Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 886: Apocalypse appears

The stone that could have penetrated the human body at this time not only failed to penetrate Lin Yi's chest, it was shattered by his chest.

When the people around me saw it, they were all shocked.

Especially the few soldiers who had just arrived in Ablin, were even more frightened and sweating.

This yellow-skinned person has such a terrifying ability. And they actually treated this yellow-skinned person that way just now.

If this yellow-skinned person is really plotting enemies, then even if they have a hundred lives, they are not dead enough.

The death knight became more interested, and nodded again and again: "Sure enough, he is a mutant, great. Go, follow me to see Pharaoh."

Lin Yi was still thinking, after he slowly recovered a little bit of strength, he would see if he could get close to Apocalypse.

If you find a suitable opportunity to swallow the apocalypse, you should get a lot of evolution points.

However, he didn't expect that when he didn't have any abilities, he was discovered by the death knight and insisted to bring himself to Apocalypse.

But there is no way. Since we are here now, we have to bite the bullet.

When the death knight took Lin Yi and left, a soldier wiped the sweat from his head and asked another soldier next to him: "Unexpectedly, this yellow-skinned man is also a god. We rushed him back in this way. do not know……"

Another person wiped his sweat and said, "Don't talk about it. The more you talk about it, the more scared I will be. I just hope that Lord God has a lot of it on this day and don't care about us."

Besides, the death knight led Lin Yi out of the millstone and down the Nile River.

There is a city about five kilometers away.

This city is a stone city.

But even though it was a stone city, its magnificent atmosphere also impressed Lin Yi.

However, although the city is magnificent, there are not many people inside, and it looks like an empty city.

The few people who occasionally passed by on the street not only failed to increase the popularity of the city, but made the city even more silent.

The people on the street are soldiers.

Going further into the city, occasionally a few women will appear.

After walking into the city for about twenty minutes, they came to the very center of the city.

At the very center of the city is a magnificent palace.

This palace is not like the palace in the traditional impression, but a pyramid-shaped palace.

It's just that this pyramid is much smaller than the pyramids Lin Yi saw before.

When Lin Yi followed into this pyramid-shaped palace, he discovered the true face inside.

Almost everything in it is made of gold.

Tables, chairs, pillars... everything is bling.

Lin Yi saw it in awe.

This apocalypse is really generous.

The death knight asked the guard at the door: "Is Pharaoh away?"

The guard replied: "Pharaoh just went out."

"How long will I be back?"

"Not sure."

The death knight could only smile at Lin Yi and said, "We can only wait."

Lin also smiled indifferently.

The death knight looked very enthusiastic towards Lin Yi, and said, "You have just arrived. I am afraid that many of the situations here are not familiar. I will introduce you to it. Our pharaoh is the first mutant known so far. His Strength is more than all of us combined. It is no exaggeration to say that he is God. And we should be honored to be the guardian of God..."

"But why did you introduce me to Pharaoh?"

Lin also asked.

"It's simple, because..."

As soon as the death knight said this, he heard the guard shout at the door: "Pharaoh is back to the palace--"

The death knight listened and hurriedly pulled Linyi's sleeves and said, "You must be respectful when you meet Pharaoh. You can do whatever I do."

Lin Yi thought to himself: If you kneel to him, should I kneel too?

The so-called men have gold under their knees.

I have experienced so many planes, and I haven't kneeled to anyone yet.

While he was thinking, he saw a man with a height of about 1.9 meters and a blue-purple skin appeared at the gate.

Lin also recognized this person as the big boss in "X-Men: Apocalypse", Apocalypse.

Apocalypse glanced at the death knight, and said, "Before it was time to summon you, I came here suddenly, what's the matter?"

The death knight quickly lowered his head and said respectfully: "I'm sorry, Pharaoh. It's just that I found a mutant."

Lin Yi also hurriedly learned the appearance of a death knight, lowered his head and called out: "Pharaoh."

Apocalypse also looked at Lin Yi up and down like the death knight before, and finally said, "What are your abilities?"

The death knight next to him explained: "His body is very strong, and a normal spear can't pierce it."

Tianqi listened, and put his right hand on Lin Yi's shoulder. After a moment of silence, his eyes suddenly lit up: "No, his ability is far beyond what you can see."

As he said, Tianqi's eyes began to slowly change color.

Soon, all his eyeballs turned It looked like it was covered with a white film.

Then, Lin Yi felt a surge of surging energy in his body.


Lin Yi fell to the ground in pain.

He felt that energy almost burst his body.

The death knight next to him met, and quickly comforted Lin Yi and said, "After this, you will find that you are so different."

Gradually, the surging energy finally broke through Lin Yi's skin and rushed to the top of Lin Yiyou's head.

However, above Lin Yi's head, it turned into a flame and burned.


During this process, Lin Yi still struggled painfully.

He kept twisting his body, as if he had fallen into a painful world.

In this world, there is no feeling other than pain.


Lin Yi's pain is slowly reducing.

And this flame also began to spread from his head to his whole body.

Soon, the flame burned all the skin of his body, and burned his muscles and internal organs clean.

Only a skeleton is left.

The death knight next to me met and said enviously: "Well, this is cool, pretty cool!"

At this time, Tianqi's eyes slowly returned to their normal state.

Lin Yi's pain finally disappeared completely.

He looked down at his flame-burning skeleton hands, and touched his flame-burning skeleton head, very surprised.

I thought it would take a long time to regain the power, but I didn't expect that Apocalypse would restore the power of the Ghost Knight in just a few minutes.

This apocalypse is really strong enough!

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