Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 885: Death knight

Lin Yi had been taken away for a long time, and the woman still took her son and knelt in front of Lin Yi's rental house.

They are here praying, praying that this **** can save her husband, his father.

But after kneeling for half an hour, the rental house suddenly disappeared.

Both the woman and the child were taken aback.

Seeing this scene, the neighbors all came over to comfort them and said: "The house of the gods suddenly disappeared. It seems that he has heard your prayers."

The woman listened, and hurriedly said to the place where the house disappeared: "Thank God, thank God!"

Besides, I was taken by the soldiers and walked for about half an hour. I finally saw a tall pyramid.

The pyramid is about a hundred meters high.

This is higher than the other surrounding pyramids.

But it can be seen that it has not been completed.

It is estimated that it will be about 150 meters after completion. It is much higher than the surrounding pyramids.

The soldier behind pushed Lin Yi: "Go faster!"

After walking for more than ten minutes, Lin Yi came to the foot of the pyramid.

At the foot of the pyramid, there are about three hundred people busy.

Some of them are smoothing the stones.

Some pits were dug in the rocks.

Others slowly carried these stones up the pyramid.

On the left side of the pyramid, there is a large pit, in which more than fifty corpses lie all around.

Obviously, these corpses had just died, waiting for someone to claim them.

Because the weather was too hot, many of these corpses were already stinking.

A nearby soldier pointed to a corpse in the pit and said: "This corpse was just dead last night, and his wife has been notified. But if no one comes to claim it before noon, fill the pit. "


Those people responded.

The soldier guarding the pit, seeing Lin Yi, asked strangely: "What is this guy you captured? It doesn't look like ours at all."

A soldier who was holding Lin Yi replied, "Who knows what a ghost thing is. I found it by the river this morning and caught it easily."

"You grab such a thing and come back, are you afraid of the boss scolding you?"

"We went to report and accidentally caught this laborer back. Although it looks strange, it is a laborer after all. Not only will the boss not scold us, I am afraid he will reward us."

"Just daydream."

The few people joked.

Lin also understood that this corpse was most likely the woman's husband.

He thought a little in his heart, and then took advantage of these people not paying attention, and took the corpse into his own space.

The soldier behind pushed Lin Yi and shouted, "Go! Yellow ghost."

Lin Yi just stepped forward.

The soldier guarding the corpse, after Lin Yi and the others left, inadvertently glanced at the corpse and discovered something was wrong.

"Where is that corpse?"

He was surprised.

Then walked to the side of the corpse and looked carefully.

"It was here just now."

But after searching for a while, I didn't find it at all.

He repeated it again, carefully inspecting all the more than 30 corpses in the pit, but still did not find them.

"It's a ghost."

The soldier said in disbelief.

At this moment, a soldier walked over not far away and asked, "What's going on?"

The soldier guarding the pit shook his head quickly and said, "It's nothing."

Although the lives of these untouchables were not important at all, the corpses were even less important, but under his nose, a corpse suddenly disappeared like this, which still made the soldier quite alarmed.

However, it was said that Lin Yi was taken to the Millstone Field. The soldier pushed Lin Yi and said to a soldier in the Millstone Field: "This guy is here to replace the one who died last night."

The soldiers in the Millstone Field heard this and said with joy, "We are short of people. Where did you find this yellow ghost? It's quite interesting. Just look at how this yellow ghost is?"

While pushing Lin Yi, pointing at three four-millstone people, he said, "Go over there and help."

As soon as the voice came, a woman's voice suddenly came from behind: "Wait."

Lin Yi and the others turned their heads together and looked behind them.

Behind them, I saw a white woman.

Her face didn't look like an ordinary person's face, there seemed to be a crack on it.

Her eyes did not resemble ordinary people's eyes, and her left eye seemed to be covered with a translucent film.

Seeing this woman, Lin Yi immediately remembered.

This person is the death knight in X-Men: Apocalypse.

Her energy can move objects through thought power, and can use energy to condense a shield.

In the original movie, she used energy to create a shield before she died, which saved Apocalypse's life.

The four horsemen of the apocalypse are death knight, war knight, plague knight and famine knight.

Their appearance represents the final judgment of In this movie, these four knights are all mutants with very strong strength.

Now Lin Yi, as an ordinary person, actually encountered the death knight, which made him have to deal with it carefully.

When the others saw the death knight, they all bowed their heads and stood aside respectfully.

Whether it is Apocalypse or these knights, they seem to be like gods.

The death knight took a few steps forward, looked at Lin Yi, and said, "There are only two kinds of people in the world, one white and one black. You kid, neither white nor black, are you... Also a mutant? Is your skin becoming this color because of its mutation?"

Lin Yi was a little helpless, but he didn't expect to be regarded as a mutant by this death knight.

The death knight looked very interested, walked around Lin Yi, and looked him up and down twice.

"What ability do you have, show it."

Lin Yi smiled bitterly and said, "I have no ability. If I have to say yes, maybe my body is a little harder than ordinary people."


The death knight nodded and said, "Very good, then try."

Speaking, she looked at a sharp stone next to her, and then at Lin Yi.

Seeing the sharp stone "shoo", it flew towards Lin Yi.

At this time, Lin Yi lost a lot of abilities and couldn't resist at all.


The sharp stone pierced his body directly.

He only felt a pain in his chest.

If it is an ordinary person, this stone can penetrate the body.

But because of Lin Yi's physical strength, it far exceeds that of ordinary people.

So this time he just felt painful for a while, and the stone hit his chest directly to shatter.

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