Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 868: Infiltrate the headquarters of the Datong Association

I have to say that Zhang Xiaocui, a girl who came out of the countryside, can counterattack and become the chairman of the world's first organization Datonghui. Apart from the support of this Sharu Xing, the most important thing is her keen intuition. And extraordinary judgment.

With only ten seconds of video, she saw that this was a trap.

"My lord, don't go there yet, wait for us..."

"I don't have that patience."

While flying, the Sharu star said: "He is a small 20th-level evolutionary, even if he really sets a trap, what is so terrible?"

Zhang Xiaocui frowned slightly and said, "My lord, it's mainly that the woman hasn't appeared yet."

The Saru star sneered and said, "That's just a 20th-level evolutionary. What does it matter if you give me 100 more such a 20th-level evolutionary?"

Zhang Xiaocui could only shook his head and laughed.

She knew a thing or two about the strength of this Sharu star.

The 100 level 20 evolutionists are really not his opponents.

However, she always felt a little uneasy.

Maybe this is her instinct to fight after so many years of intrigue.

This kind of fighting intuition is different from the intuition between electric light and flint in frontal fighting.

This kind of combat intuition, as long as it appears, will always hang over her heart like a haze.

And it turns out that every time such an intuition appears, something always happens.

And these things are often not a good thing.

Let’s talk about the Sharu star, flying extremely fast.

His wings are not flapping infrequently like birds.

But like a locust, it swings extremely fast.

And because of the addition of energy, the frequency of this beat has reached the point where it can't be seen clearly by the naked eye.

Therefore, his speed is also extremely fast.

Under normal conditions, his speed has reached Mach 10.

In a state of complete explosion, his speed is even faster. As for how much his limit speed can reach, no one knows.

Because he has never reached the limit speed.

Among the earthlings, his normal state can easily catch up with all his opponents.

Naturally, there is no need to break out any extreme speed.

At a speed of Mach 10, in just over a minute, he had reached the location of the coordinate mark.

This is a big lake.

The lake is surrounded by a circle of bamboo forests.

In the bamboo forest, several villas are hidden from time to time.

The scenery is quite beautiful.

Before the virus broke out, this was a holiday place for the rich.

But after the virus outbreak, no one lives here anymore, only a few zombies wandering around the lake.

The great scenery is all left for the zombies to enjoy.

At this time, by the quiet lake, a blood red flash appeared from time to time.

This is Lin Yi, he uses blood-colored lightning to continuously remove these zombies and infected creatures around him.

After clearing these zombies and infected creatures, he looked at the surrounding bamboo forest and the calm lake, nodded, and said, "It's a good place for vacation."

Then I found a villa, planning to live here these few days.

However, before he had time to enter the villa, he felt a huge and unparalleled aura, and suddenly came over here.

Even the surface of the lake, which has been calm, has ripples at this time.

Lin Yi's heart shuddered and looked up.

I saw a figure a hundred meters above the lake. I don't know when.

It was the Sharu star that I had seen before.

When the Shaluxing saw Lin Yi, he sneered and shouted: "The stupid natives of Earth used Scarlet Lightning to clean up the zombies. This is simply the biggest insult to Scarlet Lightning, and an insult to Sharuxing!"

Before he finished his words, he swept towards Lin Yi by the lake.

Lin also still has no reaction possible.

Even Teleport did not have time to use it.


With a loud bang, where Lin Yi was standing, a huge crater with a diameter of 100 meters came out.

The lake water was poured into this huge pit like a flood.

There is no doubt that this time Lin Yi was killed again.

And this time, Lin was really bombed so that there was no more scum left.

The flood into this huge pit came extremely violently.

In just over a minute, this huge hole with a diameter of 100 meters was filled.

The lake surface was calm again.

The Nasharu star looked at the lake with hope, waiting for the appearance of **** lightning.

However, he waited for more than two minutes.

However, he was disappointed again.

The lake level is like a mirror, without the slightest ripple.

No blood-red lightning appeared.

"It's another clone!"

The Sharu star roared.

This trivial native of the earth has actually played with himself twice in a row.

In his opinion, his strength could easily wipe out the natives of the earth, but he was played twice in a row.

How can he stand this?

Just like in the eyes of humans, ants are humble and small.

However, when a human really wants to trample an ant to death, he finds himself played by the ant.

And it's two times.

No matter who it is, get annoyed.

In annoyance, he pressed the communicator in his ear and roared: "Zhang Xiaocui, what do you do!"

Zhang Xiaocui had already panicked, and quickly said: "My lord, it's me who is wrong, it's me. I couldn't tell that he is a clone. But...I have reminded you before that there may be fraud in this..."


The Shalu star shouted: "If you don't want to do it, please tell me in advance, I will abolish you and create a new Datong president."

Zhang Xiaocui hurriedly said, "I'm sorry, sorry, my lord, it's all my fault."

"Find that kid for me!"

"Yes, yes, I will do it now!"

No one would have thought that Zhang Xiaocui, who was invincible, would be so awkward in front of this Sharu star.

Of course, if Zhang Xiaocui didn't persuade a little bit, I'm afraid it would be impossible to become the president of the Datong.

And if she had the chance, she would definitely find a way to kill the Sharu Xingren, so as to truly control the Datonghui to control the world.

Able to bend and stretch, be strong and flexible.

This is the real Zhang Xiaocui.

She was a weak woman on the outside, but a real man lived in her heart.


At the same time, Lin Yi and the others continued to observe on the street at the entrance to the headquarters of the Datonghui.

Although he knew that time would not be too much, he was not in a hurry.

Because he was connected to the satellite of the Great Tonghui through Jarvis, he could see all the actions of the Sharuxing.

Only then did he kill the second clone.

There are still eight clones waiting for him to kill.

When Lin Yi was wandering, Zhang Wenjing next to him suddenly said, "Here's out!"


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