Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 883: New plane

No matter how the copycat version of Scarlet Lightning made by the jigsaw, it is really amazing.

At least a few days have passed now, and the Sharu star hasn't discovered that this is fake.

It was also because of the sacrifice of the jigsaw that Lin Yi had a rare training time in these few days.

It's the end of the month again.

Lin Yi has made preparations for this day.

Although at this time, except for his physical strength is much greater than that of ordinary people, other aspects are completely the same as ordinary people. But he still has to enter the film and television plane.

Because only in this way can he increase his strength in a short time.

Time passed by every minute.

Gradually, the darkness enveloped the earth.

There is no moon, and the stars are dim.

Lin also looked at the time on the phone.

Seeing that it was almost twelve o'clock, he entered the rental house.

Naturally, his consciousness once again entered that dark space.

A beam of light was laid in the space, and under the beam of light, it was naturally the turntable.

Lin Yi took a deep breath.

This time I didn't have any strength, I hope I can get better things or skills.

The system said: "A prize draw requires 50 million evolution points."


Lin Yi looked at his remaining evolutionary points, not even 40 million.

This made Lin Yi a little embarrassed.

Originally, I wanted to rely on the things I got to save my life, but I didn't expect that the system would not even give me this opportunity.

But this is the end of the matter, and there is no other way.

Can only bite the bullet and enter this plane.

His consciousness returned to his body, and then opened the door of the rental house.

As soon as I opened the door, I felt a heat wave coming.

The whole person seemed to have been hit by a puff of steam.

Looking at it again, I saw the yellow sand again.

Lin didn't know that this was the first time he appeared in the yellow sand after entering the film and television plane.

Why do these directors prefer the desert so much?

Looking around, there are undulating sand dunes all around, and there are no plants, let alone animals.

He took out the Immortal Armor from the space and asked: "Jarvis, try to connect to the satellite?"

Soon, Jarvis replied: "Excuse me, sir, there is no satellite signal around, and there is no signal from electronic products."

Lin Yi nodded and said, "It seems that there are no satellites and electronic products in this era. Then just leave."

When I said this, Lin also felt the heat from his head to the bottom of his feet.

Especially the soles of the feet, when stepping on the hot sand, the soles of the feet are uncomfortably hot.

He put on the extremis armor and activated the air conditioning system inside the armor, which made him feel much better.

Then the armored feet sprayed a stream of particles, and the powerful thrust pushed him up into the sky.

According to Lin Yi's request, he had to go casually.

Jarvis flew quickly to the west.

This flight took half an hour.

Within half an hour, the scene that Lin Yi saw was a desert besides the desert. Nothing has changed in the surroundings.

After flying for another hour, the surroundings finally changed slightly.

In the desert, some low spiked grasses appeared.

But not much.

After flying for a while, some trees began to appear around.

These trees don't look tall, they look like tropical trees.

Within Lin Yi's sight, a river appeared.

The river is about two hundred meters wide, and some sparse vegetation grows on both sides of the river.

Except on the banks of the river, it is difficult to find other plants.

Jarvis asked, "Sir, where should we go now?"

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "There should be people living near the water. Just go upstream along the river."

"Okay, sir."

The Immortal Armor brought Lin Yi up against the current about a hundred meters above the river.

After flying for more than ten minutes, Lin Yi saw a few simple houses by the river.

These houses are all built of stone.

At the edge of the house, several women were making a fire and cooking.

There are also several children playing on the ground around the house.

Looking at these people, they are definitely not Chinese.

Maybe because of the sun all year round, everyone is born black and thin.

The clothes on their bodies only cover a few important parts.

Lin Yi descended directly from the sky and landed in front of those people.

When the women saw them, all of them were horrified and fell directly to the ground.

"The god...the god..."

The women and children shouted in unison.

Because of the transformation of the system, Lin can also understand what these people are saying.

They speak ancient Egyptian.

Lin Yi recalled the movies he had seen, several of which appeared in ancient Egypt.

I'm not sure which movie it is.

Lin also glanced at these women, then at the children, and asked, "Where is your man?"

A more courageous woman replied: "According to God, our men have been conscripted to build pyramids."

Lin Yi nodded and asked, "Who is the Pharaoh now?"

A woman replied: "The current Pharaoh is also a god."

"first name?"

Lin also asked The woman hesitated and replied: "We can't call him by name casually. This is disrespect to the gods."

Lin Yidao: "If another **** asks you to say his name, it can't be considered disrespectful, right?"

The woman thought for a moment and replied: "If this is the case, then I can say. I only hope that the pharaoh can forgive me. His name is En*Saba*Nur."

Lin Yi recalled the name, and then read: "En*Saba*Nur...En*Saba*Nur...En..."

When it came to the third time, Lin Yi's voice stopped abruptly.

He remembered that this name was the name of the apocalypse in the movie "X-Men: Apocalypse".

Thinking of this, Lin Yi's heart suddenly trembled.

Apocalypse, who is it?

Apocalypse, the ancient Egyptian family.

The birth is unknown.

The first mutant in the world.

Its ability is extremely abnormal, and the most abnormal is the ability to transfer his consciousness to other mutants.

After the transfer, he will have the ability of this mutant.

In more than ten thousand years, he has transferred his consciousness many times, and therefore he has most of the abilities of mutants.

For example, super power, such as the ability to control earth elements, such as controlling the weather, such as can stimulate the potential of mutants, and make mutants more powerful.

In "X-Men: Apocalypse", it belongs to the existence of the final BOSS level.

In the entire "X-Men" system, mutants are divided into 5 levels.

And this Apocalypse, Professor X and Magneto are all 4th-level mutants.

And because Apocalypse has gone through several cycles and absorbed too many mutant abilities, his true strength has far surpassed Professor X and Magneto.

Recommend the new book of the city **** old Shi: the all-round security of the school flower

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