Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 929: Scarlet Lightning Version of Tathagata Palm

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The Nasharu Xingren had reached ten meters in height, taller, faster, and stronger than before.

He was surrounded by red lightning.

He looked up at the sky, facing the thick blood cloud in the sky, and roared: "A small earth reptile wants to kill the noble Sarustar? Even if you have **** lightning!"

With that, a fiery red energy shield appeared around his body, covering him entirely.

Then he slammed his body and flew towards the sky.

His wings flapped with a very high frequency.

His speed has also reached the limit.

He broke the sound barrier in an instant and rushed towards the blood cloud in the sky.

In his throat, there was a terrifying roar: "Give me the **** lightning—"

It turned out that seeing the **** lightning now made him yearn for the power of the **** lightning even more.

Soon, he rushed to an altitude of a thousand meters and rushed into the cloud of blood.

In the blood cloud, hundreds of blood-red lightnings blasted towards him at once.

Boom boom boom boom -

The energy shield around Nasharu Xingren's body was instantly shattered.

He was shocked.

Only then did he realize that although his body had become stronger, it was impossible to hold the hundreds of **** lightning at the same time.

He rushed forward, completely making the wrong choice.

But at this time, he thought about it, it was too late.

Amidst those **** lightnings, his body was instantly scorched outside and tender inside, and black smoke continued to flow.

If it were replaced by any other person, under such an attack, there would be absolutely no reason to survive.

However, the Sharu Xingren had more than a dozen life-saving cards. At this time, in a hurry, except that the nano chip was a passive defense and was not activated, all the others were activated.

With more than ten life-saving hole cards, he has about ten seconds to escape.

However, the Nasharu star did not escape at this time.

More than ten seconds was enough for him to find Lin Yi and kill him.

In his opinion, although Scarlet Lightning is powerful, the kid is very weak.

Just find him and everything will be solved.

Thinking of this, he kept teleporting in this **** cloud, looking for Lin Yi's figure.

After nine seconds passed, he finally discovered that Lin Yi was not in the blood cloud at all.

At this time, he thought about it, it was too late.

Fortunately, he was not far from above.

He teleported directly and moved above the blood cloud.

From here, the blood cloud is under him, like a sea of ​​blood.

But it looks extremely calm.

The flashing lightning before, did not attack the clouds at this time.

The Nasharu star secretly rejoiced in his heart: It seems that the lightning in the blood cloud is only aimed at the bottom, not the top.

"Lin Yi, you despicable earth crawler, come out for me!"

The Shalu star roared.

However, he did not see Lin Yi.

"Get out of here!"

He roared like crazy.

However, Lin Yi was still not seen.

"come out--"

He continued to yell, his voice reverberating above the clouds, and even agitated blood waves on the clouds.

Just when the Shalu star was angry and let the boy escape again, suddenly, he felt an extremely powerful pressure falling from the sky.

"Boy, you finally figured it out!"

The Sharu star looked up while roaring.

He saw that Lin Yi did not appear above the sky.

But a burning meteorite was smashing down towards him.


He sneered and sneered.

With his extremely powerful body at this time, he greeted the meteorite falling from the sky.

"Boy, pretending to be a fool again? Today, no matter what, you have to die—"

He yelled while flying upwards.

However, soon, he found that the air pressure around him was getting bigger and bigger.

It's like a huge invisible force in the sky is pressing down.

Under this huge pressure, he flew slower and slower, and in just a few seconds, he couldn't fly even more.

Not only could he not fly up, but under this invisible pressure, he had already begun to fall.

Only then can he feel how terrifying the invisible pressure is.

He panicked, he knew that this would be an unprecedented attack.

Fortunately, there are nanochips in his body.

Even if this is a fatal attack, the nanochip can protect him from death.

He believed that no matter how strong the kid was, he would not be able to make this deadly attack a second time.

At that time, he can kill this kid.

At the same time, in the sky, the blood cloud actually condensed into a huge blood Buddha.

This blood Buddha is more than 3,000 meters high and looks down on the masses of beings on the ground.

All those who saw this scene were shocked.

After all, none of them had seen such a strange sight.

Is it really the end of the world?

But at the end of the world, how can a Buddha appear?

But this Buddha turned out to be a blood Buddha, and it looked powerful and terrifying.

Qianjiang Hanyue and those teammates looked at the huge blood Buddha in a daze, and they all felt an extremely shocking feeling.

"What the **** is this?"


"It's almost like a scene in a blockbuster movie."

At this point, Hanyue suddenly cried out: "Look, the blood Buddha has moved."

Everyone is look carefully.

Sure enough, the blood Buddha condensed from the blood cloud, his right hand stretched out slowly, and then slowly pressed down towards the ground.


Han Yue and the others were not directly under the blood Buddha, and could not feel the pressure.

The Nasharu Xingren was in the air directly below the Blood Buddha. Under this tremendous pressure, he fell directly to the ground from a height of several thousand meters.

But this is not over yet.

When he wanted to look up at the blood Buddha, he found that he couldn't even lift his head under the tremendous pressure.

Not to mention raising the head, even a finger move is laborious.

At this time, the blood Buddha's right palm was slowly pressed down out of thin air.


The earth was shaking and shaking violently.

A hundred kilometers away, Qianjiang Hanyue and the others all fell to the ground under the violent shaking.

And directly under the blood Buddha, within a range of more than 100 kilometers long and more than fifty kilometers wide, a huge palm print appeared.

This palm print is more than fifty meters deep.

In this palm print, neither the building nor the mountains exist anymore.

Everyone on the earth, on the picture sent back from the satellite, saw this huge and incomparable palm print, they were shocked.

Westerners exclaimed: "This is the fingerprint of God."

The Chinese exclaimed: "This is the palm print of the Buddha, the Buddha has appeared!"

At the same time, no one noticed the Sharu star in this palm print.

At this time, the Sharu Xingren was photographed in his palm prints, and his whole body seemed to be broken into pieces.

Of course, this is just his feeling.

This Tathagata palm is the palm of the Buddha family and will not kill at all.

However, this is an infinitely powerful set of hands.

As long as he was hit by the palm of the Tathagata, he almost lost his combat effectiveness.

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