Sharu Xing people in training their soldiers.

The system continued: "After nearly a hundred years, they will aggressively attack the earth. But their first wave of attacks was repelled by Ai Li and others. So, they came again for the second time. And this second time, they They came with the strongest weapon of their planet-Scarlet Lightning. As a result, their Scarlet Lightning was snatched by Lin Yi and defeated their fleet again. Finally, Ai Li transported all the zombies on the earth. When they arrive at Shalu Xing, let them eat their own fruits."

When Lin also heard this, he still admired Ai Li.

Almost with his own power, against the entire planet.

At least the current self is far from being able to do it.

Don't talk about fighting against the whole Sharuxing, I can't even deal with this Sharuxing Therefore, I still have to improve my strength as soon as possible, and then kill this Sharuxing Evolver as soon as possible.

Early the next morning, Lin Yi and Shui Ruobing, under the leadership of Zhang Wenjing, walked quietly towards the headquarters of the Datonghui.

Encountered many people along the way, but because Lin Yi had already pretended to be an evolutionary who had swallowed before.

And Shui Ruobing also put on a disguise.

Zhang Wenjing is even better at disguising.

Therefore, the three of them at this time did not attract anyone's attention.

After about half an hour, they passed Times Square, passed Central Park, and came to the wealthy area.

From here, you can see a building about 300 meters high in front.

Zhang Wenjing pointed to the building and said, "This is the headquarters of the Datonghui."


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