Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 884: Sad woman

Apocalypse, Professor X, Magneto, although they are all 4th-level mutants.

But his true strength has far surpassed Professor X and Magneto.

Lin Yi nowadays, apart from his physical strength far exceeding that of ordinary people, he is completely ordinary in other aspects.

Let him deal with the apocalypse, this is simply a joke.

Lin Yi gave a wry smile.

But since the system has arranged itself in this world, all I can do now is face this world.

Thinking of this, he asked the women: "Do you think this pharaoh is good or bad?"

The women looked at each other, and all bowed their heads, afraid to speak.

To tell the truth, it is disrespect to Pharaoh, I am afraid that he will be punished by Pharaoh;

But telling lies, it's disrespect to the **** in front of him.

Lin Yi said, "Since you know that I am a god, you can't tell lies in front of me."

The women listened and looked at each other again.

In the end, a woman plucked up the courage and said: "This pharaoh, although expensive as a god. But he built a tomb and expropriated all our men. Only us women, children, and old people are left. We are living very hard. And, Most of the men who have been expropriated will be exhausted or tortured to death by disease when they build their tombs. God, I pray you can help us."

With that said, the woman's body was crawling on Lin Yi's feet.

The other women and children, like that woman, crawled before Lin Yi's feet.

Lin Yi listened, nodded, and said, "I came to the mortal world this time to solve this matter. But I have to collect evidence first. So we have to stay with you for a few days."

Those women were delighted and embarrassed: "Of course it is good for you to live, but..."

"But what?"

Lin also asked.

"We have nothing to entertain you here. There are only things that we can hardly swallow."

The woman said, carefully looking up at Lin Yi, for fear that Lin Yi would punish them for it.

Lin Yichu laughed and said, "I'm here to do errands, not to eat, drink and have fun. And I bring my own dry food, so you don't need to bother."

The women were overjoyed when they heard, and quickly welcomed Lin Yi into their room.

Lin Yijian's ribs are clearly visible on the few children following him.

He immediately revealed his rental house, then entered the rental house and took out some food and drink.

Many burgers, beef jerky, meat burgers, beer, Sprite, etc. have been moved out, so that the kids can take them whatever they want.

In the beginning, those children didn't dare to do it.

Lin Yi feigned angrily: "If I don't take it anymore, I will get angry."

The women heard this and hurriedly said to the children: "The gods let you take it, so hurry up."

If it really makes the gods angry, it's no joke.

The children had eaten and drank, but some tigers ate them and couldn't cut their claws.

These are modern packaging, they have not seen it before, and they can't even disassemble it.

Lin Yi tore a bag of bread, opened a can of Coke, and handed it to a child.

When the other children met, they started to move.

These children were very excited as they ate and drank.

After all, these things are delicious for them that they have never eaten or drank before.

That night, Lin Yi stayed here.

Of course, he did not live in those sweltering stone houses, but in his own rental house.

After a systematic transformation, although there is no air conditioning in this rental house, it is warm in winter and cool in summer, making it more comfortable than living in those big villas.

The next morning, before Lin Yi got up, he heard shouts outside.

A fierce voice roared: "Everyone in the room, come out to me! Hurry up! I'm impatient to wait for you."

Lin Yi got up and opened the door, and saw more than a dozen people standing outside, all soldiers holding spears.

The women and children hurried out of the house and carefully stood in front of these soldiers.

The soldiers were about to speak, but they happened to see Lin Yi and immediately waved to Lin Yi and shouted, "You, get me here."

Lin Yi didn't want to cause any trouble for the time being, and immediately came to the soldiers.

A soldier shouted, "Why is there a man here?"

All the women were trembling, and the most daring of them replied: "He is a passer-by and came here last night. It's late, so I stayed in the river all night."

The soldier said, "Since you are a man, then follow us. The construction of the pyramid for the Pharaoh is short of manpower. Although this kid does not seem to be very fit, he is at least a labor."

With that, he put the rope on Lin Yi's hand.

Lin Yi did not resist, but smiled and said, "You let me go, and I will go with you."

Those soldiers are a little strange, they have caught so many and they have never seen any laborer that cooperates like this kid.

But in any case, they weren't here to grab labor, but to convey the orders from above.

It is also an unexpected joy to be able to grab a labor and go back now, and they will definitely be rewarded.

Then, the leading soldier pointed to one of the women and said, "Last night, your husband died of illness. You were asked to collect the body. After noon today, we will feed the dog to the body."

When the woman heard this, she felt dizzy.

She looked at the soldiers in disbelief, then looked back at her children and neighbors.

Her mouth opened hard and she seemed to want to cry.

But there was no sound.

She seemed to have suddenly become dumb.

The tears on his face kept pouring out.

Everyone knows that being caught to build a pyramid is a life of nine deaths.

But when death really came, they couldn't accept it at all.

In pain, this woman finally turned her gaze on Lin Yi.

Perhaps only this **** can make her husband come alive.

Lin Yi could only sigh.

If there is still angel fire, maybe he can make him come alive by repeating it.

But now except for his physical strength, he is completely ordinary.

There is no way to save this woman's husband.

However, this woman kept looking at Lin Yi, her eyes full of hope.


When Lin Yi was taken away, the woman came to Lin Yi's rental house again.

She still opened her mouth, but couldn't make any sound. Only the tears on her face could show how sad she was at this time.

How she hoped that the **** could return her husband to her.

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