Infinite Killing Evolution

Chapter 930: Sharucin, dead

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In the sky, the huge blood Buddha, thousands of meters high, slowly dissipated.

The sunlight reprojected onto the earth.

On the earth, only the huge palm print that was hundreds of kilometers long and more than fifty kilometers wide was left.

In the center of the palm print, the Sharu star was completely stuck in the mud, motionless.

On the edge of the palm print, Lin Yi lay weakly on the ground, breathing like a gossamer.

After this blood-colored lightning is combined with the palm of the Tathagata, its power is dozens of times stronger than the original palm of the Tathagata and the blood-colored lightning.

But at the same time, the consumption of the body is also dozens of times larger.

All the energy in his body was completely consumed after this palm.

And even his physical strength is exhausted.

He felt pain all over his body, and even moving his fingers would cause a sharp pain.

He knew that the Sharu star was dying, and as long as he swallowed him at this time, he could truly be solved.

However, he does not have the strength at all.

He gritted his teeth and tried to get up, but he worked hard for a minute, but he couldn't even raise his arm.

What's more, the Nasharu Star is in the center of his palm, and he is on the edge, a full distance of more than 20 kilometers.

Before the Nasharu Xingren recovered again, he couldn't make it past anyway.

He smiled bitterly.

After all, the scheme given by the system is still less.

Unexpectedly, the Sharu star had so many life-saving cards.

I thought he could be killed in the blood cloud.

Unexpectedly, he was forced to carry it.

There is no way, I can only condense the blood cloud into the palm of the Tathagata and photograph it.

But the palm of the Tathagata cannot kill people.

But this Sharu Xingren will heal again in two minutes.

Is this over?

Lin was not reconciled, he was really not reconciled.

He has made all his efforts and almost succeeded.

Unexpectedly, it will fail in the end.

Do everything and obey the fate.

But this destiny is really unwilling.

If he still has a trace of strength now, if he can teleport.

Even if he only teleported once, he would be able to go over and devour the Nasharu Star.

But not this time.

It's a pity Brother A.

The one who dived with bullets before was not Lin Yi, but Brother A.

After Lin Yi swallowed the power of the phoenix, brother A's consciousness condensed his body with the power of the phoenix.

But because he had just condensed a physical body, he was not too strong.

It was impossible to join forces with Lin Yi to kill Nasharu Star.

After systematic calculation, the only chance to defeat the Sharu Xingren is the Scarlet Lightning and Tathagata Palm.

But the activation of the palm of the Tathagata takes time.

And the greater the power, the longer it will take.

In order to buy Lin Yi this time, Brother A sacrificed himself and dragged Nasharu Star.

This is why the previous "Lin Yi" still wore a weird smile when he died.

Brother A felt that although he was dead, Lin Yi's Scarlet Lightning and Tathagata palm would definitely be able to eliminate this Sharuxing monster.

Unfortunately, Lin Yi still failed.

"Brother A, I'm sorry..."

Lin Yi said in pain.

Everything is over like this?


At the same time, at the very center of the palm print, the Nasharu Xingren's body had returned to its original size and was trembling slightly.

However, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He felt that he almost died in the attack just now.

Fortunately, the nanochip in the body was activated, and an energy shield appeared, and he was able to survive after taking a lot of damage.

Just give him two more minutes, and he can resurrect with full blood.

At that time, that guy's death date.

Thinking of this, he lay in peace.

However, he did not feel that his body was healing on its own.

He panicked slightly.

In the past, every time I was injured, my body would heal itself as quickly as possible. What happened today?

A minute later, he panicked even more.

Because the body does not mean to heal itself halfway.

The painful place is still painful, and the weak place is still so weak.

Two minutes later, his body still did not heal itself.


He said with difficulty.

However, ten minutes later, his body still didn't mean to heal itself.

At this point, the Nasharu star was completely panicked.

If he couldn't heal himself, if the kid chased him, he would be dead.

Thinking of this, he gritted his teeth and got up with great difficulty.

He just got up and gasped.

After resting for another minute, he dared not stay any longer, and quickly spread his wings and flew away.

As soon as he flew ten kilometers, he felt that he couldn't hold on.

There is no energy in the body, and he can't fly far.

However, he dared not stay.

He was afraid that Lin Yi would catch up again.

He flew hundreds of kilometers, and finally, the last trace of energy in his body was exhausted.

He was like a falling rock, smashing it down to the ground.

At the same time, five kilometers away from where he fell.

Hanyue accidentally saw something falling from the horizon.

She turned around and shouted to her teammates: "Did you see it?"

Those teammates shook their heads, they didn't pay attention to this direction just now.

"Something fell."

Hanyue said: "Shall we go and see?"

Those teammates are very accommodating to this cute Then let's go. "

The captain said: "But be careful, if there is any danger, retreat immediately."

Hanyue heard it and nodded excitedly, and then quickly walked in that direction.

It seems that he didn't take "careful" at all.

The captain and others shook their head helplessly, and had to walk quickly to keep up.

After more than ten minutes, they finally arrived at the crash site.

But I didn't see the thing that fell.

Hanyue was a little anxious, and quickly looked around.

Others also looked around.

At this time, Hanyue suddenly exclaimed: "Oh -"

Everyone quickly looked at Hanyue, but where was the shadow of Hanyue?

"Han Yue, Han Yue--"

"Is Han Yue there?"

The few people shouted quickly.

At this time, Hanyue's voice came from the grass there: "I fell, it's okay."

After listening to the crowd, they were relieved.

But the next moment, their hearts were raised again.

Hanyue suddenly screamed in horror, "Ah--"

Everyone rushed towards Hanyue's direction.

When they came to Hanyue, they saw a monster lying on the ground beside Hanyue.

It has a pair of wings and looks strange, a bit like a locust.

However, this locust looked dying at this time, and its wings were trembling with difficulty.

"This shouldn't be a mutant locust."

"Humanoid mutant locust."

Everyone quickly guarded.

Hanyue was anxious, and said quickly: "I discovered it first. I'll kill and I'll kill. You are not allowed to rob me."

Just kidding, it’s hard to come across a miserable monster, how can someone else **** it?

Thinking like this, Hanyue took out the dagger and stabbed the monster in the back.

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