Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 915: Pink Phoenix Black Phoenix

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Lin also failed to get promoted to level 23, which made him a little disappointed.

At the same time, in his mind, the remaining consciousness of Apocalypse, not only did not have the despair before dying, but with a hint of desire to be satisfied, haha ​​laughed:

"Hahahaha... everything is already doomed..."

Lin Yi's heart shuddered, and he quickly checked his memory.

After checking in this way, Lin Yi was surprised again.

He understood why Tianqi said this sentence.

Apocalypse’s wish is to destroy the world and recreate a new world ruled by mutants.

Although Tianqi was dead, Lin also knew from his memory that he had completely aroused the abilities of Phoenix female piano *Gelei.

After the Phoenix Girl's ability was stimulated, her strength was much stronger than Apocalypse.

Destroy the world?

It couldn't be easier for her.

When the world is destroyed, she will be the only surviving human on earth.

At that time, this world was hers.

This can be regarded as fulfilling the wish of the apocalypse.

Therefore, Tianqi would say that "everything is doomed".

Lin also realized this and quickly probed the Qin with biological tracking.

I saw that Qin's brain waves were extremely unstable, and it seemed to break out at any time.

Lin Yi quickly said to Professor X: "Charles, the power of the Phoenix in her body is activated."

Professor X's expression changed drastically.

He quickly invaded the Phoenix woman's brain.

When he entered Phoenix Lady's brain like this, he suddenly gasped.

From Phoenix Lady’s memory, he knew that Tianqi had let Phoenix Lady see her friend Annie's tragic death.

And over and over again instilled in her that it was the humans in this world who killed Annie.

If Annie were treated in time, she would not die.

But there were more than a dozen people nearby, watching from ten meters away, and no one came to ask about the situation.

They were afraid that Annie would rely on them, so no one came to help.

Such images are played back in Qin's mind over and over again.

Every time it was replayed, Jin would be a little more angry.

When Professor X saw this, he quickly said in Qin’s mind: "Jin, I am also very sad about Anne’s death. I am also very angry with those who fail to save me, but you should not be angry with the world because of this. People. In this world, there are many girls like Anne. If you destroy the world, these girls like Anne will also die. Do you have the heart to watch girls like Anne die?"

After Qin heard this, her anger seemed to drop.

Her eyes gradually turned from black to their previous colors.

Professor X heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Jin, let's go back to the academy together. You are still a teacher at the academy. Go and teach more students like Annie..."

But when he said this, Qin's eyes turned pure black again.

Her face was also darkened.

Behind her, there was a layer of black energy unexpectedly.

This layer of black energy quickly condensed into a pair of huge black wings.

After the black wings spread out, they reached a width of more than ten meters.

When everyone saw this, they all exclaimed.

Professor X quickly tried to communicate with her again.

"Jin, don't be like this, Annie..."

"Annie is killed by the humans in this world! If you don't kill them, they will kill more children like Anne."

As Qin said, more energy gushed out of his body.

Under the pair of wings behind her, this energy condensed a tail that was more than ten meters long.

Then the body, then the head.

A huge phoenix that was more than thirty meters long, formed by the condensation of black energy, slowly flapped its wings.

No matter who it is, he can feel the huge aura inside the black phoenix.

Everyone couldn't help but stepped back.


Cried Laser Eye.

He and Qin adore each other, but neither of them confessed.

At this time, Laser saw the Qin making a sound, and hurriedly shouted: "Qin, listen to me, you are still that kind piano, don't be controlled by those terrible things. You are the piano, not them..."

Qin heard the words of the laser eye, and his eyes changed again and his clarity was restored.

The huge black phoenix behind her also gradually changed.

The color of the phoenix gradually changed from black to fiery red.

The fiery red phoenix didn't seem to be as aggressive as before, and it seemed much calmer.

Professor X nodded to Laser Eye and said, "Go on."

Laser Eye said: "Qin, do you know that, there is a saying that I have been hiding in my heart and dare not tell you. I...I...I like you."

After saying this, Laser Eye felt a lot more relaxed, and continued: "I have been deeply attracted by you since the first time I saw you. But I dare not tell you. Please come back with me and follow us Back to X Academy. Shall we be together?"

The Phoenix girl seemed a little at a loss when she heard it.

Laser Eye continued: "Jin, Apocalypse is dead, and life has calmed down again. Let's go back are still my teacher and I am still your student, okay?"

Qin listened, his eyes were slightly moist, and he nodded.

The huge phoenix behind her also began to gradually become illusory.

Everyone was relieved.

But at this moment, 咻——

A cannonball flew towards here suddenly.

It turned out that Lin Yi and their previous battles had already attracted the attention of the military.

At this moment, the military felt a little panic when seeing the huge energy phoenix.

In the panic, they actually made an extremely stupid decision: test fire a shell to see the effect.

Seeing this, Lin also quickly shouted to Kuaiyin: "Pete!"

Kuaiyin responded and quickly ran towards the shell.


In less than a second, the shell was once again dismantled into countless small parts.

Kuaiyin chewed the gum and said freely, "There is no difficulty."

Everyone was amused by Kuai Yin.

However, Lin Yi noticed that Qin's eyes changed color again, returning to the pure black before.

The energy phoenix, which was already illusory behind her, became solid again.

And it became black again.

She looked in the direction where the cannonballs came, with a hideous face: "Stupid human beings will never learn to respect life!"

The next moment, this huge black phoenix flew toward the direction of the shell.

In the air where the black phoenix flew, the sky turned black.

The black phoenix flew over several thousand meters in an instant, and came to the sky above a unit.

Then, the Phoenix mouth opened.

A black flame was sprayed out.

The black flame instantly passed over the hundreds of troops.

After the black flames passed by, the whole army was suddenly turned into flying ash, which drifted away with the wind.

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