Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 916: Blackened Fire Phoenix

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When the black phoenix destroyed the army, the Phoenix girl didn't even look there, turned around and was about to leave.

Professor X quickly shouted: "Jin..."

Laser Eye also shouted: "Qin..."

But Qin didn't pay any attention to them at all, her figure was floating, and he flew towards the distance.

Lin also shouted: "Charles."

Professor X naturally understood what Lin Yi meant.

He quickly entered Qin's mind again.

This time he was no longer persuading, but directly forced to control Qin's consciousness.

However, when he tried to control Qin's consciousness, Qin's consciousness issued a powerful counterattack.

Professor X feels like his brain is being eaten by thousands of ants, and he collapses on the wheelchair in pain.

Everyone quickly asked in surprise, "Professor, what's wrong?"

Professor X shook his head and said, "Now Qin's consciousness is too strong, I can't control it at all, or even enter her brain. She is much stronger than Tianqi."

"Then what is she going to do?"

Laser Eye asked.

Professor X replied: "Now she is still a bit contradictory. Jin's sense of kindness is still struggling with the sense of anger. She just wants to avoid anyone and calm down. But his sense of anger is too strong, and his sense of kindness cannot last long. Time. Once the sense of kindness is completely swallowed, she will become a person ten or even a hundred times more terrifying than Apocalypse."

Laser Eye shook his head and said, "No, we can't make her like that. We want to save her."

Professor X nodded and said: "Of course we have to save her. But we have to find a way. Now I can't detect her thinking and consciousness. To save her, we must first find her. Lin Yi, you Can you find her?"

Lin Yi used the biological tracking to probe, shook his head, and said: "She is very fast and has already left my detection range."

Professor X said: "It seems that we have to go back to X Academy, where there are enough equipment to connect to military satellites. Then we can find her."

Scott shook his head and said, "This is too slow. When we find her, I'm afraid she will already..."

Lin Yi suddenly remembered and said, "Maybe I can find her."

With that said, he took out the desperate armor from the space.

When Kuaiyin saw Lin Yi's armor, he was pleasantly surprised: "This thing is so cool!"

Others also showed surprise.

Only Professor X, Magneto, and Devil Girl are not too surprised.

The witch said: "This is Stark's armor?"

Professor X said: "He has always regarded armor as a treasure, how can he give it to others?"

Magneto said with some expectation: "I really look forward to fighting Stark."

Tony's armor can be all made of metal. In theory, Magneto is just right to defeat Iron Man.

Lin Yi smiled and said, "With his wit, who knows if she will build any anti-magneto armor."

Magneto Wang listened and smiled awkwardly: "This is really possible."

In the comics, Tony really built a set of anti-magneto armor.

This suit is made of carbon nanotubes instead of metal materials.

In the comics, this suit finally drew with Magneto.

Here is a digression: In the comics, Tony also teamed up with Ant-Man to create a set of anti-Phoenix armor, breaking the power of the Phoenix into five pieces.

But this is all in the comic world.

In the "X-Men: Apocalypse" plane, Iron Man did not appear.

Lin also asked: "Jarvis, see where is Qin Grey?"

Jarvis quickly responded: "I have hacked into the satellites of S.H.I.E.L.D. and CIA. According to the data transmitted from these satellites, Qin Grey is rushing to Magnesium. Judging from the direction, she should be going to Twist."

Professor X listened and replied: "There is her home."

Magneto said: "There are two possibilities. Either her kind consciousness controlled her body and she wanted to return to her parents; or her anger consciousness controlled her body and wanted to find revenge for those who did not save Annie."

While talking, Jarvis had connected to the camera on the street, showing the image of Qin.

I saw that Qin was passing by at a very fast speed.

Where she passed, a black energy passed by.

And in these places swept by black energy, all the animals, plants, and even buildings slowly turned into powder.

A light breeze blows, and the powder will be blown away.

"It seems that she is going to take revenge."

Kuaiyin said.

"We must catch up with her as soon as possible."

Professor X said.

Lin Yi nodded and said, "I will try."

All the X-Men officers held hands again, Lin Yi grabbed Magneto Wang and Professor X's hands, and then his body flashed, and everyone disappeared.

It is constantly teleporting forward.

Kuaiyin couldn't help but exclaimed: "This way of traveling is so handsome, faster than me."

In fact, if it comes to real speed, Lin is of course not as good as Kuaiyin.

But if it's just a hurry, Lin is a little faster than Kuaiyin.

After more than 200 teleports, Lin Yi came to the street.

At this point, he could already detect the location of Qin.

Qin is flying forward on the street.

Where he passed, the people disappeared;

The trees disappear one after another;

The buildings have also disappeared.

The military realized that Qin was a huge threat, and they had already launched several rounds of attacks on Qin.

Weapons such as helicopters, tanks, etc. are all on the field.

But these weapons couldn't get close to her at all, and they dissipated one after another 100 meters away.

And these weapons not only couldn't hurt her, but made her more angry.

Lin Yi saw this, shook his head, and said inwardly: "It's over, the piano has been completely blackened."

Before Lin Yi knew that Qin was a Phoenix girl, the system was boring when she was idle, so he said a tongue twister.

What "painted phoenix on pink wall", what is "flaming phoenix and black phoenix".

It turned out to be good, and it became a truth.

The Fire Phoenix really became the Black Phoenix.

And it was a black phoenix that was more difficult than Apocalypse.

Those bullets, artillery shells, and missiles that hit Qin could not get close to her.

Instead, with a light wave of her hand, a huge phoenix flew in the direction from which these weapons were launched.

And those military bases will suffer instantly, and they will all turn into powder.

Soon, Qin found someone who couldn't save him.

When the man saw this kind of piano, his legs were so frightened that he trembled, "Help...Help..."

Qin's voice seemed extremely cold: "Help? Did you save Annie's life back then?"

Before the voice fell, a burst of black energy gushed out of her body, directly covering the person.

That person instantly turned into powder.

(End of this chapter)

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