Infinite Kings Advent

Vol 9 Chapter 179: Break the Orochi Defense

"Huh! Are you saying that this big snake is only strong in appearance? Don't stand aside and babble!" Sasuke glared at her coldly, "I just attacked it with all my strength and didn't hurt it at all, and it moved. The power of time is also something we have personally experienced. Can you say that those are also fake!"

Of course, Sasuke is not convinced by Adzuki beans. After all, she has not fought against Dou from the beginning. Although Sasuke also understands the power of Oshemaru, if Adzuki really comes up to fight, I am afraid it will be used by him, especially In the case of the Altar of the Snake, however, she still feels uncomfortable with her gesticulating around.

"Sasuke, how can you say that, don't I want to knock the pocket down?" Adzuki really wanted to give the pocket a hand, and let the cold boy get rid of it.

"Okay, Sasuke, now is not the time for infighting. I cut off my arm. The attack method is restricted. I will entangle him. You, Kakashi and others try to attack the giant snake and see if you can find it. weakness!"

As for Itachi, Sasuke could still hear it.

After the two separated, they rushed towards their own goals.

Of course, Kakashi, Akay and others would not doubt Adzuki beans' words. Seeing that Sasuke had attacked first, they also used their ninjutsu very cooperatively to cooperate.

More than a dozen unremarkable wooden sticks kept getting longer and swept horizontally towards the snake.

Even if such a thin wooden stick is drawn to the snake's body, it should have been directly broken, but I don’t know what material the sticks are made of. The flexibility is surprisingly strong. Instead of breaking it, it is like a rope. The big snake is tied up!

More than a dozen spirit trees are tied at the same time, even if the power of the snake is strong, because it can only be broken away by twisting the body, that can't be done in a short time.

Seeing that the big snake was fixed, Sasuke didn't dare to delay, so Suzano shook the sword of Chakra and pierced it directly into the snake's eyes.

Because of its huge size, its snake eyes are also very obvious as the target of the attack, and no matter how hard its skin is, it is absolutely impossible to make its eyes invulnerable, right?

The big snake realized that he couldn't break free from the restraint in an instant, and opened his mouth to spray a strong cyclone in the direction of Sasuke.

Even with the protection of Susano's power, Sasuke could not resist the cyclone, and his whole person was torn apart!


Kakashi and the others were shocked. Even if Sasuke's attack was weak this time, he never thought that he would be blown to death by the big snake!

"Chidori Chimoto!"

The area where "Sasuke" was just now was completely distorted, and another "Sasuke" rushed out from the other direction. The attack just now turned out to be just his phantom, and while he was attacking, the monthly reading was imposed on everyone around him. Illusion.

This is Sasuke's real ultimate move!

Hundreds of Chidori Chibon all aimed at Orochi's eyes, although it kept waving its body, causing some Chidori Chibon to miss, but the remaining ones were still enough to stab it blind!

The silent roar seemed to make the heart tremble, but Kakashi and others forcibly overcome their physical discomfort.

If such an attack opportunity is not grasped, then they really have no hope, and they can only have a chance to defeat Dou when Xie Chen returns to aid, provided that they can survive until then.

This time the attack focused on breaking through its external defenses, so Akai and Asma, who had recovered part of their strength, were held back by Red, and Kakashi was the main attacker!

Feiqiu's figure interfered with the speed of the serpent breaking free of the spirit tree, and Kakashi had concentrated all the Chakras and rushed towards its head at full speed.

The big snake that had lost its sight could not perceive Kakashi's approach in time. Just when everyone thought that the hit would be a hit, suddenly its snake head twisted and slammed into Kakashi directly!

"Haha, you idiots want to take this opportunity to defeat my King Snake. Although it can no longer be seen, its body can sense the heat movement around it, Kakashi, go and die!" The pinned pocket couldn't get back the help in time, and he couldn't help laughing at this situation.

However, when the laughter was suddenly cut off by something, Doudou watched in disbelief that Kakashi was hitting with all his strength, but his body suddenly disappeared in place! The collision with the big snake staggered past, without causing any damage to Kakashi!

But when the snake head flashed past, Kakashi's figure suddenly appeared again, turning around and punching, Lei Che hit the back of the snake head!


Although the attack that even thunder and lightning can cut did not blow the entire snake head, it suddenly broke through the relatively fragile back of the brain!

"Continue to attack from its wound!"

Fortunately, this big snake does not have the perverted self-healing ability like the pocket-in fact, it is impossible to deal with its powerful power. If even such a large body can directly recover, it will have terrible recovery power, I am afraid that even Tsunade can't do this either.

"Shenwei!" Without the defense of the skin, Kakashi directly used space ninjutsu on the snake's wound. The countless bones inside were all transferred to other spaces, making its wound more vulnerable.

However, Akai blasted out its wound with one punch after another, and countless flesh and blood splashed and flew in unspeakable manner. No matter how much the big snake writhed, it couldn't be faster than A Kai, and there was no room to dodge.

Not to mention Sasuke. In order to avoid being swept away by the serpent, Sasuke got out of Susano's state. Although his strength had declined, he was not weaker than Akay. The demon knife chopped repeatedly, cutting a wide area of ​​skin along the wound on its head, exposing more and more weaknesses.

The pocket at this time also felt bad, and he swept it away with all his strength, then turned into a long snake and suddenly jumped to the battlefield on Sasuke's side, trying to save his snake king.


The red bean, who had already killed his subordinates, flashed in front of him and blocked his way.

"Now the altar of snake has turned into that big snake, part of your power has been separated, and now you have injuries, let's see if you can still use my curse mark now!"..


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