Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 867: Tatung Association Headquarters

The building Zhang Wenjing is referring to is currently the tallest building in Manhattan-One World Trade Center, also known as the Freedom Tower.

Before the virus broke out, about one-third of the roof of this building was the headquarters of the Datong Association.

Now, the entire building is regarded as the headquarters of the Tatung Association.

Zhang Wenjing said: "There is the headquarters of the Datonghui. But I don't know where they put the medicine. I'm afraid it will take some time to find it."

Shui Ruobing smiled bitterly and said: "This Datonghui headquarters, I'm afraid it has at least 80 floors."

"There are 82 floors above ground and 4 floors underground. And the Datong Society will probably continue to build deeper underground. I'm afraid it will add up to 100 floors."

"Moreover, there are at least dozens of rooms on each floor. When can I find it like this?"

Shui Ruobing said.

Lin Yi said: "Don't be so troublesome."

Then he took out the Immortal Armor from the space and said, "Jarvis, find a way to find that potion."

Jarvis replied: "I have hacked into the Tatung Association database and am looking for... I have found it in the cold storage on the 23rd floor underground."

Lin also listened and said to Shui Ruobing and Zhang Wenjing: "I already know."

It's not surprising that the water is frozen, after all, Lin Yi can often show such surprising abilities.

He already knows when others don't know how to start.

But Zhang Wenjing was very surprised.

Obviously, Lin Yi had never been to the headquarters of the Tatung Association before.

The Datong Association must be quite confidential about the preservation of that medicine.

He, the son of the president of the Great Tatung Association, didn't know where the thing was kept. How did Lin also know?

As a result, his surprise was far from over.

Because next Lin Yi said: "This kind of medicine Datong will call it a cleaning agent. It is a liquid, but a special machine can vaporize it. Then it spreads in the air with the wind. It will inhibit or even eliminate the virus. Anything. Infecting organisms, as long as they come into contact with this vapor, the virus in the body will be suppressed or eliminated. It really is a very powerful cleaning agent."

Zhang Wenjing looked at Lin Yi like a monster.

He knew that Lin Yi's strength was very strong, which had been fully demonstrated in the previous jigsaw trap.

But how did Lin also know this information?

And know more detailed than oneself.

He naturally didn't know that Jarvis had easily hacked into the Datonghui database.

All the secrets of the Datonghui are in Lin Yi's grasp.

Even the defense plan of the Datonghui headquarters, which was heavily defensive, was known to Lin Yi.

How many defenders are on their level, how often are they rotated, the personnel are equipped with weapons, and how many evolutionaries are there.

Lin Yi is all clear.

Originally, with the three of them, wanting to sneak into the Datonghui was nothing short of a fantasy.

But now, it is possible to hack into the headquarters of the Datong Association.

Lin Yi continued: "I already know all their secrets. All we have to do now is to sneak in quietly. Shui Ruobing, you and Zhang Wenjing are watching the wind for me outside, and use the communicator to notify me if there is any movement. ."

Lin Yi took out the communicator Zhang Wenjing had prepared long ago and said.

Shui Ruobing shook his head and said, "No, I will go in with you."

Lin Yidao: "I'll go in alone. First, the goal is relatively small, and second, I have camouflage skills, so I won't be noticed by anyone. Third, if something happens to me inside, I have to rely on you to pick me up. "

Shui Ruobing listened, pondered for a moment, and replied, "That's it, but you have to be careful."

Lin Yi nodded, and then said: "We have to find a target first. After I swallow him, we can pretend to be him and enter the headquarters of the Great Tatung Association."

"Did anyone choose?"

Shui Ruobing asked.

"of course."

Lin Yi had already found a suitable candidate through the Datonghui database.

That is the head of the Security Department of the Datong Association, Jeff Cook.

This person is an 18th-level evolver, one of the few evolvers who have reached level 18 through his own training.

Since the establishment of Datonghui, he has been working for Datonghui.

It has been more than 30 years now.

He is deeply trusted by Zhang Xiaocui.

Recently, Datonghui has developed an evolving agent that can raise a general evolver to level 20. It was originally intended to inject him.

But because he is so important, he will not risk giving him an injection before the test of the evolution agent is completed.

Under normal circumstances, this person has always lived in the Datonghui.

But every two or three days, he would go out once, to the famous nightclub in the wealthy area: the sky above the clouds.

The last time I went out was the day before yesterday.

Expect to go out again in these two days.

Since then, Lin Yi and the others stopped on the street a hundred meters away from the Datonghui, always paying attention to the movement at the door of the Datonghui.

While they were waiting for the opportunity, Lin Yi said to Jarvis: "Jarvis, you can expose the position of the second clone to Datonghui."


Only five minutes later, inside the headquarters of the Datonghui.

Zhang Xiaocui, who was busy, suddenly received the following report: "Chairman, Lin has also appeared."

Zhang Xiaocui's heart jumped and said, "Cut the picture over."


With that person's voice, projections appeared on the entire wall of Zhang Xiaocui's office.

Above the projection, it was Lin Yi, slowly marching through the jungle, killing the surrounding monsters with blood-colored lightning from time to time.

"Sure enough, this kid!"

Zhang Xiaocui whispered, and then dialed the phone.

On the other side of the phone, there was a somewhat annoyed voice: "Zhang Xiaocui, why haven't you found it! I think you, the president, don't want to do it!"

It was the voice of the Sharu star.

Zhang Xiaocui quickly explained: "The guy has been hiding in the cave for the past two days. He just came out. We captured his picture and reported it to you as soon as possible."

"Tell me where I am!"

The Shalu star roared.

Zhang Xiaocui immediately sent Lin Yi's location and picture to When the man saw Lin Yi's picture, he was furious: "This kid, it's unreasonable!"

He ran towards the location marked by the coordinates.

But at this moment, Zhang Xiaocui suddenly said, "Wait, my lord, it's a bit strange."

"What's weird?"

Zhang Xiaocui said: "What about the woman who was inseparable with Lin Yi before? And... before Lin Yi didn't use Scarlet Lightning very much, unless it was a last resort. But now she has been using Scarlet Lightning without a brain. This is completely. Not like his character."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, he seems to be deliberately showing up, to get someone's attention."

"You mean he deliberately led me over?"



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